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August Wrasslin' |OT| Make a.. make a good...uh...a good wrestling thread

Hall of Shame:

A lot of Geeks!

1 on 6, COME ON!

Take a 10 kid

But then they won't even commit to Jax being a monster either. They're like "What a beast...but also she's glamourous and beautiful too!". Trying to have it both ways.
Pick one.

Bull Nakano was pretty too, but no one ever said that because she was meant to be a monster heel.

Do you think the guys up top though Nakano was pretty though? To the same extent do you think the people calling the shots in this day and age consider Jax to be attractive?

I just feel right now it's a matter of old school prejudices trying to appease modern social media standard with little regard to the actual strengths and weaknesses of their performers.


Damn the way joe was holding his jaw, the aggressive X from the ref, the camera quickly panning off. Shinsuke did him mega dirty on a shoot


Damn the way joe was holding his jaw, the aggressive X from the ref, the camera quickly panning off. Shinsuke did him mega dirty on a shoot

It was kind of nasty in the replay of him being kneed from behind he's just standing there touching his jaw before impact.


It was kind of nasty in the replay of him being kneed from behind he's just standing there touching his jaw before impact.

It's almost like he's testing it, like, fuck, did he really just break my jaw? Obviously WWE likes to highlight real injuries, but you can tell by his body language he isn't selling


It's almost like he's testing it, like, fuck, did he really just break my jaw? Obviously WWE likes to highlight real injuries, but you can tell by his body language he isn't selling

When you break your jaw a lot of times it locks in the open position, you have to unhinge it to make it close again. It's absolutely disgusting.
I'm rewatching the Mortal Kombat movie. As much as I love it, Liu Kang is straight up booked like Cena during the Reptile fight. Took a beating most of it, then came back 2strong.
The other thing I noticed with Nia Jax, and I've noticed it a lot with the women's division but a lot of the younger/newer wrestlers in general, is how choreographed to a tee everything they do is. Their entrances are exactly the same every single time. Does anyone else think that is stupid? Nia Jax comes into the ring, stands on her mark, finds the camera and does that dumb "hand in the fist" thing every single time. It makes them look so robotic and inauthentic as characters to me. It makes me wonder if NXT is in a way the best and worst thing to happen. Getting guys/girls into the "WWE style" earlier in their development than they did before seems to kill any natural charisma or originality they might have.

I think it still depends on the person. A guy like Gable was trained mostly by NXT in terms of showmanship and character, but he has natural charisma so he never comes off as robotic or fake.


Just some general thoughts and my experience from attending live. Last year I did NXT, Summerslam and Raw with a couple different groups of friends. This year was only NXT. I was in Section 7 Row 13

General Comparisons to NXT: Brooklyn 2015:
Scheduling was much better. Last year I remember the doors opening late and almost rushing to the seats. This year they opened at 6:05 which gave people time to move around and settle in. If anyone hasn't realized yet they were filming the preshow around 6pm est and then aired it at 7:30. This is why the arena may have appeared to be empty. The crowd outside was much quieter this year compared to last year, but once inside it was very much on par and may have topped last years. People walked out of the building singing Naka's theme all the way into the subway. I belive last years card ran over the time they originally planned for (maybe due to the women's celebration), but this year it ended on time and I way able to get home at a decent hour.

TV Show card:
It was a good idea to start off with Dillinger as it got the crowd into it and we ate up the "10" gimmick. He's definitely a fan favorite and hopefully he gets an opportunity in the future. Next up was the tag match between TM61 and the Authors of Pain. A battle between a Pokemon special skill and the Usos on the juice. I ran over to the bar to grab a round of drinks, so I skipped part of this match. It doesn't seem like I missed too much.


It started off w/ NWJ/AA and the crowd was really into the salsa dancing music, but once Aries came out it felt like the crowd was leaning more towards Aries. At some point, maybe midway Ric Flair was trotted out to ringside which may have lead viewers to questioning the whooos, etc. Flair seemed to get into the match and he gave a big thumbs up on the suicide dive by Aries. It was good to see Aries get the win as the crowd was pulling for him especially on some of those 2 counts. Hideo showed up which was great! He missed out last year and he got a nice welcome. It was great to see the GTS.

Ember Moon/Billie Kay
I remember when BK was just a jobber. It seems like she developed a character since the last time I really watched her in a match. Moon was great to watch. I've never watched her before, so it was great to see how athletic she was. Lots of turning/twisting and flipping. She can really move. Her finisher seemed to impress everyone and some of the things she did came out of nowhere. She seemed to transition really well. There wasn't a lot of crowd noise, but I think it was expected with a new heal and a first appearance by someone else. Ember definitely left an impression to the people near me.

I'm getting kinda tired now so I'll try to fast forward stuff.

We saw them setting up Roode's tower of awesome right in front of us and it was a great intro to start things off. The crowd is super high on Roode and he knows it and played along. I think Cien secretly caught some eyes. There were a lot of people talking about him and asking where he came from and why didn't they know about him.

Tag title match. The revival was booed like always and everyone loved the CWC guys. Sasha and Becky were actually down at ringside from this match until the end. They got really into it and were jumping along with the crowd at some of the 2 counts. It was a great match and they put on a show. I really didn't expect that out of The Revival as I've seen them botch stuff in the past and they seemed like generic bruisers. Great job all around and the heels won by heel tactics. It fit perfectly in this instance.

Something was off with this match to me. I'll have to rewatch it to figure it out, but it didn't sit well for some odd reason. The crowd was into the ladies and they liked both of them. At the end of the day I think Asuka got more of the cheers from what I heard, but it was close to a split. If that was Bayleys goodbye to NXT I wish her the best and hope she doesn't join Becky on the sidelines or job out to Eva MArie.

Nakas entrance was amazing with the violin player. It was great to experience that. The crowd sang/hummed along with it and are insanely into Naka. I will admit I've never been a fan of Joe, but maybe it was watching him in person or just the hard hitting match in general, he turned me into a fan. The only downside of the match was Joe getting hurt (official?) with something in the jaw/mouth area. Watching Naka celebrate was way more fun than watching Balor stand on a ladder wincing in pain last year. I don't know if you could hear it on the tv, but at one point during the match someone said "Nakamura is an idiot", which turned the immediate sections around me to chant several things back at the guy. It was probably the only thing that really distracted all night.

I had a good time and enjoyed myself. Nakamura was great to watch live and even when I got back to my home town in NJ someone was whistling his theme walking to the parking lot. Dude is dollar signs.

Thanks if you read through that. Sorry it probably has spelling errors and sentence fragments all over. I hope everyone got home safely if you attended and those going to Summerslam I hope you get a good show and look forward to your experiences.


Not only is it sexual harassment towards those that perform, not only is it inappropriate for an entertainment company that makes a HUGE deal about being family-friendly (yes, NXT is skewed towards older fans but WWE still wants it to be all ages), but it's just plain gross. Nobody needs to know about those personal feelings. It isn't funny, cute, edgy, or any of the things she may think they are. It's the same thing as a dude going to SummerSlam and having a sign that dances around explicitly saying that they want to ejaculate on Becky Lynch or one of the other female superstars. 1000% uncalled for.

For all the hypocrisy that WWE deals in, the ONE thing I would expect them to be pretty firm on is not allowing signs calling for their talent to fist a woman in the audience but she keeps on doing it.
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