Clearly there is some confusion here, I was saying she's my fave five.
Nuevo Mistico > Sin Botcha
That theme isn't as bad as "My Time," but it's right after it.
Easily,remember the undisputed champ Y2J?man that was awesomeThis was the worst Jericho run ever
Rick Rude had the best everything. It's pretty hilarious if you think about the fact that Rick Rude as the IC champion heel draws more heat than any of WWE's top heels currently.Ravishing Rick Rude had one of the best liners
Also was at both RAW and Nitro on the same
I wish someone would throw a chair at his ass.
Nuevo Mistico > Sin Botcha
To be fair, he did botch like 2 minutes later in the matchholly shit
I didn't think there was a gif that could sum up everything I hate about that fuck, but there it is. The stupid fucking dance, the dumbfuck smile, its all there. all it needs is some backstage failure, and it will be perfect.
Still needs COO Triple H in a suit. And if old school Triple H and new school Triple H are still not D-X Triple H we'll need him as well.
Still needs COO Triple H in a suit. And if old school Triple H and new school Triple H are still not D-X Triple H we'll need him as well.
Plus, we need early 90s WCW Jean-Paul Levesque so we can recreate that classic Starrcade match against Dancing Alex Wright.
I demand no less than 6 playable Hunters.
He seems content with it.How come no one has tried to free the Funkasaurus from his Captivity.
Funkasaurus is history
Up next, Kane.
You were expecting them to form a wacky tag team ala Kane-Hurricane, Kane-RVD & Kane-X Pac?I really thought Kane was going to bury the hatchet with Ryder. Bryan keeps messing with the Kane cycle.
I've been swerved, DAMMIT NOT THIS WAY!BTW guys, I think I'm done with wrestling after tonight. Honestly, it just comes down to a few reasons.
The total ruining of AJ's character.
The entire show being about HHH.
King is a horrendous commentator that I can't listen to anymore.
The insane amount of filler matches, characters, segments.
The in show ads.
I've been watching nonstop since 1997, but I think this is it.
I love ya popsTell Owl, I love him.
You guys should really take a break and see what else you can do with your time outside of this stuff. You'll be amazed at how much more fun you could be having.
Laserfrog said:I'm going finally finish watching Chikarasaurus Rex: How to Hatch a Dinosaur, got up to the mask vs hair match I think. Also I didn't watch RAW so I feel peace within myself.
You guys should really stop putting yourselves through 3-hours of shit on Monday nights and see what else the wider world of wrestling beyond Vince's fucked up WWE Universe has to offer. You'll be amazed at how much more fun you could be having.
But finding alternatives to WWE is just being a hipster, afterall.
Still no Wade Barrett, man it's getting hard to care. This heel Punk is worse than the face Punk you all hated. That final promo was so long and boring, I do not respect the hell out of it.
Courtesy of the free download this week is Day 3 of the 2012 New Japan G1 Climax Tournament;
Summerslam was a great surprise for me yesterday. I doubt anyone remembers this but in Feb when they came to San Diego I got to go to the show for free and hang out with Del Rio after the show because my cousin is good friends with him.
Well same cousin called me up yesterday morning and said he had an extra ticket if I wanted to go. Of course I said yes we drove up to LA for the event.
Got to Staples ( my first time going there) was really impressed with the size of it compared to the Sports Arena in San Diego. LA just tends to do everything bigger and better in that sense.
The view from our seats, the crowd was pretty hot overall and pretty smarky. ( Kobe Bryant chant when the Prime Time Players were wrestling) Our whole section was family members of wrestlers we had Titus O'neil's family right in front of us and some of C.M Punks either friends or family directly behind us. There was a pretty funny and awkward moment for me when Punk was celebrating and jumped up on the guard rail and was signaling to the person right behind me and I totally thought it was for me. *shame*
As great as all that was the best part was having dinner with Alberto and his family after the show. ( No Ricardo Rodriguez this time which is too bad cause the guy is hilarious and just goes on and on about the other wrestlers ) We went to a Korean BBQ place in Little Tokyo which was fantastic. Del Rio remembered me from the bar in Feb and was super cool and totally down to earth. I was really surprised how cool and candid it all was. ( He even apologized about the seats he got us saying they weren't that great. I was like no way those are easily the best seats ive ever had, guess they were sold out and he had to go to Vince personally to get them)
His little boy is a total Kane mark which was really funny as he kept imitating him and playing the theme song off Alberto's phone. Heard some really cool stories and talked all kinds of wrestling and even football ( soccer ) with him. Had a really REALLY great time.
Meant to comment on this yesterday. Pretty sweet story man! Sounds like it was an awesome time.
Did you get to take a spin in Del Rio's car?By asking permission obviously. Not like that fella Sheamus.
Del Rio clearly doesn't own any of these cars. Do you not pay attention when JEEEEERRRRN CEEEEENNAAAAA is talking jmdajr?
Not sure if posted by Steve Austin will wrestle one final match for wrestlemania but it won't be until 2014 because he is not ready yet and he wants it to be the main event.
Ok, so after that Cena promo last night, he basically said if Punk doesn't beat him at NoC than he's a joke and his title run was meaningless.
So, after Punk loses to Cena at NoC we can all stop watching WWE television, right?
Not sure if posted by Steve Austin will wrestle one final match for wrestlemania but it won't be until 2014 because he is not ready yet and he wants it to be the main event.
Ok, so after that Cena promo last night, he basically said if Punk doesn't beat him at NoC than he's a joke and his title run was meaningless.
So, after Punk loses to Cena at NoC we can all stop watching WWE television, right?
I see no reason to stop. The product isn't anywhere near at its worst compared to some of the years in the late 00's.
Last night's Raw was fine as well, it's just that 3 hours drags to effing long, but that's about it. Other then that it was an acceptable show.
Ok, so after that Cena promo last night, he basically said if Punk doesn't beat him at NoC than he's a joke and his title run was meaningless.
So, after Punk loses to Cena at NoC we can all stop watching WWE television, right?
What did i tell yall.
Wait, wait... But Novid, Saban wasnt going to change the product! Vince said he would CHANGE!?
Well guess what. Saban's Money is more important (to help John Cena of course) than the future of the Brand. AJ has become K-On Gimmick, Punk is nowhere near his promise. D-Bry is Benoit without all the baggage (that isnt a good thing) Sandow has something but that something might soon turn into Nothing, they Ruin'd A-Train after his success in Japan The women's division is near death, the tag's as much as HHH wants them to be bigger are not working...
So what you gonna see after August 25? The deathnell of the brand. Period. You can thank Saban and his BILLIONS. Nobody belived me in the Gaf-Hop board that Nicky (cant call her the C-WORD no more) Minaj was not infuenced by Biggie, Pac and Weezy - but is a damn fucking Eroge Cosplayer trying to get Gaga props - until the recent adverts. Nobody believed me, when i told folks that Vita was going to have problems...welp... And now, you seeing the effect of what Saban and his Political connections can do.
But that will be it for this brand. TNA will have its 15th annversery, as the biggest US wresling company. WWE will nowhere to be found.
Say good fucking bye to the good old days, time to pray,
I understood his post from "AJ has become K-On Gimmick" but I can't connect the earlier bit. From what I understand Haim Saban of Saban Entertainment ruined anime or something, he is also extremely rich.Okay, wait...I know I'm late here, but I just read this.
What the hell man. Seriously. What the hell. I just....what?