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August Wrasslin |OT| I'll tout it to the papers if I have to


No One Remembers
As self proclaimed GM of the September thread, I am thinking of three possible titles:

King of Trios Themed:
September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs The World

Dean Ambrose Week Themed:
September Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose will be released before Half Life 3


September Wrasslin |OT| Oh my god, you broke his arm!

My pick.
As self proclaimed GM of the September thread, I am thinking of three possible titles:

King of Trios Themed:
September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs The World

Dean Ambrose Week Themed:
September Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose will be released before Half Life 3


September Wrasslin |OT| Oh my god, you broke his arm!

Go with KOT it's time for the real wrestling fans to shine!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It start again on the 27th then i won't be on much at all. I'm looking forward to it and took all your advice to keep at it, thank you. Also going to move the computer of my room before the 27th.

Glad you have found the direction you were seeking! A lot of wrasslegaf may give you shit, Heavy, but I'm personally glad you've made some decisions and know what you're doing. Right on brother. Keep us posted! I know we all want good things for ya. :)


FYI: The September thread will go up on August 29th because I will be on vacation from August 30th - September 3rd. I'll be at a music festival in the foothills of TN and will be without a computer and mostly likely won't have 3G service on my phone.


When is King of Trios?

The G-fex is interested in ordering such a event.

September 14 - 15 - 16

It won't air live on iPPV and we'll determine a schedule for it based on how fast they get the events up. We may watch it that weekend if the events are posted 24 hours later or the next weekend if they're posted during the week.


more money than God
Summerslam was a great surprise for me yesterday. I doubt anyone remembers this but in Feb when they came to San Diego I got to go to the show for free and hang out with Del Rio after the show because my cousin is good friends with him.

Well same cousin called me up yesterday morning and said he had an extra ticket if I wanted to go. Of course I said yes we drove up to LA for the event.


Got to Staples ( my first time going there) was really impressed with the size of it compared to the Sports Arena in San Diego. LA just tends to do everything bigger and better in that sense.


The view from our seats, the crowd was pretty hot overall and pretty smarky. ( Kobe Bryant chant when the Prime Time Players were wrestling) Our whole section was family members of wrestlers we had Titus O'neil's family right in front of us and some of C.M Punks either friends or family directly behind us. There was a pretty funny and awkward moment for me when Punk was celebrating and jumped up on the guard rail and was signaling to the person right behind me and I totally thought it was for me. *shame*

As great as all that was the best part was having dinner with Alberto and his family after the show. ( No Ricardo Rodriguez this time which is too bad cause the guy is hilarious and just goes on and on about the other wrestlers ) We went to a Korean BBQ place in Little Tokyo which was fantastic. Del Rio remembered me from the bar in Feb and was super cool and totally down to earth. I was really surprised how cool and candid it all was. ( He even apologized about the seats he got us saying they weren't that great. I was like no way those are easily the best seats ive ever had, guess they were sold out and he had to go to Vince personally to get them)

His little boy is a total Kane mark which was really funny as he kept imitating him and playing the theme song off Alberto's phone. Heard some really cool stories and talked all kinds of wrestling and even football ( soccer ) with him. Had a really REALLY great time.
Alberto Del Rio's son is a huge Kane fan?

Reminds me of me when I was a boy. *Cries*

And I'll take your advice, Bootaaay. I'll give the indies a better chance.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
GAF Observer, came out late due to a PPV weekend.

First and foremost, SoulPlaya is back at Wrasslegaf. He showed up at Raw last night, and is unfortunately planning on bringing back his Kane gimmick. Backstage sources say he's not completely decided, but if he does go that route, it will mean definite ratings suicide for Wrasslegaf. More news regarding Wrasslegaf's rating drops below.

BoboBrazil is still missing, and calls to his agent have been unreturned. Also, A Pretty Panda has been removed from the GAF roster, as has GaimeGuy. Here's hoping their no-compete clause expires soon, as GAF is definitely feeling the sting of the ratings loss.

In a related note, Sunflower issued an open challenge to all comers for Avatar Change in Super Street Fighter IV. The mere mention of a fighting game had GAF erupt in a brief but bloody civil war, with all sides eventually submitting to Bootaaay's decision on Last Blade 2 and Street Fighter III: Third Strike. Professor Beef and a few others have picked up the gauntlet regarding Sunflower's open challenge, but no progress has been seen. Some have even taken to whispering backstage about Sunflower being a chicken. We'll have more on this as it develops.

