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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


The only "roid freak" kind of guys pushed hard in the last decade were Cena and Batista. And Cena isn't really the same as the big muscle bound freaks of the 80s.

Well, unless you count Eddie and Benoit, since they were definitely roided up freaks by the time they were champions. You look at the big pushes in the last 10-15 years, and most of them were average sized guys or guys with LEGIT athletic backgrounds. Especially since Austin and Rock left.


I know you guys want to believe your small indie favs are going to get their chance to shine, but that still hasn't happened yet.

At the end of the day "The bigger guy defeats the smaller guy because he is bigger" is still the easy lazy booking choice and Vince still likes big guys.

The only "roid freak" kind of guys pushed hard in the last decade were Cena and Batista. And Cena isn't really the same as the big muscle bound freaks of the 80s.

Well, unless you count Eddie and Benoit, since they were definitely roided up freaks by the time they were champions. You look at the big pushes in the last 10-15 years, and most of them were average sized guys or guys with LEGIT athletic backgrounds. Especially since Austin and Rock left.

Edge, Orton, Sheamus, Del Rio, Booker T, Undertaker, Khali, Swagger, Kane, Mark Henry, Big Show are not exactly small.

How tall is the shortest person in that group? 6'5"?

Sure You've got Punk, Zigger, Miz and Mysterio, and Bryan in there but who of them besides Punk was booked strong?


I believe, and could be wrong, that the over exaggerated celebration/YES stuff was actually Vince's idea.
Vince's idea was for Bryan to celebrate every win like it was the first time he won the title. The actual yes chant was Bryan's idea from what I understand.


Is Randy Orton a "big guy" just because he's tall and lanky?

If David Otunga was 6" taller, He'd be more then a joke character and probably would have had a WWE title run or at least a feud due to his misses. So clearly being roided up alone isn't enough. You need height too. Vince is still big on "Larger then Life".


Most of the really big, jacked up dudes are jobbers right now. PTP can't win anymore. Otunga isn't even on TV. Swagger is a joke. Zeke hasn't been on TV in like 2 years. Ryback is a pussy who verbally submits to Miz from kicks to the leg. That's pretty much it for big jacked dudes on TV. You have guys like Mark Henry, but he's definitely not the same.

Even the taller guys left on TV (Wade, Drew, Cesaro, Tons of Funk) are losers. Almost everyone getting a push right now is in the 6 feet range.


I really wasn't sold on Ambrose until Shield started having matches. I had seen him on indies and didn't get the hype, but now I think he's really being under utilized. He really needs an angle and real feud. One where he gets promos and time to shine each week instead of generic "Believe in the Shield" stuff. I think he'd be a great feud for D-Bryne should he win the title. You get a continuation of the Hell No vs Shield stuff, make Shield seem like a big deal again, and still have the Orton stuff hanging over it.

That sounds like the best first feud for him, actually. First title feud is usually a guy lower on the card. They can have a great program together.


I'm sold on all of them. Rollins was another dude that I had no interest in while he was the indie hot guy, but he's excellent at melding the indie and WWE style. Roman Reigns is a guy who I thought had the look and character on NXT, but not really the actual in ring work, but he's been excellent since coming to the big leagues.

I just wish they had an actual angle. They should be doing so much more than random Smackdown and pre show matches.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Playing Ni No Kuni for the first time and I'm naming every familiar after 1970s and 1980s wrestlers. Mitsuharu Misawa is a Purrloiner, but I will make him a Puss in Boats, while Ole Anderson is Burly Hurly. It's doesn't add to my enjoyment any, but in such a charming game I don't feel so bad as I quickly cycle through and replace these monsters each time I see one I like more.


Bo is naked and champion



a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I'm here to tell you guys to stop disrespecting Bo. He's the NXT Champion, what have you done with your lives?

Also, AJ is a poser.

That is all.

I've been told I'm a great worker by two different hall of famers! Sure it was for my art work and it was Lawler and Raven, but still!

Also yes I agree, AJ Styles is a poser. I just can't believe him as a highly emotional teen girl going through a phrase who teases the bad boys who want to dress him up for the big nights out in stadiums.


After watching this week's NXT, next week looks STACKED AS HELL.

Emma vs. Summer Rae in a DANCE BATTLE

Dean Ambrose vs. Adrian Neville for the U.S. Title

Leo Kruger vs. Bo Dallas for the NXT Title
Camacho would make a better NXT Champion.

actually not so sure about that

After watching this week's NXT, next week looks STACKED AS HELL.

Emma vs. Summer Rae in a DANCE BATTLE

Dean Ambrose vs. Adrian Neville for the U.S. Title

holy shiiiiiit yes

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Rock was champion just a few months ago and like all hollywood action stars from days gone by is a roid freak.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
The Rock was champion because he was a movie star, not because he was muscled though. He could have looked like David Arne.... no never mind. I'm not making that comparison.

Where the fuck is Hunico? Is he still stuck in Mexico?

Working at the performance centre, expected to start appearing on NXT soon though.
Where the fuck is Hunico? Is he still stuck in Mexico?

