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August Wrasslin |OT| I'll tout it to the papers if I have to

had no idea Hogan had a tattoo on his back, googled it, and this was the first pic that came up:


lol nothing says "IMMORTAL" like old, leathery, wrinkled up saggy skin.



Then take their fuckin' masks off. GOSH!

They did unmask one guy who is some wreslter from Ireland. If they unmasked most of them nobody who they were because TNA probably hired most of the independent wrestlers in Florida and people from Bully Ray and Devon's school for the brawl.
The problem with Aces and Eights is the question of leadership. This isnt the 90's where a big WWE star is going to be on Raw one week and show up on Impact the next week as the leader of the faction. They arent going to sign someone like Batista who would be perfect either. It will probably be an existing guy on the active roster or someone like Jarrett and then it just wont work.

At least they dropped the Claire storyline and the match quality has still been good, especially on PPV's. I think Lagana is definantly the right guy at the booking position as he and Hogan have at least tried some new things. Some are good, like the acension of Aries and Roode, and some have been meh, like Aces and Eights, and some absolutely horrible, like The Claire Lynch storyline.

The fact is they have a direction which is mostly positive, they have some good talent in the ring, but it is time for them to really open up the checkbook. They need to be on the road for tapings, at the very least they need to remove all PPV's from the Impact Zone. They need to be calling the agents of the John Cena's, Orton's, Sheamus, etc and let them know when there contract is up, dont resign with WWE immediately, at least listen to our offer.

You may not like the guys I mentioned but signing TOP WWE guys will pique interest. I hated Diesel in WWE, but when I saw him on Nitro I sure as hell didnt change the channel, a jump like his and Scott Hall's was enough to make me check out the product and see where it was all going.

The Carter family needs to learn what Ted Turner learned. Ted Turner spent all that money to book bigger arenas, sign known talent, and increase production values. People said he was nuts. When things took off they made more money in one year than they had lost in all the years of the company combined. We all know what happened next due to over inflated ego's, bad booking, and guys who wouldnt pass the torch, but, the initial strategy was the right one and one that should be emulated. The Carters have a shit ton of money, they have the capability to be a real competitor. Signing the Chavo Guerrero's and Mike Knox's of the world isnt going to do it. They need to sign a guy who can sell merchandise and sell tickets. As much as I despise the guy they need to be planting the seeds of a Hogan-WCW money deal in the mind of John Cena's agent at every waking moment.

In the meantime I am enjoying the slow climb, it isnt WWE in terms of production values and big atmosphere but Impact has turned into a solid Wrestling product. Austin Aries is the true champion of American Pro Wrestling, Bully Ray and Bobby Roode are damn good at the moment, and they have always dependable guys like Styles, Daniels and Angle who can really put on good matches.

They have a lot more pieces to the puzzle than most give them credit for, they just need to be willing to go all in to make get the last few pieces and fit them together.
One step at a time, Squash. They've only recently gotten into the groove with good matches and builds with the roster they have. I want to make sure that keeps happening before I read about "TNA SIGNED _______"
They hired Jeff Hardy at the height of his career and completely squandered any potential of his.
Yeah, they took him and fed him to Russo. They signed him and didnt leave the impact zone, they didnt come up with any good stories, and they wasted him. IMO Lagana would have used him better and if a guy made a jump now Lagana would know what to do with him. Of all the things I listed leaving the Impact Zone is most important.

Go watch Slamiversarry and see the difference a real crowd can make, it felt like a major league show, the impact zone feels like anything but major league. That brawl Thursday would have been so much better with a real crowd instead of a bunch of tourists.
my main problme with TNA is there way they finsh matches. every finish is terrible . Impact seems to be getting into a groove and is better than RAW. being live helps that a bit.

They are finally using talent in the right way again expect for samoa joe.


my main problme with TNA is there way they finsh matches. every finish is terrible . Impact seems to be getting into a groove and is better than RAW. being live helps that a bit.

They are finally using talent in the right way again expect for samoa joe.

I disagree Impact was doing very good but then when Aces and eight and Claire Lynch came along and the last 4 shows have been bad.

Those two storylines alone have killed all the momentum out of Austin Aries title run.


I will never forgive Fred Durst for covering that.

I'll never forgive Pete for allowing it to happen at all.

These last few posts are lolfull. TNA can't poach top WWE talent. They don't have the money. They've been in the red for 10 years. I think this year is the first time they've ever turned a profit and I'm guessing going live cut into that a lot. They got Kurt Angle straight from WWE riddled with injuries and drug issues and nothing improved. They got one or two good buyrates out of him, and good for them is still a horrific WWE buyrate. They got Jeff Hardy after Jeff was THE hottest guy in wrestling. Absolutely the most popular guy coming off his biggest run...and a giant drug bust and possible prison time. His fans are loud in the Impact Zone, but no extra eyes made it to the product.

Matt Hardy wasn't misused in the least. He was fucked up and out of shape and then fucked up and suspiciously good shape in a very short amount of time. He added nothing to the shows at all and had no potential while he was pilled up. TNA could get John Cena and they'd be in the same spot with in 3 months. They have their audience and in this down period, it isn't going to get any bigger. Just like WWE isn't going to be getting 6 and 7s in the ratings anymore. The entertainment and television businesses have passed pro wrestling by. There are so many more quality shows on cable and options to watch online that just weren't around in 1998. Or 1988.

