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August Wrasslin |OT| I'll tout it to the papers if I have to


Great pictures from Impact:






also guys I need you to petition on twitter to try to get me to go on a date with my future waifu Layla.

I plan to take her to get some ice cream and yes there will be hand holding.


So not worth it
Not sure what's worse, having to watch two times 30 seconds of Touts during a 3-hour broadcast of wrestling or being forced to read tweets during matches in a 2-hour broadcast.

Now Davey Richards has blogged about the Iowa situation;

I don't have any philosophic phrases like O'Reilly, nor empty threats which seems to be the darling way to be tough now-a-days behind the protective veil of the Internet (the quickest sure fire way to prove your an absolute coward). But what I do have is the truth and I'll indulge you.

Now O'Reilly already told the story so and he's a much more patient man than I so I'll just drop the main points: I was trained that you don't disrespect veterans. There's a pecking order in this business, and if you go against it you get your ass handed to you. I was trained that the boys stick up for each other and don't allow others to disrespect them, because it reflects on the business as a whole. So when a guy who took my seminar the day prior and all of a sudden, over text message (everyones got balls of steel behind texts/twitter/fb) disrespects the guy who helped bring me and Kyle up, and more importantly, my friend, I feel 100% justified taking action.

So, not over text/twitter/fb but in person (I know, can you imagine some people actually confront people face to face?? Insanity!!) I tell this guy how disrespectful he was and if this was 10 yrs ago he would have gotten his ass beat. He agreed and apologized and insisted he shake Tony's hand. Before this he tried and admitted to lying saying he didn't know whom he was talking to on text so he didn't know he was disrespecting Kozina (a lie Tony quickly called out as, and we have the text messages to prove, Tony said in the beginning, "This is Kozina".)

Now understand I'm in the middle of Iowa, 7 hrs from home in the middle of corn fields (which is beautiful scenery btw) and this guy looked out and saw 25 people at his show, knew he was going to lose his ass and tried to cancel us off when we're 2 hrs away. Tony and Kyle were hurt, an unfortunate and common aspect of how we train and work. So we tried to get an 8 man. The promoter at first said the fans paid to see singles (to which Tony responded, and we have the texts, "ok well do the singles") which contradicted his later statement of "well noone here knows who you guys are".

As far as me physically threatening him, sorry ace, never happened, and if you truly think it did - press charges! I have nothing to hide, do you?

I came to you face to face like a man, told you how I felt. I don't do backstage rumors, gossip, social media tough guy stuff. I tell people how I feel in person and take full responsibly for it all.

Ok, and now to the blockbuster crime of the century: we took -- wait for it -- drum roll -- people are on then edge of their seats -- 350$!!!!!

Did I? I sure did, I took 350$ and left on Saturday. Tuesday afternoon I paypaled him -- wait for it ----- drum roll ---- 350$ back!! So he lost ----- 0 dollars! No one asked me to do this. I said to him, well here you read the text:

"Ok I'm going to pay pal you your money back. I never spent it, it was on principle. You'll have it today. I'm sorry things got to this level. Please text me to let me know you got it. Yea dude it's crazy. I don't hold any grudges man. I wish you and your crew the best."

I've said for years, I don't talk, I do. I let him feel what we felt -- to be disrespected an screwed. So the same thing doesn't happen to another wrestler (remember what I said about the boys sticking up for the boys?).

I have the PayPal receipt as well to prove it.

Ok so stealing and threatening have been covered, what else?

Oh I know! Ya know I could, I could slander your name as you have mine, wished harm on you as you have me (the getting in a car wreck bit was sure classy) or I could post your phone number on a social media site like you did mine. But I won't, I won't hang at the bottom of the barrel with you buddy.

And really 15 min after this ordeal this loser is on twitter begging for a match in ROH, like a certain someone in the ROH office said, "This is this losers big shot at getting some attention and he's going all out". Well friend I'm not mentioning you by name. Your going to have to get attention the same way I did in this wacky business- work your ass off and earn it.

I know it's the socially dictated right thing do to apologize and try to make amends. But c'mon that wouldn't be ol DR now would it?

So instead of trying release myself from responsibly by saying it was "anger taking hold or it was emotionally driven actions and comments" I'll simply say from the bottom of my heart that I don't apologize for anything, I'm proud that I stood up for my friend, what I was taught, and how I was raised, and most of all what I believe to be right. I meant every word and every action and take full responsiblity.

I don't talk, I act. I treat people how they treat me. I stand up for what I was taught and for my friends.

