I dunno I'm kinda burnt out just READING the thread. I just don't think I should feel like someone who is a ticking rapist bomb. That's really all. I want to be a good person and I have no plans to rape people, but I'm being told (other areas as well, which deal with feminism, not just that thread) that I'm basically a rape bomb that WILL go off no matter what simply because I'm in possession of a penis.
So Batista is at the park and other families there look at him like he's a threat. Truth is Batista just wants to enjoy the park and a little kid just farted on another little kid, but if he snickers, the families will think he's lookin' at the kid like it's time to have sex, which it isn't.
So Batista goes home and decides instead from now on, when he sees a little kid, he won't even look at them but instead go stone faced and stare off into the distance.
Batista also can't pump gas at the station in peace. He drives to other pumps to avoid being near smaller, more fragile people as to not bother them.
This is Batista's issues he deals with. They're small issues that aren't huge, but they do bother Batista.