Seraphis Cain has had an unusual amount of attention called to him when he started asking about trying to find gifs of Brock Lesnar eating crackers. Nobody really knows why he has that fixation on crackers and Brock Lesnar, but most people know enough not to press the issue. "That's just Seraphis being Seraphis" said a Gaffer. "You can't stop him. Best to leave him be." We'll have more if this weird fixation persists.

Wrasslegaffer Ryck was in attendance at Summerslam - he noted that "Triple H kind of looks like a bitch in person" and that "Damien Sandow has the softest beard I've ever touched. Maybe softer than pubes." Ryck was unavailable for comment, but posted photo evidence.

Bootaaay, in his role as Humanitarian Ambassador for Wrasslegaf, has notified everyone of Day 3 of the New Japan G1 Climax Tournament is free on IPV Video. His link is here: http://new.ivpvideos2.com/product_in...oducts_id=8790 - Bootaaay has been fitting into his role as Ambassador extremely well, and it is said some bonuses are in the works for his dedicated work. A source says Bootaaay is "the Arn Anderson of the behind the scenes that make Gaf what it is" - but declined to elaborate.

G-Fex has taken on a reduced role as GM of the August OT thread. Others have tried to step up to take over some of the responsibilities, but most say that his lighter presence has affected Wrasslegaf negatively. The future of G-Fex is unknown, ever since the company-wide edict to never mention KOG backfired. What does this mean? Nobody backstage is talking.

Laserfrog has been running a series of simulations with Fire Pro Wrestling Returns for the PS2 and they have shown to be fairly accurate with over a 50% success rate. Laserfrog also released his short film focusing on the life of J.R., who was tragically killed by a car bomb as he was on his way to eat some "good honest food." Critical reception is positive, and the word is that everyone is looking forward to what Laserfrog has to give next. Aiii was quoted as saying "That's hilarious!" When pressed for more comments, Aiii turned away to an AJ centerfold and ignored our questions.
Btw everyone I was the mystery touter.


I for one am tired of this trend of cable tv shows.


seriously people never shut up about them and i'm tired of it.

Plywood really went overkill with GoT


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Whelp, time to pack it up everyone. Bobo, I mean BOBO gave up wrestling. This guy championed TNA for years and he gave up wrestling.

I invite you all to the MMA-GAF thread, things actually matter in that business.

Edit: Except you G-Fex.


Whelp, time to pack it up everyone. Bobo, I mean BOBO gave up wrestling. This guy championed TNA for years and he gave up wrestling.

I invite you all to the MMA-GAF thread, things actually matter in that business.

Edit: Except you G-Fex.

That's fine, You know how I feel about your MMA-gaf anyways.


I don't get that, how does wrestling put someone in a bad mood? I've never been in a bad mood because of what happened in match or anything. Maybe I just don't care enough...

WWE does, a LOT.

It affects me in such a way that it brings out the worse in me. WWE is worse than drugs. (probably)

Now that I won't be able to watch wrestling, I'm sure my life will improve. As will my mood.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't get that, how does wrestling put someone in a bad mood? I've never been in a bad mood because of what happened in match or anything. Maybe I just don't care enough...

I think I take it too lightly to ever be put in a bad mood. "Whatever, who cares" is how I feel.
In a related note, Sunflower issued an open challenge to all comers for Avatar Change in Super Street Fighter IV. The mere mention of a fighting game had GAF erupt in a brief but bloody civil war, with all sides eventually submitting to Bootaaay's decision on Last Blade 2 and Street Fighter III: Third Strike. Professor Beef and a few others have picked up the gauntlet regarding Sunflower's open challenge, but no progress has been seen. Some have even taken to whispering backstage about Sunflower being a chicken. We'll have more on this as it develops.


So yeah, I'm thinking the September wrestling topic will be...

September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs The World

It will feature the three big US tournaments which are happening/concluding in September.

Chikara's King of Trios
PWG's Battle of Los Angeles
Impact Wrestling's Bound For Glory Series

I'll throw something about Dean Ambrose, Triple H and John Cena in there as well.

The thread will go up August 29th.....feel free to post in it early or not, I'm on vacation that weekend so it has to go up early.

Also, I'll reserve the second post for the Hall of Shame and Sunflower's fave five for September (both to be posted when I return) .
September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs The World

It will feature the three big US tournaments which are happening/concluding in September.

