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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


This year's Summerslam is what Wrestlemania should be every year. There are too many legends and part timers taking main event spots in the Mania card.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man, I would kill for a Memphis 1985 run from Stro. I don't know how good the archival quality is though from a perspective of "are these all the shows" - there's a lot out there, but I don't know if it's everything. That'd be so good.


This year's Summerslam is what Wrestlemania should be every year. There are too many legends and part timers taking main event spots in the Mania card.

We had this discussion on our podcast this week

And I don't mind legends/part-timers at Mania... except WWE is using them exclusively together instead of using them to raise the stock of the current roster

Imagine if anyone else had a 2-Mania feud with The Rock instead of Cena?

Imagine if Brock and Triple H were broken up to put over two upcoming superstars?

I would have kept Taker/Punk because it did help Punk remain important.
Man, I would kill for a Memphis 1985 run from Stro. I don't know how good the archival quality is though from a perspective of "are these all the shows" - there's a lot out there, but I don't know if it's everything. That'd be so good.

Check out this dude's youtube, there's a TON of Memphis, although he's only half-way through 1985 at the moment;


Looks like he's got the complete TV for '81, '84 & '87, plus a bunch of other years almost complete.
This year's Summerslam is what Wrestlemania should be every year. There are too many legends and part timers taking main event spots in the Mania card.

To me they're tied.

Mania had the stronger card on appearances. It just didn't deliver (I was there in person too).

Summer Slam had a much better build up for the 2 main events. I'm sure the main events will deliver due to who is involved.

At the moment, I still think WWE has some work to do in building up their mid card talent. Except for the Shield and the Wyatts, I could care less about the undercard.

Ryback should've had Goldberg/Warrior type hype on him right now, but they deflated him with the CM Punk losses and heel turn.

Ziggler, nuff said.

Fandango. Ha, ha, ha.

Tag Division still in shambles.

Cesaro and Jack, the job squad.


Man, I would kill for a Memphis 1985 run from Stro. I don't know how good the archival quality is though from a perspective of "are these all the shows" - there's a lot out there, but I don't know if it's everything. That'd be so good.

I'd be 100% down for that. If someone could get me a complete listing of the shows, I'd do that. I saw 1 disc of the giant DVDVR Memphis project and it was awesome. I believe most of it in was from 1980, with a bit into 1981, and mostly just matches. It's what made me realize that Dutch Mantel was fucking amazing, Jerry Lawler was great, and Bill Dundee was pretty good, too. But it was mostly Dirty Dutch that blew my mind. He was a MACHINE on the mat. That mother fucking Zeb. I bet he could still out work 80% of the WWE roster.

I also saw baby Bobby Eaton and heel Koko B. Ware.

Memphis was crazy. I think it got crazier than TNA and prime ECW on a regular basis, but 10-20 years earlier. And typically with better workers.


could never
Kinda wish HHH wasn't the special guest ref... though I'm still hyped as fuck for the match.

Great Summerslam this year, wish I was there.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I haven't read Smackdown spoilers yet... but isn't Shield vs StrongBig a match on the card?

Well fuck I don't know, I trusted Aiii's SS thread! Goddammit! I don't watch WWE I wouldnt know :(

Check out this dude's youtube, there's a TON of Memphis, although he's only half-way through 1985 at the moment;


Looks like he's got the complete TV for '81, '84 & '87, plus a bunch of other years almost complete.

'84 would be pretty awesome, and '87 could be neat as it was in an interesting transitional time.


This story is better than the raw one.

Better told, at least.

Also can't believe HHH ruined Paige's big moment. There should a meme with HHH interrupting people Kanyr style.