The model has changed and pro wrestling just can't seem to get with the times. WWE JUST put out an app for Apple and Droid. The app store debuted 4 years ago. They should have had one out in 2010 at the latest. And on top of that, it sucks. It's ugly and there is very little content. WWE should have used the UFC app as a model. Shit done changed and WWE's response to it? Add MORE PROGRAMMING that people aren't watching. They did NXT and Superstars and no one in America watched it, so it got put online where no one watches it. Now they are doing their Saturday morning show that will surely die a quick death considering kids have iPhones and iPads and aren't getting up on Saturday to sit in front of the TV watching cartoons. They're doing that on their tablets and on Hulu and Netflix. WWE needs to be offering their content on tablets and phones immediately. Not their shitty app that you can see highlights and pictures. I'm talking full shows, classic matches, specialized content just for phones and tablets. They need to be offering PPVs on tablets. They need to get on Xbox Live and Playstation Network.

I don't even think it is a question of building new stars (which WWE has been awful at in the past decade), it's getting their product on to all the various platforms that are available to them now. Instead of spending all their time on Twitter and Tout, they should be all over VOD services. WWE killed their own market after swallowing ECW and WCW and pro wrestling hasn't recovered since. TNA is never going to fill that void because WWE IS pro wrestling. Anything else is sub-par, bush league stuff. It's the same as MMA in the US. Anything that isn't UFC isn't the real deal, even if Strikeforce or Bellator had Fedor, Hendo, SuperReem, and other various guys who were cut from UFC. Or any league in America trying to compete with the NFL/NBA/MLB. Those leagues have had such a dominant hold of their sport that nothing can ever compete. People will watch Arena Football because the NFL isn't on. But AFL isn't going to ever over take the NFL.


If you have $250 to blow, you can join Jeff Jarrett's Fantasy Football league.

Are you a Jeff Jarrett fan? Love fantasy football? Now is your time to get the best of both worlds and battle the King of the Mountain in the all-new Double J Double F Fantasy Football Challenge!

Jeff is an 11-time world champion in professional wrestling, but almost equally impressive are his victories in the world of fantasy football.

In a recent interview from his lakeside home in Tennessee, Jarrett had this to say:

“I’m undefeated in fantasy football. You slap nuts think you have what it takes to beat the King of the Mountain? Then bring it on!”

When you join the Double J Double F Fantasy Football Challenge, here’s what you’ll get:

Go one-on-one with the King of the Mountain: The Double J Double F Fantasy Football Challenge is a full-season fantasy football league that consists of you, Jeff Jarrett & several others like yourself. You’re guaranteed to play Jeff at least once in the regular season and possibly again in the playoffs.

Get some awesome Jeff Jarrett memorabilia: There will be some awesome Double J memorabilia up for grabs throughout the course of the season.
Everyone who signs up will receive a personally-signed 8x10 picture of the King of the Mountain.

Every week, the person who gets the most points will win an authentic, personalized piece of Jeff Jarrett history (i.e. one of his classic t-shirts).

For the grand prize, whoever takes 2nd place behind Jeff (or if somehow Jeff loses in the playoffs and someone else wins the championship), they get to choose either:
A laser-engraved guitar personalized by the King of the Mountain, one of Jeff’s most popular and best selling-items ever sold; OR
Some authentic ring-worn King of the Mountain attire, personalized by Jeff!
And to sweeten the deal, the runner-up gets the other item! Wow!

Every week, fantasy expert Matt Camp (@TheMattCamp & host of Sirius/XM Fantasy Football on Sirius 210/XM 87) will discuss the Double J Double F Fantasy Football Challenge and Jeff’s game that week!

And coolest of all, you’ll get to TALK SMACK WITH DOUBLE J! The week you play Jeff, record yourself trash talking Jeff and post it online. Jeff will watch your smack talk and he will tell you what he has to say. And we’ll VIDEOTAPE THE WHOLE THING! We’ll post it online for you to have forever. Imagine getting to interact with Jeff Jarrett like this! Can you get the best of the King of the Mountain?

More info here: http://jeffjarrett.tumblr.com/

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well Wrassle-gaffers, you wanted an older PPV every Sunday night there isn't a major one on - so say hello to WWF Survivor Series 2001!


The event featured eight professional wrestling matches with outcomes predetermined by WWF script writers. The matches featured wrestlers portraying their characters in planned storylines that took place before, during and after the event.

The largest storyline that had pervaded the WWF in the preceding months was, as mentioned above, The Invasion which came about due to the actual purchase of World Championship Wrestling by the WWF just prior to WrestleMania X-Seven and eventually grew to a battle between factions representing the WWF, WCW, and Extreme Championship Wrestling. On the October 22, 2001 episode of Raw, Vince and Linda McMahon challenged Shane and Stephanie McMahon to a "Winner Take All" match to determine the fate of both companies; in Vince and Linda's case, the WWF, and in Shane and Stephanie's case, the WCW/ECW Alliance. Vince, however, had to deal with the defection of Kurt Angle to the Alliance and the constant feud between WCW Champion The Rock and Chris Jericho over the title. Vince began spreading rumors to the Alliance that there was a mole within their faction. On an episode of SmackDown! before the Survivor Series, Steve Austin was the last man standing after both factions attacked each other in the ring. After that, Vince appeared on the entrance ramp and shared a smile with Austin, teasing that Austin would be the mole.

HERE is the link to the show, let's watch and enjoy:

Oh fiddlesticks, this Invasion viewing is too late for me, I haven't seen the main event in years and i'm trying to remember if it was good or not.


Sunflower, that video keeps messing up on my iPhone. It skips every few seconds and then goes straight to sound only. Man, I really wanna watch this.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sunflower, that video keeps messing up on my iPhone. It skips every few seconds and then goes straight to sound only. Man, I really wanna watch this.

Not surprised, I think it uses Flash :(

Al Snow sure is strange once he abandoned Head.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Test's theme was so good. Edge's is trash at this time though,
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