If I'm the bad guy for it, I welcome it with open arms. I'm more than willing to take shots for what I believe in.d

I'll always be the first help people out (ask Adam Cole, Eddie Edwards, Kenny Omega, Kyle O'Reilly, and countless others) but I will also to call out what I don't believe to be right.

Maybe I just have rebel blood running through me, but I don't bow down, I don't keep my mouth shut, I don't run from what I disagree with. I speak up, I stand up and I fight for what I believe in. That's how I raised. If it's the end of ol DR then I couldn't be more proud.

It's like my grandma used to say to me, "It's better to hated for who you are than loved for who you're not".

In the end, to the guys in Iowa -- god bless ya, I wish you guys nothing but success. Hopefully y'all wake up but that's your cross to bear not mine.

What an unfathomably massive ass.

And, despite mentioning RIGHT THERE that he stole the fucking money, Richards is apparently now suing Jaysin Strife for slander;

As I posted on Twitter earlier today, I was over joyed enough to wake up to a text from Richards today telling me his lawyer has advised him to press charges against me for slander and liblel. I am amazed by this because I didn't know slander and libel could be yelled when only the truth is being spoken. Yea, cool, the money has been paid back. It still does not mean that all is excused. I may be under lyingly mocked in this "press releases," but I still know that I am a better human being that all three of those men combined. I will sleep easy at night knowing that I am still doing my best to let the world know about how DISRESPECTFUL these clowns are. I will probably never reach the level that these guys are at, but I can tell you this. One day, if I do, you will NEVER catch me bullying my way around or taking advantage of people who look up to me.

You couldn't make this shit up.

Also, here is the video of Tony Kozina "teaching a lesson" to the 16 year old wrestler he felt disrespected him;


And 'Scrap Daddy' Adam Pearce's thought on why that was a dick move by the veteran Kozina;


Helpful guide for ordering it. It'll be on Nico Nico. Heard the price is steep, though: $25.

Unfortunately, it seems the iPPV is region locked to Japan only - if you don't have a Japanese credit card, you won't be able to make the payment :(

Unless it shows up on the US version of Nico Nico, I fear we may not be watching this one.

Word is that New Japan wan't next year's Wrestle Kingdom on January 4th to be the first international iPPV.

Also, $25 is a fair price, imo - TNA's about $35 iirc, WWE even more.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I think Batista's 'dem guys on da internetz said i can't wrestle' needs to be replaced with davey richards 'dem guys on da internetz dun tink im tuff

also i don't think you can talk about respect while dating chris candido's widow, but that's just me

And for those who want an even quicker version, not only did Davey help a grown man shoot on a kid, steal a promoter's money, but he also shat on Kevin Steen and CM Punk. Davey Richards, who's just a recycled Pegasus Kid, talked about how Punk can't work for shit. Mr. FINISHER FINISHER FINISHER BIG SPOT talked about someone else not being able to work. I'm not even a Punk fan, but Richards is just jealous he's nowhere near Steen's level, and he'll never replace Punk. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason it took Steen so long to get the title was because of him.

I hope Davey retires like he's said he would for years. I also hope no one ever books him or his vanilla partner Kyle again
Situation sounds crazy. For what it's worth, I've worked with Richards, O'Reilly, and Kozina multiple times and all of them were incredibly professional and easy to work with every time.


So not worth it
Here are highlights from WWE Chariman Vince McMahon and George Barrios’ investor conference call from Thursday:

- The company is not yet ready to release additional information regarding the launch of the WWE Network, but will have more details next quarter.

- WWE is currently working on 3 separate business models for the WWE network – basic distribution, a pay TV format (ie. HBO/Showtime) and a third “over-the-top” format.

- Monday Night Wars is expected to be one of the shows on the WWE Network.

- WWE has spent $5 million on production of ‘Legend’s House.’

- Due to the accounting method WWE is using to report its investment in Tout, WWE owns 20% or less than the social media service. The Tout app was downloaded over 30,000 times after the airing of WWE Raw and is now one of the top apps in the Apple App Store.

- WWE PPV revenue jumped approximately 30-35% over last year, partially due more people ordering the HD version of PPVs, which costs $10 more.

- Vince McMahon acknowledged that WWE went too far with “WWE PG” – and says the writing of WWE television has gotten much better in recent months.

- Vince said WWE is using YouTube for the comedy aspects of WWE programming and plans to use television for more drama and storytelling. Vince touted the potential of WWE’s Youtube shows – and WWE’s ability to spin them off into full shows eventually.