I disagree. It's the debut of a new belt. It's completely acceptable for the boss to come out at the end of the match and be a part of the initial award ceremony. Frankly, it gives the belt more gravitas than the overwhelming majority of the main roster belts.
Wow, goddamn, watching a pre-Rainmaker Okada match and he nearly got murdered by Takashi Sugiura's vertical release back-bodydrop;


Wasn't a bad match though, Okada got to show some fire against the far tougher Sugiura and he hit that sweet-ass dropkick he's become known for lately. Sugiura eventually finished the job with a huge backdrop driver.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wow, goddamn, watching a pre-Rainmaker Okada match and he nearly got murdered by Takashi Sugiura's vertical release back-bodydrop;

Wasn't a bad match though, Okada got to show some fire against the far tougher Sugiura and he hit that sweet-ass dropkick he's become known for lately. Sugiura eventually finished the job with a huge backdrop driver.

Made me cringe in my chair. Yeeeeeeesh.
Some notes with a PWI interview Karl Anderson did;

. ROH originally wanted to bring in Bad Intentions, but Tensai was already WWE-bound.
. There are definitely talks between ROH & New Japan in regards to setting up some sort of proper formal arrangement between the promotions.
. Karl says he'd personally love to see Tanahashi & Nakamura in ROH and that, in general, all of the New Japan locker-room would love more opportunities to wrestle in the states.
. He praises Bushiroad who, since they took over, have made special effort to root out any negativity in the backstage environment of New Japan.
. He said Tanahashi was the MVP of the G1, especially considering how banged up he is.
. Says that Michael Elgin & Tomoasso Ciampa would be good fits for future G1's.
. He doesn't pay any attention to US indies beyond ROH & PWG.
. Would love to beat the shit out of Kevin Steen, if they were to ever wrestle.

ROH & NJPW teaming up would be pretty damn great. The NWA's fine (and I actually liked Bruce Tharpe-des in the Big Johnny role), but their involvement with New Japan isn't going to set the world on fire. ROH have a good few talents who could certainly hold their own in NJPW, while it would be great seeing some of the NJPW stars in ROH.
I've also been thinking of making some 'documentary' series that would never be made otherwise. Feel free to chime in with your suggestions:

"Indian Incarceration: A Punjabi Prison chronology "

"LEGIT SHOOK: When Kayfabe gets broken"

"WWE's Most Tepid Turns" hosted by Tatanka.
I doubt Elgin stays on the indie scene till the next G1.

It'd be a crime if he didn't get a single tour of Japan before WWE take an interest. So many awesome matches the dude could have and as he's pretty much the prototypical gaijin muscle-head he would fit right in.

I'd personally love to see him in BJW - he's absolutely perfect for their 'World Strong Heavyweight' division and any combination of Elgin vs Sekimoto/Okabayashi/Sasaki/Kawakami/Ishikawa would be fucking awesome.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Why would NJPW trade down? Who does ROH have that's worth ROH getting to use guys like Nakamura, Naito, Okada, Tanahashi, Suzuki, etc?

Maria's lame ass boyfriend can't even get signed.
I guess Orton cashing in Sunday is gauranteed. My wife who watches 10 minutes of wrasslin a week for Orton and Cena shirtless asked me if she could sit in my SummerSlam party for Cena and Orton's matches, so I break the news that Orton doesn't have a match and she tells me, "yeah but he's got the money thing, so Cena wins LOL and Orton will fight him"
Why would NJPW trade down? Who does ROH have that's worth ROH getting to use guys like Nakamura, Naito, Okada, Tanahashi, Suzuki, etc?

Trade down? They're working with the fucking NWA! Rob Conway! Kahagas! And a dozen more dudes no-one's ever heard of that never wrestle outside of Texas.

The only thing the NWA deal has over a prospective deal with ROH is the NWA name, which still carries at least some weight in Japan, where the fans don't realise what a joke it's become. However, one thing ROH has that the NWA doesn't is a TV deal and a generally larger presence in the US these days. The New Japan president has made it very clear that they want to expand into the US market, ROH could give them the (admittedly, kinda small) platform to start doing that.

Also, say what you want about ROH, but I'm pretty sure guys like Elgin, Strong, Steen, Ciampa, Cole, ACH, etc, have more to offer New Japan than Rob fucking Conway.

