Tears of joy?Are we going to have a problem here, SoulPlaya?
Let's not go down this road. It'll only end with you in tears.
Tears of joy?Are we going to have a problem here, SoulPlaya?
Let's not go down this road. It'll only end with you in tears.
Is that how 3 hour wrasslegaf works now? uggggghhhhhhhhhh
Wrasslegaf had to go 3 hours to make room for more Chikara, while still keeping all the Kane and recaps on the show.
I just finished Saints Row 3 today. Hulk Hogan and RVD are in the game, and Hulk plays a pretty major character. There are plenty of wrestling easter eggs in the game, like a mention of the "Montreal screwjob", Kane's mask, and KillbANE is clearly based off Kane. A giant masked monster whose finishing move is the chokeslam, and.if you unmask him, he looks just like Kane unmasked, down to the fucked up eye.
Oh, come on! Play the game. I'm right on this one, damn it!Yes Soulplaya, everything is Kane.
Yeah, trust me, you've made the right decision.Ok, you win.
I thought I had what it takes.
BTW, UltraMantis Black is fucking hilarious. Really superbly thought out character, with dedicated execution.
I wonder where Road Dogg got, "Oh you didn't know?! Your ass better call somebody!"
Fucking amazing. This guy is great.
I wonder where Road Dogg got, "Oh you didn't know?! Your ass better call somebody!"
Oh, come on! Play the game. I'm right on this one, damn it!
What luchadore is 7 feet tall, uses the chokeslam, andOr countless luchadores
What luchadore is 7 feet tall, uses the chokeslam, andlooks exactly Kane when unmasked?
Angel De La Muerte is voiced by Hulk Hogan, and he doesn't look like Kurt Angle. Not at all.Angel De la muerte also looks like kurt angle and does the hulk taunt. that doesn;t mean he's either one
But no, seriously, the Volition guys basically said they loved that luchadores are the most insane looking pro wrestlers and that they thought Bane looked like a luchador, so they based Killbane on him
But are they seven feet tall, and use the chokeslam?Actually, a lot of luchadores with masks are bald or have very little hair.
Even if Cena's heel, so what? It just means he's going to be the shitty heel in every major feud now. Guys like Punk will be made into a vanilla face again. Guys like DBry will get cast back down to midcard because shorter guys in main event only really work as heels.
In WWE, when is a loss really a win?
Ever since the squared circle was first constructed for battle, there has been one constant: There will always, eventually, be one winner and one loser.
However, every once and a great while, the ultimate victory is not determined simply by the Superstar who gets his or her hand raised at the closing bell. Strangely enough, the real winner can be the one who is lying on the canvas in defeat.
Tyler Reks has been released, has that been posted yet?
I'm shocked Cena losing at WM isn't on this.
oh man you guys missed it I slaughtered Beef on street fighter IV: The voyage home.
I mean, I think I heard him and panda crying.
Don't you slander me!
Don't you slander me!
Don't you slander me!
it's just like when I shot down all DM's arguments on TDKR.
Come on Beef say it aint so....
That's also libel, doofus.
Cena losses always get shrugged off, so it doesn't ever matter at all, especially when they don't affect his SALUTE THE TROOPS/MAKE A WISH character whatsoever.
You better be ready to back up your talk next year.
Once in a Lifetime.
That's right, the plan was always for Daniel Bryan to get over with that WM loss.
What was the record, Beef? Did you go 0-10?