- “No Holds Barred” starring Hulk Hogan, which cost less than $100,000, is expected to make $300,000.

- Vince said WWE’s current stock price reflects their financial results of last year. WWE’s social media strength as well as learning from the mistakes of their movie division will help their bottom line and their stock price moving forward.
I like Raphael, cause his thing is red and is an asshole.
All turtle's things are assholes. The scientific term is cloaca. It's not supposed to be red, though, it's supposed to be a waxy yellow color.

Did you know that some turtles can draw water into their cloaca and extract oxygen much the same way that fish use gills?

You're welcome.


No One Remembers
- Monday Night Wars is expected to be one of the shows on the WWE Network.

You know what would be amazing?

Every Monday night at 8PM show WCW Nitro... then at 9, start the RAW that was on that same Monday and have them going concurrently - split screen.
He also said the quality of writing has gotten better and that we're getting more "drama" and "storytelling."

The best is still "Demand for WWE has never been higher".

Are you not satisfied? last year gave us high drama, four star matches and great feuds.
Now we also have Touting Twittering 3 hour supershows with reportedly better storytelling, what more do you want?


I think the show is a bit better now than when say Cena/Orton were feuding.
I would say I'm much more entertained.

At the same time.. no Edge on Smackdown :\


So not worth it
While there's still alot of bad parts on Raw and Smackdown. I must say that they have been doing better. All the tout nonsense aside, we have been getting longer term storylines. The championship belts have been handled with a bit more respect by having longer title runs and less hot potato trading every month. Cena's involvment has been toned down a bit and they give other storylines more airtime then whatever Cena is in, they seem to be making an effort to increase the exposure of the midcard and tag-division. And we did see some good up-and-comers like Sandow and Young/Titus. Lastly, they seem to be working on having more continuity, though it's nowhere near the level it should be.

All in all, McMahon is not completely wrong. And I prefer 1/4th of my show to be Daniel Bryan segments over Cena-segments.
I always viewed 2010 as a big step up from 2007-2009, though this year and last year didn't expand upon 2010 as much as i'd have liked.
If you're an indie fan, you might be familiar with AR Fox, if you're not......this guy is gonna be big.


AR Fox DVD "So You Think YouCan Fly?: The AR Fox Story"
This 3 disc releases features a 80+ minute interview and over 20 of AR Fox's best matches.

1. Interview
2. AR Fox vs. Aaron Arbo vs. Unbreakable Andy - CZW 2/13/10
3. AR Fox vs. Jonathan Gresham - CZW 5/8/10
4. AR Fox vs. Facade - CZW 8/7/10
5. AR Fox vs. Ruckus - CZW 8/14/10
6. AR Fox vs. Jake Christ - IPW 11/6/10
7. AR Fox vs. Ricochet - IPW 1/1/11
8. AR Fox vs. Orange Cassidy - CZW 1/7/11
9. AR Fox vs. Louis Lyndon - IPW 3/5/11
10. AR Fox vs. Sami Callihan vs. Jake Crist - CZW 4/9/11
11. AR Fox vs. Adam Cole - CZW 5/14/11
12. AR Fox vs. Chrisjen Hayme - IPW 6/18/11
13. AR Fox vs. Lince Dorado - NWA Force 1 7/8/11
14. AR Fox vs. Arik Cannon - IPW 10/1/11
15. AR Fox vs. RD Evans - Beyond Wrestling 10/2/11
16. AR Fox vs. Uhaa Nation - AIW 10/2/11
17. AR Fox vs. Devon Moore - CZW 10/7/11
18. AR Fox vs. Ryan McBride - CZW 11/12/11
19. AR Fox vs. Ricochet - IPW 11/15/11
20. AR Fox vs. Uhaa Nation - AIW 11/25/11
21. AR Fox vs. Sami Callihan - CZW 12/3/11
22. AR Fox vs. Uhaa Nation - CZW 1/14/12

$20 at http://smartmarkvideo.com/ar-fox-dvd-so-you-think-you-can-fly-the-ar-fox-story.html

Top 30 moves of AR Fox

Yes, I said 30.

Fox is extremely crazy and absolutely incredible to watch. I bought in on him United 2011. Dudes pretty awesome. New DGUSA tag champ as well.
I wonder if they ever finished setting up the cage of death.