Chikara's King of Trios
PWG's Battle of Los Angeles
Impact Wrestling's Bound For Glory Series

Sounds good. Don't forget, there's a few iPPVs in September too;

. CZW - Down with the Sickness - September 8th, 8PM EST
. EVOLVE 17 - September 8th, 5PM EST
. ROH - Death by Dishonor X: State of Emergency - September 15th, 7:30PM EST

- Dolph/Y2j match was good. Y2j won because WWE wanted Dolph to win on Raw because it has 4-5 million viewers compared to a couple hundred thousand who bought Summerslam. That's my theory anyway

- KAne/Dbry was ok, not great. Abrupt ending with the roll-up

- Rey/Miz, surprisingly good match

- Sheamus/Del Rio, Smackdown match not PPV

- Tag team match, didn't watch/care

- Big Show/Cena/Punk, big show completely ruined the match with his slow, methodical pace. He's a plague on this company and is unwatchable in the ring. Almost the entire match was Big Show roaming around like a giant tortoise while the other two on the ground

- HHH/Brock, a really bad match. There were times where i stopped watching and just listened. Compare this to Extreme Rules where our eyes were glued to the screen for the entirety of the match. HHH is another plague on this company. I loved it when he got those you tapped out chants after and didn't get the reaction he wanted. Nobody cares dude, just go away with your fat gut and catcher's mitt forehead.

I give the show an Edge 4/10 rating since both the last two matches were really bad but there were a couple good ones before that.

Raw, 08/20/12:

- It was just on last night and I'm having a hard time remembering it, not a good sign. I listened to the audio instead of watching the show for probably 70-80% of it. Only good parts I remember:
Heyman's epic "Brock Lesnar" at the end of the promo (everything else was boring and alt-tab worthy)
- Kaitlyn winning. The match really sucked even for a divas match tho. There was like no good spots at all, just really really bad and I'm one of the most tolerant people of these diva matches.

Those were the only two good moments of the show for me. I read the recap here to try to remember other things that were good: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/wwe-monday-night-raw-results-august-20-fan-041000458--spt.html but there weren't any.

When Orton's music came on to fight Del Rio I almost turned off the show and WWE altogether. I dunno why that moment specifically... it's just the same shit over and over and it left an awful taste in my mouth.

All the matches were bad except for Dolph/Y2J. All the promos were bad except for Heyman's part. The ending promo which led to a 15 minute overrun was alt-tab worthy, just pointless inane banter we've all heard before with the word "respect" spammed into every other line.

This move to 3 hours has really hurt the show IMO. All the flaws and boring moments and lulls become more apparent because the show is so much longer so they get more spotlight, compared to when it was 2 hours when a boring match or segment happened you knew a new one was gonna start fast...the pace kept up. But here with the 3 hours all these shit segments and matches linger with the viewer and leave a bad taste in your mouth and hurts the show a lot.

I give this Raw an IGN 3/10.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Good writeup Heavy. With a little more elaboration on it, we can call it "With Satin: The Shittiest Bits of Raw"


Raw, 08/20/12:

- It was just on last night and I'm having a hard time remembering it, not a good sign. I listened to the audio instead of watching the show for probably 70-80% of it.

I wonder why you had a hard time remembering...

I miss when Heavy pretended the shows were good. It's not like the quality has decreased since you were still calling them the best show every week.
I wonder why you had a hard time remembering...

I miss when Heavy pretended the shows were good. It's not like the quality has decreased since you were still calling them the best show every week.

I might have been exaggerating, probably like 50-60% but anyway do you blame me when these are the matches:

- Kofi/truth/botch vs PTP/cody (i just can't watch kofi and truth like this, they are a tag team made for little kids)

- Ryback vs 2 local jobbers (no thanks)

- Del Rio vs Orton (as i mentioned above, i almost quit WWE when orton's music came on)

- Clay vs Sandow (this i watched, but muted Clay's entrance and exit which accounts for about 70% of any given Brodus Clay match)

- Otunga/Show (watched because i'm an otunga mark, very short tho and Big Show made it almost unwatchable)

- Kane and Ryder vs. Dbry and Miz (only reason to watch is Dbry)

- Divas battle royale (really bad like i said and even the eye candy was kinda meh except for Kaitlyn. No Kelly Kelly, no Layla in ring.)

- Dolph vs. Jericho (good, watchable match).
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