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August Wrasslin |OT| I'll tout it to the papers if I have to

I'd much rather have Brock back as an actual "just another guy" who beats the fuck out of mid carders like it was 2002 than being portrayed by everyone as this mythological beast but being booked completely opposite who only shows up every few months.

If only WWE still did that type of booking. Instead, it seems like they want to job Brock out. But what do I know, he's only been in one match.


It's not Dean Ambrose week.

and you have nobody to blame but your QB

I really wish you understood football a little more. Or that you'd stop trolling me. I don't know which one it is!

Just so we are clear though, it is Dean Ambrose week. Then. Now. Forever. Until he debuts
everybody can keep Layla.. Kaitlyn is my waifu

+1 Punk

god that was embarrassing


I really wish you understood football a little more. Or that you'd stop trolling me. I don't know which one it is!

Just so we are clear though, it is Dean Ambrose week. Then. Now. Forever. Until he debuts

What's to understand? You're guy choked, plain and simple.


So not worth it
Best: Damien Sandow Isn’t Losing To Your Stupid Tropes, Fat Man

Remember when Dolph Ziggler wrestled Sheamus, and Sheamus immediately went for a Brogue Kick and all those horrible memories of the 18-second Daniel Bryan match flashed in your head and you pictured yourself falling off a skyscraper or driving headlong into traffic, but then Ziggler stopped, dropped and rolled and everything was okay? I had that happen to me again last night, when Damien Sandow’s match was interrupted by Brodus Clay hobbling out to do threatening dinosaur hands. They cut to a tight shot of Sandow yelling, which is usually code for “and now he gets rolled up and pinned, and he’s SO MAD because he was DISTRACTED and then a long shot of Brodus smiling”.


Sandow escaped the school-boy attempt, got up, hit Christian with his neckbreaker finish and won clean. ‘Hallelujah’ didn’t start up again, that was the sound of me singing at home. They even cut over to Brodus making sad faces because he was SO SURE this was gonna work, but it didn’t, because Damien Sandow is a better class of man and is not going to fall for your dumb WWE nonsense. I love it so much I can barely contain myself. This is how I felt:



What's to understand? You're guy choked, plain and simple.

If you are being sincere, I will help you out then.

In the first drive the QB threw the ball to a WR with single coverage so it wasn't as bad as it looked. The saftey just got a good jump on the ball and got there right as the ball did. On the second and last drive that Palmer played Jacoby Ford dropped two passes that were right in his hands that would have been first downs. He went 3/6. Two from incompletions, the last one being the interception. Not really that bad, although it was disappointing.

Really though, I'm done talking about football in this thread!

Sorry guys.

Dean Ambrose week soldiers on.

Aiii, I really do hope Damien Sandow is getting a real push right now and is not just getting set up to make Brodus look better.


Rocky gave a big rub to Hurricane Helms and Jeff Hardy, also losing to Lesnar for the title.

I doubt Punk will do that unless it's with Bryan or Ziggler. The roster is so bad I can barely think of anyone worth putting over right now.

I see Bryan being the next guy alongside Cena, maybe.


So not worth it
Aiii, I really do hope Damien Sandow is getting a real push right now and is not just getting set up to make Brodus look better.

You and me both brother! But I have high hopes. Brodus is just a lower midcarder and they're obviously high on Sandow so they're probably putting him over.


I doubt Punk will do that unless it's with Bryan or Ziggler. The roster is so bad I can barely think of anyone worth putting over right now.

I see Bryan being the next guy alongside Cena, maybe.
Punk isn't alone - Orton and Cena should be the ones putting these guys over to create new blood. The ME scene is even tiresome because it's usually the same guys repeating the matches, or feuds, over and over again.


Punk isn't alone - Orton and Cena should be the ones putting these guys over to create new blood. The ME scene is even tiresome because it's usually the same guys repeating the matches, or feuds, over and over again.

Orton.... I remember that guy. What happened to him?


I don’t want to give it its own worse, but I’m started to get concerned about Daniel Bryan being the sorta-main event guy who gets into these matches just to take the pinfall. I can handle him losing to Cena last week in a one-on-one thing, but I really, really don’t enjoy him getting slotted into that weird character spot of “guy who puts up a good fight against Cena until Cena gets distracted by something else, realizes he’s distracted and instantly kills them so he can get back to whatever was bothering him”. That was R-Truth and The Miz last year. They went from main event guys to being beaten up by the Primetime Players and Everybody For 11 Months respectively.

Read more: http://withleather.uproxx.com/2012/...akes-45-minutes-to-break-an-arm#ixzz23YONdwoD




It does seem that despite all the screentime he gets now, they still don't REALLY appreciate Bryan for what he is. He was the most over guy in that tag match, yet he was there for main event fodder. I'm not sure how many times he needs to prove himself before they catch on for real.

I mean, why did he lose instantly to an AA? The ending distraction they love so much should really have been used, to fuel more fire between Punk and Cena, instead Bryan is an afterthought.


Except D Bry moves merch and is massively over (only Cena, Punk, Brock, HHH, and the Rock come close) and actually the best wrestler in the world and has put on great matches all year and has been in the world title picture for over 8 months. And his catchphrase gets chanted all night regardless of where he is.

