As I did last week, I'll catch the show on Youtube.
Ongoing thoughts, now.
- still not liking AJ as GM, though blends in well with the rest of the melodramatic crap
- Wade Barrett return promo, I like
- three hour show, Christian-Del Rio gets three minutes, lolol, fucking WWE
- can't give a win for Show over Orton clean, can they?
- I give it a month or so until Randy's back in the WWE/World title hunt, good punishment for getting suspended
- snore, a Raw Divas match
- using Shawn again to put over HHH's match, goddamit
- a Lesnar-Michaels feud would have been amazing
- Jericho was gold on commentary
- Ziggler-Jericho best feud atm, too bad Chris is leaving to tour
- Cena-Bryan was pretty dang good, better than the sloppy Cena-Punk stuff
- Punk attempts to kick Show, blocked, and KO. lol looked funny. so they let Show end the show like that, but they didn't land him a victory earlier in the night. well thought out