x Power Pad Death Stomp x
Ah okay, cool! Weird. Maybe it's the real Wade!
I'm not sure, shouldn't I have to click a link to another website to see his posts? He hasn't made any of his posts VIP exclusive, either.
Ah okay, cool! Weird. Maybe it's the real Wade!
I don't work for WWE, but I did write the story for Fast Lane.
Posted here a couple of times, off and on, and have been into THIS BUSINESS for damn near my whole life. Place I work at got the opportunity to create a racing game for John Cena a few months ago and, thankfully, I got to craft the story supporting the racing.
Tried to insert a lot of wrestling love into the back and forth. There's later levels with racer/wrestlers and referee car-enthusiasts you challenge, along with a bit of Punch-Out style "return of Don" moments. It was a LOT of fun to do...WWE was great to work with on the creative side and I think we made a pretty fun game.
That said, I wanted to get "legit shook" into the game since the first draft. Think of it as a "thank you" for the support, the many links Bootay provides for NJPW, and being one of the best communities on GAF. Handshakes all around. Hope you guys play the game and dig it.
Also, Fav Five Time:
1. Daniel Bryan
2. Antonio Cesaro
3. Prince Devitt
4. Sami Zayn/El Generico
5. CM Punk
If Daniel loses, and Orton cashes and wins Sunday, I will not be happy.
If Daniel loses, and Orton cashes and wins Sunday, I will not be happy.
Bryan heel turn at SS. Becomes a ruthless wrestling machine who works with Vince to get a title. Cuts a promo about how he doesn't give a shit about anyone.
Then on Total Divas, has sex with the other Bella Twin in front of Cena.
I noticed a lot of you are finally giving Brock some credit, I didn't see that coming. Dude gets a bad wrap because of his scheduled, and pay; but he is always solid.
Reality: Cena wins clean, has threesome with the Bellas as Bryan walks in, yells "THE CHAMP IS HEREE".
Huh? I don't think anyone has ever thought badly of Brock since his comeback, the dude gives it his all and does his best to earn what they're giving him. I think the problem people have had was his booking against Super Cena and then parking him next to the Triple H for half a year, as Triple H is basically a black hole that sucks up any fun from the program.
Young Bucks are the best tag team in wrestling
One of my favorite things was when running the GWF Preshow, we cut to Strobogo's montage of Kanyon Cutters - and it warmed my heart to see thousands of people watching it.
You do good work, Positively Strobogo. Good work. Kanyon smiles down from above.
Daniel Bryan gave a hell of a promo last night.
Paul Heyman is in a class of his own. I have been so happy to see him in front of a camera lately. We are so lucky.
I noticed a lot of you are finally giving Brock some credit, I didn't see that coming. Dude gets a bad wrap because of his scheduled, and pay; but he is always solid.
Stop saying things like this. Those two bell-bottomed idiots are on the fast road to breakdown town.
- Vince fucks Trips up with a chair, sledgehammer, or maybe another wrestler like Mason Ryan.
- Has Maddox fast count a Cena win.
- Hits Cena with object or has wrestler beat him up.
- Vince signals for Orton to come out and cash in.
- Orton is WWE Champion after Cena kicks out twice. He'll need 3 RKOs.
Survivor Series: Triple H vs Vince
Team Hotel: Bryan, Cena, Rhodes, Disposable Face (RVD, Ziggler), Triple H
Team Vince: Orton, Axel, Sandow, Disposable Heel (Heath Slater, Del Rio, Big E, Mason Ryan), Vince
Winner gets complete control over WWE. Also, if Trips' team loses Bryan can never fight for the WWE Championship ever again. If Vince's team loses, Orton has to defend the title at the next PPV versus Cena.
Bork is awesome and has been awesome since literally day one of his WWE debut. Anyone not giving him credit because of how he's been booked is full of PISS.
Total Divas, whatever you think of the show, is proving to be a very successful television vehicle with the audience growing every week.
The third show on Sunday did 1.67 million viewers, up from 1.53 million from last week.
Total Divas is a huge hit![]()
I will say its worth watching.
Total Divas, whatever you think of the show, is proving to be a very successful television vehicle with the audience growing every week.
The third show on Sunday did 1.67 million viewers, up from 1.53 million from last week.
Total Divas is a huge hit![]()
I like it, in an awful way.
Zeb Colter and the Real Americans should switch gears. The real problem with America is the fact that there are people who watch Total Divas.
Whatever. I'm a Miz fan. I know theres 1 other Miz fan in here. I'm sure there are several others in hiding.
Cena is going to win and Orton beats him. Cena will be weak from having the Yes Lock applied to him 3 times.
You can't have Orton run in and beat Bryan because Bryan would have to be weak from fighting Cena or laid out. The only way that happens is if Cena lays Bryan out and he won't do that.
Save up Bryan chasing after Cena/WWE title until Wrestlemania.
I don't think there's anybody who would watch the pilot episode of Miz TV, a 60 minute reality show about Mike "The Miz" Mizanin living his life, over Total Divas.
Whatever. I'm a Miz fan. I know theres 1 other Miz fan in here. I'm sure there are several others in hiding.
Big E, holder of the belt.
Miz is absolutely a worse thing than Total Divas.
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I realised yesterday I enjoy Khali and Hornswoggle more than I do Miz. Isn't that the saddest thing?
I don't think there's anybody who would watch the pilot episode of Miz TV, a 60 minute reality show about Mike "The Miz" Mizanin living his life, over Total Divas.
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I realised yesterday I enjoy Khali and Hornswoggle more than I do Miz. Isn't that the saddest thing?
Honestly, if we're doing pie in the sky booking, here's how I think it plays out...
Long match, Cena goes for AA, Bryan counters into small package, clean pin, champ, lalala. Bryan and Cena both sell length of match, I HEAR VOICES
Douche Orton strolls, in RKO, H reluctantly counts, peace easy. Real similar to how Punk/Cena went down.
Only thing is explaining why Cena doesn't attempt to break it up. Maybe SIERRA HOTEL (via Vince?)
I did like when WWE had their Youtube deal and did 10 minute episodes of different shit. Del Rio going car "shopping" etc - just seeing the guys and girls out in the real world is fun to me.
Look Wrasslegaf, i'm all for pointing and laughing at the The Ice Cold Natural Guy Mike the Miz Mizanin but Total Divas, Khali and Hornswoggle are a lot worse.