Joshi, not to be outdone by the men also have gotten on the action of terrible unsafe spots. Say hello to one of Kairi's concussions.
Bish ain't around anymore, so the chains are off.
The problem isn't the MMA girls looking good. It's burying your own roster against shoot fighters.
Pretty much it comes down to common sense.
Use your words.
If you are posting a gif, make it apply to whatever you are posting to.
And don't use the same gif for every reply.
I swear there were like 3 gifs that were used in every other thread over there.
Here most of the gifs are in ring stuff anyway
RIP Bish ��
I heard y'all are big fans of WWE's fonts
Depends how the match is booked. If the WWE women get their moments of dominance over Duke and Shafir, and then one of them gets beat by Baszler, I think overall they come out of it okay.
Joshi today is probably the safest it's ever been, for better and worse
Mike Johnson is saying he's heard rumblings that all the former ROH guys who are NXT bound (Lio Rush, Dijak, Fish, KOR, and Cole) might come in as a stable of sorts instead of them all being introduced as singles at once.
This slow trickling of them (Fish a few weeks ago, O'Reilly last night) might be a part of it.
If Vince still had it he would have insisted they used a pic of Shane from his dork rumble ref days in the early 90s as rib.I heard y'all are big fans of WWE's fonts
I think it takes a long time to be convincing as a shoot fighter without actually hurting someone like Lord God Suzuki.
Blackman worked because he was just Steve Blackman.
Shamrock took some time to find a groove and even then he wrestled a mostly pro wrestling style with some grappling.
Mike Johnson is saying he's heard rumblings that all the former ROH guys who are NXT bound (Lio Rush, Dijak, Fish, KOR, and Cole) might come in as a stable of sorts instead of them all being introduced as singles at once.
This slow trickling of them (Fish a few weeks ago, O'Reilly last night) might be a part of it.
Nexus 2.0
RIP Bish 😢
Joshi, not to be outdone by the men also have gotten on the action of terrible unsafe spots. Say hello to one of Kairi's concussions.
Nexus 2.0
With like 100x the talent.
Natural Born Thrillaz 3.0.
Pretty much it comes down to common sense.
Use your words.
If you are posting a gif, make it apply to whatever you are posting to.
And don't use the same gif for every reply.
I swear there were like 3 gifs that were used in every other thread over there.
Here most of the gifs are in ring stuff anyway
doesn't Beef post in the popgaf thread regularly? and now it is closed?
someone get Breezeango on this case.
Yeah well I can non-exclusively report that is going to carry AJPW events at $5 a pop.
I'm game as long as the turnaround isn't weeks or a month
GWF 7: Zach is Cool and We All Like Him.
Ho Ho Lun was like the Jinder of China.
The only reason he was in the CWC and advanced past the first round and later signed is because they wanted a Chinese star.
Yeah well I can non-exclusively report that is going to carry AJPW events at $5 a pop.
I'm game as long as the turnaround isn't weeks or a month
Any summaries of the Del Rio and Paige debacle?
Fight Night Round 3 blew my miiiind. And it's one of the few games I could dominate all of my friends at, which helps. I was a master of stick-punching.![]()
Hex, don't stop. I'm almost there.
Dont do drugs
Yeah well I can non-exclusively report that is going to carry AJPW events at $5 a pop.
I'm game as long as the turnaround isn't weeks or a month
Maybe Professor B. will actually put in some work now to promote his upcoming championship bout at GWF 7: Zach is UnCool and We All Like To Beat Him Up.
I beat you like 10-1 in our Iron Man Classic!!Good title.