I honestly never fail to laugh out loud when this gets dropped in.
I think Batista's 'dem guys on da internetz said i can't wrestle' needs to be replaced with davey richards 'dem guys on da internetz dun tink im tuff

also i don't think you can talk about respect while dating chris candido's widow, but that's just me

And for those who want an even quicker version, not only did Davey help a grown man shoot on a kid, steal a promoter's money, but he also shat on Kevin Steen and CM Punk. Davey Richards, who's just a recycled Pegasus Kid, talked about how Punk can't work for shit. Mr. FINISHER FINISHER FINISHER BIG SPOT talked about someone else not being able to work. I'm not even a Punk fan, but Richards is just jealous he's nowhere near Steen's level, and he'll never replace Punk. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason it took Steen so long to get the title was because of him.

I hope Davey retires like he's said he would for years. I also hope no one ever books him or his vanilla partner Kyle again

I don't think it's disrepectful to date a guy's wife 11 years after he's dead.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Good morning Wrassle-GAF!

There's a new issue of the GAF Observer, Friday Edition. See below.

-- Numerous sources who were at the July Wrassle-gaf thread note that KOG was very friendly to everyone backstage. KOG caught up with numerous old friends and shook hands with many of the younger talents on the roster. He also stuck around much longer than he has at recent GAF OTs. There has been heat on him in the past for showing up for his segments and then leaving immediately after. This is usually due to his very hectic filming schedule and having flights to catch, etc.

-- Heavy appeared at the Wrassle-gaf August OT on Wednesday and when a fan noted that like him, he attends the Community Tab every month, the GAF Superstar responded, Well, don't make any plans for April..." The fan was in disbelief over his comment. Heavy added, "We'll see what happens."

-- This week on "Outside Wrasslegaf" Soulplaya visits a dangerous gaming system wars thread in the Gaming forum to meet the many "ignoramuses" in attendance.

--During Thursday's conference call for 2012 second quarter results, GAF Chairman and CEO, Evilore, said he hopes to make an announcement concerning the WWE 13 purchases by the community and the shape of the federation in three months.

"You guys have been very patient with us on what it is. I hope next quarter I will be making an announcement on our federation," Evilore said.

Evilore acknowledged a delay in announcing details on the GAF Community purchases. He stated at the last conference call in May that he expected an announcement to be made "within the next three months."

Bobobrazil stated during an interview with Iconvsicon.com that "he will be done with GAF" on August 14 when "Darksiders II" by THQ—his favorite publisher—is released.

"I came back to GAF and as of August 14, 2012, when "Darksiders II" comes out, we go home and play. At that time, I am done with GAF and it is full-time with Darksiders II until the game cycle and Mountain Dew is empty," he states during an interview promoting the game.

A GAF OT is scheduled for August 14 in the gaming tab. Contrary to his statement, Neogaf.com is advertising BoboBrazil to appear at August OT, which takes place five days later in the Community tab. The official website of the Save Mart Center in Fresno, California is advertising BoboBrazil for the following night's GAF OT.

Bobo's top priority concerns his game, which he hopes is as successful as his wrestling career.
Davey Richards, who's just a recycled Pegasus Kid, talked about how Punk can't work for shit. Mr. FINISHER FINISHER FINISHER BIG SPOT talked about someone else not being able to work.

I think Davey's idea of being a good worker is "look how crisp I make this snap suplex", "look how much momentum I have going into this suicide dive", "look how much intensity I put into my strikes", etc. No one has ever denied that he's not an athlete, that he's not one of the, if not the, most athletic guy on the indies, but that's not all it takes to be a great wrestler. Punk, if I'm honest, has been pretty sloppy at times throughout his career, but it doesn't matter that he may lack that technical excellence because he's more of a complete package than Davey ever will be. And Steen? If hard work is only measured by hours spent in the gym, then perhaps Steen has gotten more than he deserves, but this isn't athletic competition, this isn't a sport, it's pro-wrestling, and I think Davey is envious of the fact that while he had to, and has to, work his ass off training to keep himself at the top, part of what makes Steen so over with the fans is innate and comes far more naturally to Kevin than it does Davey.


I think Davey's idea of being a good worker is "look how crisp I make this snap suplex", "look how much momentum I have going into this suicide dive", "look how much intensity I put into my strikes", etc. No one has ever denied that he's not an athlete, that he's not one of the, if not the, most athletic guy on the indies, but that's not all it takes to be a great wrestler. Punk, if I'm honest, has been pretty sloppy at times throughout his career, but it doesn't matter that he may lack that technical excellence because he's more of a complete package than Davey ever will be. And Steen? If hard work is only measured by hours spent in the gym, then perhaps Steen has gotten more than he deserves, but this isn't athletic competition, this isn't a sport, it's pro-wrestling, and I think Davey is envious of the fact that while he had to, and has to, work his ass off training to keep himself at the top, part of what makes Steen so over with the fans is innate and comes far more naturally to Kevin than it does Davey.

