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So...this is an actual thing which is happening;
November 16th in Watertown, NY - http://www.2cwwrestling.com
£10 says Nash tears a quad trying to lift Steen.
So...this is an actual thing which is happening;
November 16th in Watertown, NY - http://www.2cwwrestling.com
£10 says Nash tears a quad trying to lift Steen.
A running knee to the head...
Holy shit Steen is going to get killed when he faces a real wrestler like Nash.
Austin Aries has such a shitty theme.
Holy shit Steen is going to get killed when he faces a real wrestler like Nash.
I was thinking the same thing.
RIP Steen guy
I had to laugh at these:
Bobby Roooooo's theme is coolest, reminds me of the 4 horsemen or something.
That Steen guy any good Boots?
That Steen guy any good Boots?
Perspicacity said:What is this from and where can I get 20?
Steen/ el generico had a great year long feud in 2010 Lots of good matches
It was from one of the BOLAs - 2009, I think.
JigsawRubix hasn't been back since Destination X has he? But yeah, realistically there was no reason why Generico shouldn't have been in that tournament. Kind of baffling really.
tm24 said:Also, Kevin Steen is the best color man in the commentary booth. The man can do it all
Steen/ el generico had a great year long feud in 2010 Lots of good matches
When was this? Steen has been amazing for like 5 years now. Hell, the Super Dragon/Steen feud catapulted Steen to greatness The only people who hated him were back in the ROh days when they couldn't appreciate the greatness of Generico and SteenWait Kevin Steen is good? The last time I remember people talking about Kevin Steen he sucked and was super lame.
I don't remember. Maybe I got him confused with someone else.When was this? Steen has been amazing for like 5 years now. Hell, the Super Dragon/Steen feud catapulted Steen to greatness The only people who hated him were back in the ROh days when they couldn't appreciate the greatness of Generico and Steen
Wait Kevin Steen is good? The last time I remember people talking about Kevin Steen he sucked and was super lame.
tm24 said:Oh man, A.C.H is hopefully gonna have an amazing 2012. Have heard great things about him in his matches in the YLC tourney
pwinsider said:In what I was told was a direct response to JTG ranting on Twitter about how he and other WWE talents are disrespected, WWE had a talent meeting last night offering the chance for anyone who was unhappy and had an issue to speak up and air their grievances.
I was told that no one spoke up, although as one wrestler joked today, "They just fired Abraham Washington and then ask us to speak up in front of the locker room. We may as well ask to be released!"
During the meeting, WWE officials reminded talents that they needed to handle themselves professionally via social media and to remember that what they say will be monitored by the media as well as the public.
More than a few wrestlers privately noted that just a week after he ranted, JTG was used on Raw for the first time in quite awhile.
One of the reasons some of the mid-card wrestlers were upset were recent payouts for international tours and Wrestlemania. In the case of Wrestlemania, a number of mid-card talents were upset that the payouts were only a few thousand. However, these were talents who weren't performing on the show. One wrestler pointed out that they were still utilized over the course of Mania week, but at the same time, WWE covered all the hotel and travel costs that week. So, it has to be put in perspective.
There were also some upset about international tour pay-offs, but at least one wrestler was told a clerical error was made due to the international exchange used and that situation was going to be cleared up in the next few weeks.
The Ryback match was hilarious last night, because the crowd started in with that stupid Goldberg chant but then went full mark by the end of it. Really hope they're smart enough to finally legitimize Jinder using Rhyhorn's excess heat.
So...this is an actual thing which is happening;
November 16th in Watertown, NY - http://www.2cwwrestling.com
£10 says Nash tears a quad trying to lift Steen.
According to The Wrestling Observer, Vince McMahon was reportedly upset with "Rowdy" Roddy Piper's performance during the Piper's Pit segment on Raw last night.
Piper's rambling during the segment was said to be noticeable, and as a result, Vince instructed Michael Cole via his headset to bury the segment on the live broadcast.
What mid-card? There is no mid-card with the WWE.Take this with the usual dirt sheet grain of salt.....
Doesn't sound too good to be in the WWE mid card right now.
What mid-card? There is no mid-card with the WWE.
Cole did the same thing last time Piper was on.
Stop putting Piper on TV.
Video games suck.
I haven't even bought any this year!
What's happening? All I know is people thought Half Life 3 was going to be shown off and then it wasn't.Hold me WrassleGAF.
Gaming side is intolerable today moreso than usual. Sony. It's all Sony's fault.
What's happening? All I know is people thought Half Life 3 was going to be shown off and then it wasn't.
What's happening? All I know is people thought Half Life 3 was going to be shown off and then it wasn't.
Half Life 3 is Gaming Side's Dean Ambrose.
The only difference is one of them will actually be successful after they debut.Half Life 3 is Gaming Side's Dean Ambrose.