I dedicate this song to Houston3000. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWHpXVEJugE
Why does this look like Matt Hardy?This might be old, WrassleGAF, but who do you think this is?
Pitbull. Dale
Damnit! E! posted this: http://uk.eonline.com/news/339562/wwe-divas-khlo-kardashian-odom-can-so-relate
Now we'll never see an end to these Social Media Ambassador's.
First comment, lol
and the Cow says MOOOOO
Yeah. But, we have hit gold. Read this thread from beginning to end. Trust me, it'll be worth it.
See, if WWE wasn't so chickenshit, they could have Cody cut a great promo about this to get him heat with the crowd. Talk about how she's famous for doing nothing, and how she's the least attractive member of her family. Talk about how the fans like her because all she does is sit and complain and contributes nothing to society, like the rest of them."I bet Sin Cara is gorgeous under his mask, probably better looking than @CodyRhodesWWE. #RAW #KhloeWWE
Man I bet Goldberg loved doing that. I wonder if this was before or after Jericho beat his ass backstage.
See, if WWE wasn't so chickenshit, they could have Cody cut a great promo about this to get him heat with the crowd. Talk about how she's famous for doing nothing, and how she's the least attractive member of her family. Talk about how the fans like her because all she does is sit and complain and contributes nothing to society, like the rest of them.
Panda is banned. Bobo is missing. What is going on with this community? Who else will talk about Bully Ray?
Im halfway done with my The best of Lucha post that's basically the Bootaaay equivalent of his puro video one. Its pretty hard finding good footage. I need to find my DVDDR top 20 DVD to see i can get better footage to find some vids of the classics. No idea if i should post it now or wait til the september thread
Wait till the September thread.
All this quitting talk is sad. Considering the fact that it seems most of us pay $50-$60 or whatever crazy space money you European guys use for WWE PPVs every month, why not organize as a community and agree to watch an alternative every month? It doesn't have to be the same thing every month. One could be Chikara, then ROH, whatever. It would be cool to have the similar level of post frequency and discussion during an indie PPV. Plus it will be cheaper and probably less disappointing than watching a WWE show.
Im halfway done with my The best of Lucha post that's basically the Bootaaay equivalent of his puro video one. Its pretty hard finding good footage. I need to find my DVDDR top 20 DVD to see i can get better footage to find some vids of the classics. No idea if i should post it now or wait til the september thread
Who is working on the OP? I might contribute.
Awesome, give me a heads up so i can get my post into the first pageI am, but I'm sure it will probably be big enough with as many events as I am cramming into it.
Awesome, give me a heads up so i can get my post into the first page
All this quitting talk is sad. Considering the fact that it seems most of us pay $50-$60 or whatever crazy space money you European guys use for WWE PPVs every month, why not organize as a community and agree to watch an alternative every month? It doesn't have to be the same thing every month. One could be Chikara, then ROH, whatever. It would be cool to have the similar level of post frequency and discussion during an indie PPV. Plus it will be cheaper and probably less disappointing than watching a WWE show.
I think the only that'd make us feel better (well me at least)
watching old wrestling matches, classic ones.
Gosh I wish Stro was on.
Making my way through the Attitude Era, I just finished watching Fully Loaded 2000. One of the best PPVs I've ever seen. Quality matches and builds from the bottom to the top of the card. Rikishi vs. Val Venis in an awesome cage match, Taker vs. Angle, HHH vs. Jericho and Benoit vs. Rock. Even the womens division was starting to pick up steam, with a great feud between Lita and Trish. Sooooooo damn good.
It's on youtube, give it a watch.
Making my way through the Attitude Era, I just finished watching Fully Loaded 2000. One of the best PPVs I've ever seen. Quality matches and builds from the bottom to the top of the card. Rikishi vs. Val Venis in an awesome cage match, Taker vs. Angle, HHH vs. Jericho and Benoit vs. Rock. Even the womens division was starting to pick up steam, with a great feud between Lita and Trish. Sooooooo damn good.
It's on youtube, give it a watch.
I'm gonna guess it was some sort of Right to Censor vs. Rikishi's giant ass in very revealing ring attire thing.What's the backstory on this one??
Making my way through the Attitude Era, I just finished watching Fully Loaded 2000. One of the best PPVs I've ever seen. Quality matches and builds from the bottom to the top of the card. Rikishi vs. Val Venis in an awesome cage match, Taker vs. Angle, HHH vs. Jericho and Benoit vs. Rock. Even the womens division was starting to pick up steam, with a great feud between Lita and Trish. Sooooooo damn good.
It's on youtube, give it a watch.
Well, here's some food for thought.
I think Daniel Bryan and Marufuji are the current best wrestlers in the world. Not some shitty gimmick or tag line on a shirt, but the actual best wrestlers in the world.
I'm gonna guess it was some sort of Right to Censor vs. Rikishi's giant ass in very revealing ring attire thing.
"Best Wrestler in the World" is totally unquantifiable.
What's the backstory on this one??
Making my way through the Attitude Era, I just finished watching Fully Loaded 2000. One of the best PPVs I've ever seen. Quality matches and builds from the bottom to the top of the card. Rikishi vs. Val Venis in an awesome cage match, Taker vs. Angle, HHH vs. Jericho and Benoit vs. Rock. Even the womens division was starting to pick up steam, with a great feud between Lita and Trish. Sooooooo damn good.
It's on youtube, give it a watch.
Sure it is. Look at their gold medals and performance in tournaments.
Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle = best?
All this quitting talk is sad. Considering the fact that it seems most of us pay $50-$60 or whatever crazy space money you European guys use for WWE PPVs every month, why not organize as a community and agree to watch an alternative every month? It doesn't have to be the same thing every month. One could be Chikara, then ROH, whatever. It would be cool to have the similar level of post frequency and discussion during an indie PPV. Plus it will be cheaper and probably less disappointing than watching a WWE show.
I'll join you guys.We try and organize a CHIKARA watch party every month but it's always just me, djsandman, and bootaay. With KOT next month though hopefully more people will be down for it.
We try and organize a CHIKARA watch party every month but it's always just me, djsandman, and bootaaay. With KOT next month though hopefully more people will be down for it.
We really should plan those out in advance instead of a 2 day notice like it usually happens
I'm in for this month then. When is it? Maybe you guys already do this, but I think some sort of periodic reminder complete with a list of people in on the viewing party would be good. I could do that part if you wanted me to. I just need to know who's in.We try and organize a CHIKARA watch party every month but it's always just me, djsandman, and bootaaay. With KOT next month though hopefully more people will be down for it.
We try and organize a CHIKARA watch party every month but it's always just me, djsandman, and bootaaay. With KOT next month though hopefully more people will be down for it.
I'm in for this month then. When is it? Maybe you guys already do this, but I think some sort of periodic reminder complete with a list of people in on the viewing party would be good. I could do that part if you wanted me to. I just need to know who's in.
Now this is what I'm talking about! I think we should try and do the show with Del Rey vs Kingston that got released last week as a warm up for KOT next month. Would Saturday afternoon around 2pm est work for most of you?
I'm free then. There's a possibility something will come up, but I'm like 75% sure I'll be there.Now this is what I'm talking about! I think we should try and do the show with Del Rey vs Kingston that got released last week as a warm up for KOT next month. Would Saturday afternoon around 2pm est work for most of you?
I'm pretty sure I'll set the schedule for KOT in the OP. I think we'll be watching it the weekend after with Night 1 + Night 2 on Saturday and Night 3 on Sunday.