In that 'Games you want to play which don't exist' thread over in gaming, I posted my idea for a wrestling game - am I the only person who would love a wrestling game like this?
"A wrestling RPG where you take your created wrestler from debuting jobber to international superstar. However, instead of the traditional wrestling gameplay you would have to work with you opponents, time and position moves perfectly to avoid injuring them and successfully hit planned high spots in each match. Also, crowd reactions would factor into things, with different crowds preferring certain styles of wrestling, and as a face or heel it would be your characters job to win their favour or their hate, respectively. Finally, backstage situations would allow you to interact with your fellow wrestlers, to earn their respect and friendship, or sow the seeds of animosity. How a wrestler you are scheduled to work with perceives you would affect how they treat you during the match, but while skill and popularity provide the traditional route to success in the world of wrestling, sly manipulation of backstage politics can be as equally effective in changing a wrestler's fortunes."
These guys look familiar, but don't they already have The Swarm running about the same angle?
Pretty much - the fact that Wink is responsible for bringing in GEKIDO, has effectively split the fan-favourite trio The Colony, forced Sugar to joint F.I.S.T. and has brought back The Submission Squad, leads me to believe that Wink's going to fully turn and become a heel Director of Fun, with Wink & the rudos vs deposed director Leonard F. Chikarason & the technicos being the running storyline for the next season.