With that being his mindset about things, I think Davey should have gone into MMA instead of pro wrestling.

So, not over text/twitter/fb but in person (I know, can you imagine some people actually confront people face to face?? Insanity!!) I tell this guy how disrespectful he was and if this was 10 yrs ago he would have gotten his ass beat. He agreed and apologized and insisted he shake Tony's hand.

Also, Davey needs to learn a thing or two about threatening somebody because that can be considered a threat, especially when you have two guys behind you.


No One Remembers
Good morning Wrassle-GAF!

There's a new issue of the GAF Observer, Friday Edition. See below.

-- Numerous sources who were at the July Wrassle-gaf thread note that KOG was very friendly to everyone backstage. KOG caught up with numerous old friends and shook hands with many of the younger talents on the roster. He also stuck around much longer than he has at recent GAF OTs. There has been heat on him in the past for showing up for his segments and then leaving immediately after. This is usually due to his very hectic filming schedule and having flights to catch, etc.

-- Heavy appeared at the Wrassle-gaf August OT on Wednesday and when a fan noted that like him, he attends the Community Tab every month, the GAF Superstar responded, Well, don't make any plans for April..." The fan was in disbelief over his comment. Heavy added, "We'll see what happens."

-- This week on "Outside Wrasslegaf" Soulplaya visits a dangerous gaming system wars thread in the Gaming forum to meet the many "ignoramuses" in attendance.

--During Thursday's conference call for 2012 second quarter results, GAF Chairman and CEO, Evilore, said he hopes to make an announcement concerning the WWE 13 purchases by the community and the shape of the federation in three months.

"You guys have been very patient with us on what it is. I hope next quarter I will be making an announcement on our federation," Evilore said.

Evilore acknowledged a delay in announcing details on the GAF Community purchases. He stated at the last conference call in May that he expected an announcement to be made "within the next three months."

Bobobrazil stated during an interview with Iconvsicon.com that "he will be done with GAF" on August 14 when "Darksiders II" by THQ—his favorite publisher—is released.

"I came back to GAF and as of August 14, 2012, when "Darksiders II" comes out, we go home and play. At that time, I am done with GAF and it is full-time with Darksiders II until the game cycle and Mountain Dew is empty," he states during an interview promoting the game.

A GAF OT is scheduled for August 14 in the gaming tab. Contrary to his statement, Neogaf.com is advertising BoboBrazil to appear at August OT, which takes place five days later in the Community tab. The official website of the Save Mart Center in Fresno, California is advertising BoboBrazil for the following night's GAF OT.

Bobo's top priority concerns his game, which he hopes is as successful as his wrestling career.

Hahaha, the best


- WWE is currently working on 3 separate business models for the WWE network – basic distribution, a pay TV format (ie. HBO/Showtime) and a third “over-the-top” format.

What does that mean?


So not worth it
What does that mean?

Meaning they have a model that is a bit out there. Could be anything, maybe some kind of "online-only" network that they'll host via the internet and you could perhaps receive via internet-TV's like Google's and maybe (if it ever exists) Apple's TV.


No One Remembers
Meaning they have a model that is a bit out there. Could be anything, maybe some kind of "online-only" network that they'll host via the internet and you could perhaps receive via internet-TV's like Google's and maybe (if it ever exists) Apple's TV.

WWE - Netflix style.


Meaning they have a model that is a bit out there. Could be anything, maybe some kind of "online-only" network that they'll host via the internet and you could perhaps receive via internet-TV's like Google's and maybe (if it ever exists) Apple's TV.

Xbox channel!


So not worth it
Yeah, all those fancy things you US people get and us Europe people will never get because they can't be arsed to sort out deals in every country and as a consequence just don't bother with.



If WWE did Netflix style with PPVs (other than the big 4) on a day after they air and RAW/Smackdown on after they air, and all their documentaries and more for like $15 a month, I'd do it.


----- ------
Randy gets to show off his acting abilities again
PWInsider said:
WWE announced today that Randy Orton will star in the new film from WWE Studios and 20th Century called 12 Rounds: Reloaded. As you may remember, John Cena starred in the original 12 Rounds in 2009.
Die Hard with a Vengeance John Cena edition was pretty fun, at least if they're going to head back to an old well this was a better choice than another Marine movie.
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