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August Wrasslin |OT| I'll tout it to the papers if I have to

Jamie OD

Biggest lol of the night, beating out even the lol HBK and Bork stuff...... Ryback's new music lol. Sounds like Shao Kahn shouting OUTSTANDING, YOU WILL NEVER WIN UHAHAHAHA etc over some theme music.

That's exactly what I was trying to think of. It's like that old Mortal Kombat song.

And what the hell is up with his eyes. Black eye the one week, pink eyes the next. Dude needs some eye drops pronto.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA



So not worth it
What really amazed me though is, they had a match between Big Show, Cena and Punk and added Daniel Bryan to it because filler lol.

Now I'll ask you, who was the star of the match?

Also, who got by far the biggest crowd reaction before and during the match?

If Daniel Bryan is not in the WHC match at Night of Champions... I mean, he has to be right?
Raw had like Return of the King syndrome, I thought it was ending several times but then fade back IN to MORE HHH!

I was like why does no one else come to save HBK lol, where is Cena??? Where's their hero?

Then I remembered, well to his defense I guess after he left the ring he would have assumed Raw was finished so he had prolly already hit the showers or a diva.


What really amazed me though is, they had a match between Big Show, Cena and Punk and added Daniel Bryan to it because filler lol.

Now I'll ask you, who was the star of the match?

Also, who got by far the biggest crowd reaction before and during the match?

If Daniel Bryan is not in the WHC match at Night of Champions... I mean, he has to be right?

Obviously Cena, because he won the match and respects the WWE universe for booing him. That means he's the most over and most important man in the planet, after HHH, and you should cheer him, not the people you like. Stop thinking for yourself.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Cody would be in my fave five but he's fallen off because THEY DONT DO ANYTHING WITH HIM.

At least DBry has proper feuds and is in the main event. At least Dolph has a proper feud. Is Cody even feuding with Sin Cara? He didn't come out last night. And what did he do to deserve going from the first legitimate IC champion since Orton had the belt in 2003 or 2004, I don't remember, to having to feud with Sin Cara and Christian?
Cody spoke out of place to someone I think. Dog house city.

Its so sad to know D-Bry is the afterthought 'filler' part of their stupid tag match yet the only reason its getting any decent reaction is because he is there.

:( when will he get respect? :(

No one gives a shit about Big Show and their stupid crap but they force him on it instead of just letting D-Bry work his magic officially.


So not worth it
Don't worry about D-Bry, he was put in a match with Kane. Kane is their go-to guy for guys in the upper card that they have to tide over for a month or two untill they get their next big feud.

I'm sure he'll be feuding with Sheamus or Dolph next.

But still, the way he works the crowd at the moment is pure magic. Still feel they should've turned AJ and had them as a power couple, as D-Bry is by far better when he has another person to interact with, but oh well.


Seems there was no dark match last night, just Big Show getting an AA and no more.

Last night was terribly planned. They ran out of stuff to show with a half hour to go, and were blatantly stalling for time, even ending right at 11. The silly thing is there was a bunch of things they failed to give any time to. They failed to run through the Summerslam card, so a bunch of matches are unannounced on TV (like Miz/Mysterio and Sandow/Brodus). They didn't mention the Bryan/Kane match or Charlie Sheen at all, which is surely something they should be building. Meanwhile they're stalling for time with pointless Touts?

Just sloppy.


So not worth it
The oddest part was, AJ saw Brock get dragged out of the car and knew which way they went, and instead of sending some security that way, she stands by the car untill Triple H comes by so she can tell them?

They can't have written that segment before the show, surely they would've caught something as ridiculous as that?


So not worth it
Former WWE personality Brian Jossie (AW) spoke to Connecticut’s CTPost on Monday about his departure from the company and revealed that a recent tweet about Linda McMahon is what led to him being fired. The tweet in question was:

“#AWPromotion$ says vote for Linda McMahon!!! The PTP’z support Linda and so should you! #voteordie4Linda”

AW told the CT, post, “That’s how they show support for their employees who want to support Linda. They fire them. That’s complete bull(expletive).”

Shortly after AW’s endorsement of Linda’s campaign, a WWE spokesperson sent out a statement that “WWE is a non-partisan organization. Superstars as well as employees are free to support any political party or candidate they choose.”

AW said that he was punished for referencing Linda’s campaign, which he didn’t realize was off limits. “For some reason they don’t want to associate [Linda] with anything to do with wrestling because it’s in the past. Vince doesn’t want any association with her campaign. They told me it’s two totally different entities, which I didn’t know. I thought I was doing a good thing.”

His recent Kobe Bryan rape joke on Monday Night RAW might have been in bad taste, but AW says he could have said way worse and WWE’s own track record of edgy content speaks for itself. “If I had made a Jerry Sandusky or a Colorado shooting joke, okay, fire me right there,” Jossie said. “WWE put a convicted rapist in the Hall of Fame (referring to Mike Tyson).”

He added, “I don’t hate the WWE. I love the company. But the way the politics are with her campaign, it screwed me.”

The information that's missing here is, did the talent get explicit instructions not to mention Linda or her campaign in any way. Because if that's the case, then he knew full well what he was tweeting and why and he was rightfully fired.
The information that's missing here is, did the talent get explicit instructions not to mention Linda or her campaigh in any way. Because if that's the case, then he knew full well what he was tweeting and why and he was rightfully fired.
Well we don't know that yet so as of right now i'm saying that's a shitty reason to be fired.


Just because I didn't want to make fun of our friend Laserfrog for a small typo doesn't mean you have to take it out on me, Nocturnowl!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You'll lose it if he looses? the only thing D Bryne has to come loose are his trunks....oh my Sokantish.

Let the pigeons lose...

Every match they participate in.


1. Laserfrog for his JR video
2. Bootaaay for his beefy puro post yesterday filled with joy
3. DM for his gif. the gif. THE GIF.
4. G-Fex for returning and reposting Layla's dance
5. Keyser for winning us a fortune.
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