Lastly, I doubt that New Japan would ever send over such a star-studded line-up, unless they were running their own shows on US soil. It'd probably be more along the lines of a big name like Kojima, a few gaijin talents and some of the young lions.

Dragonzord said:
Maria's lame ass boyfriend can't even get signed.

He wouldn't sign unless Maria was offered a contract as well, which she claims the Bella Twins actively blocked. I smell a Total Divas season 2 storyline in the works...


NJPW should desperately try to renew their relationship with Vince. I don't see how it wouldn't be beneficial to both. It'd probably actually be better for WWE. A super show in Japan (because obviously that wouldn't happen in the US) would be great for WWE.
NJPW should desperately try to renew their relationship with Vince. I don't see how it wouldn't be beneficial to both. It'd probably actually be better for WWE. A super show in Japan (because obviously that wouldn't happen in the US) would be great for WWE.

WWE are already doing good business with their recent Japanese tours, I think a supershow would attract a lot of interest over there, but I don't think it's something they particularly need. They went head to head with New Japan on their last tour and still sold out the majority of their shows. Also, every cross-promotional venture between Vince and other promoters have been pretty lacklustre on the his side of things. I doubt that he'd wouldn't want to help New Japan get any sort of foothold in the US, or that he'd have any sort of interest in an exchange of talent.


A little behind here but...nice read

GRANTLAND-The Accidental Superstar

Daniel Bryan somehow convinced WWE that he's a star. Now can he convince himself?

The other day, I asked Bryan if it was at all awkward that the entire story line is built around his perceived inadequacy. He said no. "It's not only WWE who thinks that," Bryan said. "Even in Ring of Honor,2 if you were to talk to the booker at the time, Gabe Sapolsky, he would tell you that he never thought I would be the top guy. He saw it in CM Punk, he saw it in Samoa Joe, but he didn't see it in me, because I'm just not a natural leader in the sense that either of those guys are. If you talk to CM Punk, CM Punk wants to be a leader, Samoa Joe wants to be a leader, John Cena wants to be a leader. But I'm content to just be a dude, you know?"


So not worth it
Can someone tell me why it is a shock for Ortiz to join Aces & Eights when Rampage is in MEM?

Because they are friends and kayfabe in TNA is dead.

Yesterday Dixie came out and told a live crowd Angle was gone because he was in rehab. Could've done a off-camera angle with A&8's where they kidnapped Kurt, but nooohooo, lets drop kayfabe and air our dirty laundry to everyone. Ugh. Beyond dumb.


Pretty excited about the new GNR leaks, even if 2 of them are just different versions of a released song and the other is clearly a Tommy Stinson song brought to the band. There has been no good news from the band in many months, Axl has been awful live since the beginning of 2012, and no hope for new music, so anything newish is nice.


Pretty excited about the new GNR leaks, even if 2 of them are just different versions of a released song and the other is clearly a Tommy Stinson song brought to the band. There has been no good news from the band in many months, Axl has been awful live since the beginning of 2012, and no hope for new music, so anything newish is nice.

Chinese Democracy is a great album. I almost saw them at House of Blues, but just couldn't justify the cost.


Yeah, I paid $100 to see them in Indy, which seemed a bit steep considering other bands at that level don't charge nearly that much. But it was a great show and the bootleg sounds about as good as I thought it sounded live. But Axl has been straight up awful for most of the last year and a half and it is such a bummer. The only reason Chinese came out was due to leaks, so I'm hoping these new leaks will maybe get something thrown together and pushed out.

Going Down is a really enjoyable song. Sounds like an Izzy song, sung by Tommy, backing vocals from Axl. I like it. If you've listened to Tommy Stinson's post Replacements solo stuff, it sounds pretty familiar, but a bit more bombastic. It didn't stay up on YT very long, but I just happened to go to one of the message boards before it was taken down.

There is a DJ Ashba version of Better that is all emoy and sounds like a SIXX AM song, and Bumblefoot did an acoustic version while he did his acoustic album in 2008 that is great. I wish Axl had done new vocals for it.
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