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August Wrasslin |OT| I'll tout it to the papers if I have to

The worst moment of the HHH vs Lesnar build-up was with how easily Stephanie goaded Heyman into accepting the match on Brock's behalf - all she had to do was bring up his numerous failings and he was enraged into giving her what she wanted. He's meant to be this master manipulator, so all he really should have responded with was something like "don't try and goad me into doing what you want, princess - you think my client, Brock Lesnar, is going to accept the fact that I agreed to the match at Summerslam, just because daddy's little girl hurt my feelings?". Lesnar should have been the one to accept the match, against Heyman's wishes and after a ton of provocation from HHH. But, of course, the whole thing was pretty rushed, and suffered for it.


The worst moment of the HHH vs Lesnar build-up was with how easily Stephanie goaded Heyman into accepting the match on Brock's behalf - all she had to do was bring up his numerous failings and he was enraged into giving her what she wanted. He's meant to be this master manipulator, so all he really should have responded with was something like "don't try and goad me into doing what you want, princess - you think my client, Brock Lesnar, is going to accept the fact that I agreed to the match at Summerslam, just because daddy's little girl hurt my feelings?". Lesnar should have been the one to accept the match, against Heyman's wishes and after a ton of provocation from HHH. But, of course, the whole thing was pretty rushed, and suffered for it.

That segment was one of the worst of the year.


If they really needed to do a restart in the triple threat, here is how I would do it: AJ comes out, declares that “Big Show has lost. This match will continue as a singles match”. Ref turns to signal for the bell to begin the match and Punk sucker punches Cena in the back of the head (with or without title depending on how heel you plan on taking Punk). Punk either wins right then or Cena kicks out after 2 and a GTS is used to get the three.

I feel this ending would help everyone involved so much more. It would tease the singles match that people actually want to see, it would make the restart meaningful (gave Punk the opportunity to take advantage of a situation), it would give an actual reason for Cena to be upset over the ending besides “Punk stole my kill :(”. It would also add credibility to Punk in allowing him to say he took out the Big Show and Cena in consecutive matches, while doing a little more to preserve Big Show as a threat.

Oh and AW wasn't fired for the Kobe comments specifically. He was fired for endorsing Linda McMahon on his Twitter account at a point in time when WWE and the Linda campaign are trying to distance themselves from each other.
Brock worked the arm the whole match and Trips tapped eventually. No interference or funny business. Now folks are saying he did it just so the fans could feel bad for him, or Triple H will somehow win later. Whatever, he lost the main event event at Summerslam cleanly. But that's not good enough. Hey at least he won't be smiling and yucking it up on Monday Night Raw, I can guarantee that.

I'm still in shock that he and Cena lost cleanly to begin with, so I haven't even considered what they'd do with Lesnar from this point. But as much as I am loath to see it, Brock vs Undertaker would make sense. They still bill Taker as a legitimate threat, and now that Lesnar's beaten the guy that beat Taker, that puts Lesnar on Taker's 'level', so to speak. (I can't even believe I typed that.) I can only hope that they try to build up to whatever direction they take this loss in, Taker or no Taker.

I don't know why you guys are harping on the restart of that match when the WHC match ending was probably the stupidest thing in a while, and the fact they didn't restart it was mind boggling. The only way that ending would have made sense would be if Del Rio had won that way.

The WHC match was bad, but at this point I'm not fazed when Sheamus acts more like a heel that the guy he's wailing on. However, the finish to the WWE Championship match ended in a surprisingly stupid fashion, so it stands out in my mind more. That being said, Booker continues to be the most milquetoast GM in recent history. The best response he has to the match is to slink away so Del Rio can't find him and TOUT that he'll deal with it on the next episode of Smackdown.

I'm still shaking my head over Bryan pinning Kane with the Rollup of Doom, but that was a decent match for the most part. That and Ziggler vs Jericho were pretty much my favorite matches of the night. Everything else just runs together, and I consider it a small blessing that I can't remember the theme for Summerslam this year, even after watching a live performance of it. I'd love to know what was going on with the camera crew that night though; there were a bunch of sloppy cuts and really bad angles during some of the later matches, which is quite unlike WWE's usual level of presentation. The last hour or so was arguably worse than their work on the TV shows.


t I can't remember the theme for Summerslam this year, even after watching a live performance of it.

Dude I'm sorry let me help!

I've been high,
I've been low,
Traveled down every single road,
I felt love,
I felt pain,
But its all just a part of the game,
And theres people out there get you down cause their cryin the blues,
Just cause they never done this its got nothin to do with you,

So don't give up
Don't look down
Cause your time is gonna come around,
Don't look back you've come to far,
Baby you were born to be a star,
Yeah, I enjoyed the Santino/Cesaro match too, I only really have issues with Cesaro's awful entrance music and his awkward looking finisher, also, Santino can wrestle but is rarely given the chance to do so, in important title matches like the one last night he should be dropping the comedy shtick completely.
I agree with all of this except the idea that Santino drops the comedy shtick, he does it well and when booked correctly he shines with the comedy act, if they focused on his mat wrestling the crowd would probably perish and Santino would be no more entirely, hell he was floundering badly until he started joking around as a heel way back in his days as that guy who was totally not a plant.
All I ask is we drop the Cobra, that move makes the Worm look like a top rope brainbuster levels of brutal.

It is as I feared...
I get good Kane matches out of this, it's just what I wanted.
Just read about AW, pretty shitty but not surprised really. Probably would have only been a temp termination if he didn't go on a twitter rampage. With the Daniel Bryan and Cryme Time incidents why would anyone be shocked?

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
God damn it.

Waiting for toad test.

Instructor flirting with another instructor.

Place looks like a dump.

I'd rather watch a Miz match.



When's the last time Kane was taken seriously?


Daniel Bryan should just finish him and let it be that.

D-Bry breaks his neck and moves on, bringing the mask of Kane to AJ and then he breaks her back.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

Road test.

And my phone is dumb.


Mine's about to get worse. Heading out to the car dealership for my 50k checkup. I'm sure I'll spend a goddamn fortune, assholes out there...
You're right, I was just trying to be mean to Kane. If Kane screws something up for Daniel Bryan I'll never forgive him, and I mean that Owl.
The only person who gets screwed by Kane storylines is Kane himself or in alternative terms the divas he is implied to be screwing within the diva phase of the Kane cycle.

God damn it.

Waiting for toad Road test.

Instructor flirting with another instructor.

Place looks like a dump.

I'd rather watch a Miz match.

Just imagine JR commentary to all of the proceedings and everything should be just peachy.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
God damn it.

Waiting for toad test.

Instructor flirting with another instructor.

Place looks like a dump.

I'd rather watch a Miz match.



Hopefully you don't fail your test so you have to take it again. I failed my first time because a giant ass python decided to jump out of the brush and onto the road. I freaked out and hit the curb instead of just running the sucker over.





Hopefully you don't fail your test so you have to take it again. I failed my first time because a giant ass python decided to jump out of the brush and onto the road. I freaked out and hit the curb instead of just running the sucker over.


You did the right thing.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I failed my first 4 driving tests. First one I got tricked - woman said to keep the wheel straight and go in reverse. So I went in reverse and didnt move the wheel. Hit the curb. Kept going. Never moved the wheel. Dammit!

The rest were because I just sucked ass.


Summerslam wasn't so bad. Sheamus and Del Rio surprised me, their last few matches were so boring ,but this one was pretty good.
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