how can you guys judge how good the "Divas" are when we dont ever actually see them wrestle. Alicia is good in the ring.
Beth was lucky to survive a crater kick.FCW, NXT, House Shows, international tours, random Superstars, etc?
Alica Fox is never good. The only good part about her wrestling is that she hasn't managed to injure more often than she should with her level of ability to mess up.
One of the new NXT signings Memo Montenegro, is the younger brother of Alberto Del Rio;
Lol.'re not Plywood.Kelly Kelly is the GOAT.
It's ridiculous people even try to act as though running the ropes is a big deal.
Kelly doesn't need ropes! You know why? She's a wrestler and wrestlers don't need ropes to wrestle. She only needs her 5MOD to K-Slice rollup.
Kelly Kelly is the GOAT.
It's ridiculous people even try to act as though running the ropes is a big deal.
Kelly doesn't need ropes! You know why? She's a wrestler and wrestlers don't need ropes to wrestle. She only needs her 5MOD to K-Slice rollup.
You're not Professor Beef, who are you?'re not Plywood.
Who are you?
Ziggler botched a fame asser.But she botches a Stinkface of all things... Not even Sin Cara could botch that.
You're not Professor Beef, who are you?
Ziggler botched a fame asser.
I sure am looking forward to the days when people look back on Kelly Kelly like we do now on Trish Stratus and Lita.
Ugh, wait they released Alicia's sister?
Sure, she sucked in the ring but she was hot.![]()
im not going to call out Ziggler too much. I will say CM Punk never seems to get any critique on his performance.
Are you talking about here or in general? People talk shit about Punk here all the not going to call out Ziggler too much. I will say CM Punk never seems to get any critique on his performance.
There's some who critique his bland as fuck face character, and promo work for the past year, but they don't knock his ring work, which itself has been mildly entertaining and often filled with screwups. And it's not generally high spots they mess up in - how often does he screwup the GTS.Are you talking about here or in general? People talk shit about Punk here all the time.
The best match of 2011!People were making fun of his botches in the Cena match last summer
Are you talking about here or in general? People talk shit about Punk here all the time.
Punk only has good matches with not going to call out Ziggler too much. I will say CM Punk never seems to get any critique on his performance.
im not talking about these new girls coming from Shine etc. Im talking about the current line up. We judge them as bad wrestlers, when we dont even see them wrestle. Beth Pheonix sucks by that logic.
There's some who critique his bland as fuck face character, and promo work for the past year, but they don't knock his ring work, which itself has been mildly entertaining and often filled with screwups. And it's not generally high spots they mess up in - how often does he screwup the GTS.
The best match of 2011!
his wrestling is getting boring. he seems to get gassed too soon.
Well, Trish probably is one of the most overrated wrestlers of all time, so I guess that makes sense. Though, yeah, she's obviously better than Kelly, Rosa, etc. Lita wasn't great, but she had a Mick Foley type thing where you wanted to give her credit for trying shit that she didn't HAVE to do.
People talk about how shitty the GTS looks, how bad his elbow drop is, his technique is sloppy, etc. I see it fairly often. What do you want? More gifs? Do you need someone to remind you he was supposed to reverse an AA and land on his feet during the MITB match but he actually landed flat on his ass and had to no sell it?There's some who critique his bland as fuck face character, and promo work for the past year, but they don't knock his ring work, which itself has been mildly entertaining and often filled with screwups. And it's not generally high spots they mess up in - how often does he screwup the GTS.
You only think that because every other match is like 2-4 minutes long. So you're not use to seeing someone breathing hard in a 15-20 minute match
Punk's elbow drop is horrendous
I'm not going to disagree he's a good wrestler. He's one of the handful or so of guys who can make others look good, or just not put people to sleep. People knock Del Rio, Sheamus, and Cody for whatever character related reason, but they're good workers as well, even if they're not necessarily on the level of Punk or Bryan in being technicians. Doesn't change he has had his fair amount of dull, boring feuds and matches. The Jericho feud was awful. It's not disputable. I truthfully don't remember much at all from it, outside the drunk family part.His ring work has been very good. His matches with Jericho and Daniel Bryan have been great. I'm sorry if you can't see that. His first match with Daniel Bryan was getting this is awesome chants. He also gotten good matches from Big Show and Kane.
It's not near the amount of hate we see on other guys, fault or not. And I also tend to keep my opinion to myself in these threads. You're not the only one.I usually just keep my opinion to myself. I'm not sure where the idea where he's not critiqued is coming from.
It's an elbow drop. Not sure what more you really want him to do.
Supposedly she was fired due to an attitude problem.
Punk's elbow drop is horrendous
This, I want him to do this.
Never once do I wince or cringe or just feel sorry for Macho Man like I do Punk's elbow drops.
God, I hope Fox's sister is fired, she's even worse then Alicia. Get rid of that dead waste WWE, you can do it!
Fire Alicia next. Build your division around, I dunno, actual wrestlers maybe. I know you can do it. Yes you can WWE! Yes, you can!
Still not as bad as Cena's high knee/bulldog.
He's doing a tribute for Savage, and it looks awful. That's it. The end.You want him to turn into Macho Man? He's not Macho Man, he's CM Punk.
What next? You want him to change his finisher to the Straight Edge Stunner?
Well she's denying it on twitter and simultaneously thanking WWE for the opportunities so yeah... Hayes must not be getting it these days.I no more believe that than any of the rumours. We're never going to know why she was fired, so I say we should just say it's because of Dean Ambrose. His kidnapped her and stole her Power Coin until she couldn't wrestle on FCW/NXT any more.
I'm not going to disagree he's a good wrestler. He's one of the handful or so of guys who can make others look good, or just not put people to sleep. People knock Del Rio, Sheamus, and Cody for whatever character related reason, but they're good workers as well, even if they're not necessarily on the level of Punk or Bryan in being technicians. Doesn't change he has had his fair amount of dull, boring feuds and matches. The Jericho feud was awful. It's not disputable. I truthfully don't remember much at all from it, outside the drunk family part.
The Bryan stuff was fine match wise, notably when it was simply he and Bryan. And why not, they've wrestled a hundred times in their life I imagine. Then they added in Kane, AJ, and it just was garbage. He became Cena-lite because he always won, had bad booking finishes and just made most of what they had not entertaining for me.
His whole reign since coming back last August has been nothing memorable to me. I'm sorry if you can't see that.
It's not near the amount of hate we see on other guys, fault or not. And I also tend to keep my opinion to myself in these threads. You're not the only one.
Cena's Punk moveset was really shitty, but nothing is as shitty as Punk's elbow drop.
Even Big Shit did a better elbow drop this year.
Sofia was really molding into something great.
Supposedly(according to tumblr) Meltzer says she was fired due to an attitude problem apparently she rubbed people the wrong way by acting like she was ready for the main roster.
He's not Bret or Angle, but he's closer to others. Submission specialist would be something of another label, but even then he doesn't consistently have guys tapping out. Bryan is more of that than he is, but he's more than a simple submission guy.Punk is not a technical wrestler though. Del Rio is one of WWEs only technical wrestlers along with Bryan and Swagger.
Well she's denying it on twitter and simultaneously thanking WWE for the opportunities so yeah... Hayes must not be getting it these days.
Randy Savages elbow dropIt's an elbow drop. Not sure what more you really want him to do.
Still not as bad as Cena's high knee/bulldog.
This is why.