"It's a testimony to John Cena that a) he finished the match and b) that he didn't get a shotgun and shoot Seth Rollins when he came through the curtain."
Lmfao Shotgun Friday night at Bret's house.
"It's a testimony to John Cena that a) he finished the match and b) that he didn't get a shotgun and shoot Seth Rollins when he came through the curtain."
Lmfao Shotgun Friday night at Bret's house.
can u provide some context for this quote
new page, same becky booking
![]()"I think that Cody Rhodes, if you watch wrestling like I do as a wrestling fan, he's to me one of those wrestlers that I would put in the category of 'Excellence of Execution'. Every move he does is safe and perfectly executed. There's a lot of wrestlers today a) their execution is lousy and they're not safe. You watch Seth Rollins who they've pushed as this huge mega, mega push. I watched him a few months ago, and you can watch it back on YouTube but he knees John Cena in the face. Just knees him in the face so hard, so recklessly, so dangerously, you can easily kill somebody with a knee like that in the face," said Hart.
"It's a testimony to John Cena that a) he finished the match and b) that he didn't get a shotgun and shoot Seth Rollins when he came through the curtain."
bret's right
but people on wrasslegaf said rollins is #safe so bret must be wrong
bret's right
but people on wrasslegaf said rollins is #safe so bret must be wrong
Owen broke Austin's neck. He must have been unsafe right, Bret?
Bret doesn't give a f... yet WWE still calls him for appearances.
Are you going to serveBret some hard times?Nintendo is aiming NX at upgrading smartphone gamers?
Is this like how they were aiming Wii U at upgrading tablet gamers? -_-
Owen broke Austin's neck. He must have been unsafe right, Bret?
Bret said multiple times Owen was reckless doing the move, and never liked Owen's refusal to apologize.
Bret said multiple times Owen was reckless doing the move, and never liked Owen's refusal to apologize.
You know that tribute Raw is dark when considering the fact that Owen couldn't find a way to apologize to Austin.Bret said multiple times Owen was reckless doing the move, and never liked Owen's refusal to apologize.
I'm sorry, NeoGAF Vince McMahon.
I read Bret saying that Owen was crying and terrified and just never knew how to apologize. So then they do the Owen 3:16 thing and Austin is furious because well Owen never apologized.Wait, Owen never apologized for nearly paralyzing a man?
Wait, Owen never apologized for nearly paralyzing a man?
Also fuck Yamato
most overrated dude in Japan ever. Fucking mediocre as shit wrestler constantly getting pushed.
The reason Bret keeps talking is because people keep eating this crap up. Same thing with Cornette and Russo
I don't know if he thought he did nothing wrong or if he didn't know where to begin with the apology or what but yeah. No talking about it together, no visiting, no calling, nothing happened from Owen's end and it upset Bret and Austin
Bret said multiple times Owen was reckless doing the move, and never liked Owen's refusal to apologize.
Owen probably never apologized because he had that hard-knocks "suck it up" attitude left over from the Dungeon.
Owen probably never apologized because he had that hard-knocks "suck it up" attitude left over from the Dungeon.
I know he has. That's not the point I was making.
Owen probably thought writing "I'm sorry" on his nose would be enough since it would reach Austin from across the arena.
Whenever you're wrong, you always backtrack and say "that's not what I meant" or saying everybody but you magically misinterpreted what you were clearly saying
Owen probably never apologized because he had that hard-knocks "suck it up" attitude left over from the Dungeon.
Owen probably thought writing "I'm sorry" on his nose would be enough since it would reach Austin from across the arena.