That vertical leap is amazing.The best dropkick in wrestling.
When his feet are in kenny's face, his head is well above that. It's incredible.
Honourable mentions for drop kicks:
Bob Holly
Ziggler iirc
Big Show
That vertical leap is amazing.The best dropkick in wrestling.
When his feet are in kenny's face, his head is well above that. It's incredible.
Both. Sides.
That vertical leap is amazing.
Honourable mentions for drop kicks:
Bob Holly
Ziggler iirc
Big Show
Alright RassleGAFers, I just decided to become a NJPW World subscriber. Can I skip right to the end of the G1 Climax? Because that's a whole lotta show.
Also, any recommendations are appreciated.
Your soul.How much does it cost to train at the New Japan dojo
How much does it cost to train at the New Japan dojo
How much does it cost to train at the New Japan dojo
Another new feature added, meant to enhance both gameplay and story, is the notion of the quick pin - the idea that one player can land a schoolboy roll-up or a crucifix-style leverage pin, ending a bout quickly, just like the matches on TV sometimes. To aid this, there are now 12 different new match interference scenarios - from run-ins to walk-ins to just entrance music blaring - that will create a targeted distraction and open up a quick pin window. After the bell, the loser, still with full energy, will then have the option of beating down whoever it was that just scored the "fluke win."
Yeahis that Nazi poster actually real?
in my universe, every match will end in a distraction finish
is that Nazi poster actually real?
Alright RassleGAFers, I just decided to become a NJPW World subscriber. Can I skip right to the end of the G1 Climax? Because that's a whole lotta show.
Also, any recommendations are appreciated.
Yeah from a 2009 show under the old ownership. They took it down when the NWA found out and told them to get rid of it.
Yeah from a 2009 show under the old ownership. They took it down when the NWA found out and told them to get rid of it.
Leave it to GAF to pull up something close to 10 years old and toss it out there for a reaction with no context.
Leave it to GAF to pull up something close to 10 years old and toss it out there for a reaction with no context.
Hasney is weirding me out.
The best dropkick in wrestling.
When his feet are in kenny's face, his head is well above that. It's incredible.
Hasney is weirding me out.
it's all that yukes DLC
There's no actual reason to feel happy about wrestling doing bad in America. It's not opening some door for New Japan Pro Wrestling. It means wrestling is rapidly becoming even more niche and lame in the mainstream.
Not someone in the comments saying Seth's good on the mic and carried the Shield or that Chris Hero should have had Roman's spot.
those flair shirts are fucking great
You didn't ask did you? FAILI just saw a black guy with a black shirt that said, "ask me about my ninja disguise."
Fale killed him twice fam
Wow. That was really unfunny.