He's fine.

At worst he is in a Jericho circa 2009-2010 position. But he's a thousand times more over and more flexible in what he can do. He will put people over and can jump between low card and main event and he will be the champ when they need him to be, like Jericho and Edge. He will never be Cena or Punk or Orton and I think he is completely fine with whatever they give him.


So not worth it
Bryan owned the crowd with 2 guys and a big show that by all means should be above him in that respect. That sort of stuff doesn't go unnoticed. He'll get a good feud/push after SS is done. I'm not worried. Really, I'm not.


So not worth it
Worst: WWE’s Good Guy Vs. Bad Guy Argument Template

I am so f**king sick of the good guys on this show.

At some point, WWE taught us to cheer for the bully. I tried to explain it to Destiny using Toy Story. Remember when Toy Story was released, and it was really great and creative and didn’t look like anything else in theaters? And now every year we get 30,000 Hotels Transylvania and ParaNormans and Hoodwinked The Third: Tonight’s Gonna Be A Hood Night or whatever? Stone Cold Steve Austin was Toy Story.

Dolph Ziggler comes to the ring with a point, and it’s a good one — wrestlers don’t know when to hang it up, and Jericho’s gonna end up just like Roddy Piper, showing up every six months for a paycheck to be kinda sad and start lonely ass chants when someone should be turning off his microphone. Ziggler’s comments have merit, but they aren’t right… he’s being a dick about it, and that’s why we should boo him and cheer for Jericho. We want Jericho to prove he’s still got it, and that he’s not going to fart on his legacy and namedrop his equivalent to Mr. T on a Raw 20 years from now. We want him to stick up for Piper and tell Ziggler he’s full of shit, because he’s going to prove himself at SummerSlam.

What we get instead is Jericho responding to merited comments with insults about how Ziggler’s hair is ugly (Jericho’s the one with a balding faux-hawk) and how Ziggler’s shirt is pink (Jericho is wearing a sparkling jacket with a popped collar and no pants). A bad guy says something reasonable, so the good guy acts like a child and calls him names. Where have I seen that before?

It’s just agony for me. We need to reboot and restore some moral balance to what’s going on. I can’t keep justifying cheering for the guy who makes sense if the arena and announcers (and fans, and fans on the Internet) think I’m a contrarian for doing so. It just doesn’t feel right. The talking point about wrestling being one of the most pure artistic expressions of simplified good versus evil got washed away with those stupid Vince Russo shades of grey, and now nobody knows how to write a shade of grey, so we’re left with a big blob of shitty grey and nothing to feel or cheer for. It’s why we get on the Internet and yell at each other about wrestling. If the wrestling was good, we’d be okay just getting together and yelling at THEM.

Read more: http://withleather.uproxx.com/2012/...akes-45-minutes-to-break-an-arm#ixzz23YRyYGY2

This however, is pretty much my main gripe with WWE. Word for word could've been written by me.







Bryan owned the crowd with 2 guys and a big show that by all means should be above him in that respect. That sort of stuff doesn't go unnoticed. He'll get a good feud/push after SS is done. I'm not worried. Really, I'm not.

I hope that stuff really sinks in to them.

It's starting to seem like that getting Bryan to turn on the chant might have made it even more popular.
This however, is pretty much my main gripe with WWE. Word for word could've been written by me.

Yep, highlight of this week's article.
Also Aiii you appear to be the only Bryan superfan with reasonable non-Chicken Little perspective on him. We should be pals.

It's starting to seem like that getting Bryan to turn on the chant might have made it even more popular.

It's turned into that Kurt Angle thing, where his fans get to support him by chanting "YOU SUCK" (YES! in Bryan's case) and the ignorant unwashed masses get to stick it to the bad guy by chanting "YOU SUCK" (ditto)


So not worth it
Yep, highlight of this week's article.
Also Aiii you appear to be the only Bryan superfan with reasonable non-Chicken Little perspective on him. We should be pals.

It's turned into that Kurt Angle thing, where his fans get to support him by chanting "YOU SUCK" (YES! in Bryan's case) and the ignorant unwashed masses get to stick it to the bad guy by chanting "YOU SUCK" (ditto)

Yes, pretty much this.

Although I'm positive to a fault. For instance, I'm convinced Cena will lose on Sunday and Punk is gonna do a proper heel turn. So, yeah, there's that.


Any guesses on who HHH will go after next?

He wasted Nash in a ladder match, he finished putting over Taker for 20-0 streak, He'll beat up Brock predictably and he will be back on Raw someday.

Who will HHH go to next to SATISFY HIS EGO?
Heyman should have written into Lesnar's contract that commentary duties for that match must be handled by himself and Joey Styles.

Any guesses on who HHH will go after next?

He wasted Nash in a ladder match, he finished putting over Taker for 20-0 streak, He'll beat up Brock predictably and he will be back on Raw someday.

Who will HHH go to next to SATISFY HIS EGO?


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I feel so violated right now.

Reminds me of when I worked in a video store, a guy came in looking for "centerfold" videos. We had some shitty playboy video so I rented it to him. This was in the era of VHS tapes. Came back in 30 mins, first 10 or so of the video was watched. He didn't rewind. :/
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