I think he's technically cleared to go and apparently wrestled at WM Axxess but i dunno what's up with him. Evan Bourne too. Both were injured for a while so they're probably shaking off ring rust. They had a bunch of undercard guys injured for a while. Those two, Curt Hawkins, Zeke (still injured i think), and Ted gets injured every now and then. Probably why they haven't been released.


After watching this week's NXT, next week looks STACKED AS HELL.

Emma vs. Summer Rae in a DANCE BATTLE

Dean Ambrose vs. Adrian Neville for the U.S. Title

Leo Kruger vs. Bo Dallas for the NXT Title

NXT is pretty stacked throughout August. The August 21st episode has that 2/3 Falls match between Cesaro and Zayn thats supposed to be legit MOTY quality. I

NXT is at the point now that it is consistently good-to-great.


I think he's technically cleared to go and apparently wrestled at WM Axxess but i dunno what's up with him. Evan Bourne too. Both were injured for a while so they're probably shaking off ring rust. They had a bunch of undercard guys injured for a while. Those two, Curt Hawkins, Zeke (still injured i think), and Ted gets injured every now and then. Probably why they haven't been released.

Huncio is fucking good. They should have kept him in the Sin Cara gimmick. He was so much better at it.


NXT is pretty stacked throughout August. The August 21st episode has that 2/3 Falls match between Cesaro and Zayn thats supposed to be legit MOTY quality. I

NXT is at the point now that it is consistently good-to-great.
I cannot wait for that match. NXT is the wrestling show I most look forward to now, and the only taped show I try to avoid spoilers on.

Bray Wyatt's farewell speech
was just too perfect. It's amazing how much the character has grown over all this time.
I've only ever been to two wrestling events. The PPV was WWE In Your House 5: Season's Beatings in December of 1995 in Hershey, PA. The only thing I truly remember about it was the mud/hog pen match. Triple H and Henry Godwinn. Had to look up that name, cause I didn't remember the other guy. Bret Hart vs. the British Bulldog in the main event. And Goldust was there, I believe. I remember Goldust.

The house show was probably in the next year or so, also in Hershey, PA. Don't remember much except I'm pretty sure I got to slap the hand of one "Rocky Maivia" at ringside. I feel like I have that memory, but it's entirely possible my 12 year old self could have made that up.


You should remember the Bret vs Bulldog match, as it was one of the best matches of the 90s. And SUPER bloody in a time when there was probably less blood than today's PG world.
Was just rewatching the segment where Cena selects Bryan, and I was thinking that while Bryan's version fits his present character better, I'd love to see the alternate reality where he simply kept the orchestral version of "Flight of the Valkyrie", as I think it has greater presence and a real sense of gravity. Plus, it reminds me of Flair coming out to "Also Sprach Zarathustra", and reminding me of Flair is always a good thing. Was there a reason they changed it?

Edit: Also, how fucking awesome would it be if they got a full orchestra to play the classical version as Bryan's "special" Wrestlemania entrance?


Probably the same reason they did their own version of Also Sprach Zarathustra when Flair came in in 1991. I assume it is so there are no rights issues. They used that version for Flair on a handful of DVDs even after he returned. Kind of like the knock of NWO music that got used on a few DVDs and games around the same time. Plus, they can sell it on iTunes and whatnot.
You should remember the Bret vs Bulldog match, as it was one of the best matches of the 90s. And SUPER bloody in a time when there was probably less blood than today's PG world.

Actually, I didn't think I remembered any of it outside of an image or two of them in the ring together, but this really does sound familiar. I REMEMBER THE BLOOD


Bret bladed and it was pretty disgusting. Puddles of blood all over the place. Probably 60% of the ring was stained. He told Vince it was a hard way cut, but it wasn't and it was a blade job that Dusty and Flair would be jealous of.
Probably the same reason they did their own version of Also Sprach Zarathustra when Flair came in in 1991. I assume it is so there are no rights issues. They used that version for Flair on a handful of DVDs even after he returned. Kind of like the knock of NWO music that got used on a few DVDs and games around the same time. Plus, they can sell it on iTunes and whatnot.

Isn't it in the public domain? WWE could surely record their own orchestral version of it, and I do agree it would be a much "bigger" theme in terms of aura and prestige
but The E really doesn't care about that
Is that song in the public domain? WWE could surely record their own orchestral version of it, and I do agree it would be a much "bigger" theme in terms of aura and prestige
but The E really doesn't care about that

I think the rock version is fine, as it's energetic and works better with Bryan coming out screaming "Yes!", but it's hard not to notice that it doesn't really sound like someone's coming to kick ass when it plays.
I'm going to try to see if I can find that In Your House PPV later on. That would be a blast to see again. This time via my computer screen. God damn, that was almost twenty years ago. I'm so old.
I think the rock version is fine, as it's energetic and works better with Bryan coming out screaming "Yes!", but it's hard not to notice that it doesn't really sound like someone's coming to kick ass when it plays.

It's fine, I guess, I'm not saying they need to change it. Just that an orchestral version evokes, as you said, that Ric Flair air of greatness.

But really, aside from Taker nobody has that in the company right now anyway so whatevs.


I feel that's an inappropriate reason and thread to celebrate Sunny's carny speak hitting the mainstream. Also, Sunny, I apologize for telling people you blew a few dudes in that thread.
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