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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


Well that was hilarious. I thought it would take too long seeing as it was 1 hour 15 mins. But after everybody was introduced it flew by. Rey/Dolph/Bryan were just there to listen to the old timers talk lol.


more money than God

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So far the prediction spreadsheet says:

RVD over Dean Ambrose
Brie Bella over Natalya
Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow - 50/50 split
Big E and AJ just barely over Dolph and Kaitlyn
Bray Wyatt overwhelmingly over Kane
Del Rio over Christian
Lesnar over CM Pank
50/50 split for Bryan/Cena


I've got....

Ambrose over RVD
Bella over Natty
Sandow over Rhodes
Big LeE over Zigglyn
Wyatt over Kane
Del Rio over Christian
Lesnar over Punk
Bryan over Cena

Orton to cash in....hard to predict outcome of cash-in.
Kana won the JWP Openweight Championship today, the oldest active title in joshi wrestling, despite being a freelancer and only a semi-regular in the promotion. She was wearing weird make-up and contacts and got on the mic afterwards to say that by winning the belt she had taken the soul of JWP, at which point the locker-room emptied, with Bolshoi and other faces trying to get at her.





WCW The Great American Bash 6/14/98

I don't know about this card. The only thing I'm particularly interested in is Saturn vs Kanyon. All the upper card stuff sounds terrible, and I'm not really up for another Benoit/Booker match.

Chris Benoit vs Booker T Best of 7 Final Winner Gets WCW TV Championship Match

This is actually the best of 8 now. These guys have had SEVEN matches on TV in 3 weeks. They had at least that many between January and April. I'm not going to do this match again. I will gif if there is something worth giffing. Book won with the missile dropkick and will face Finlay for the TV Championship later in the show. I hope they don't have any matches for the rest of the year.


Saturn vs Kanyon

BANG! This is the first official match for Kanyon as Kanyon. He comes out as Mortis, though. But wait, Kanyon is in the ring behind Saturn! SWERVE! Kanyon naturally gets a head start on offense. Electric chair drop. Kidman jumps up on the apron and gets promptly knocked off. Saturn gets bumped to the floor, but is able to hit a rope stunner and a slingshot splash back in. He runs into the post and Kanyon hits a second rope fameasser. The Flock get involved. Saturn dives on to everyone. Saturn hits the second rope outside in superplex. Some leap frogs and shit. Saturn locks on an ankle lock. He then does almost a Cattle Mutilation, but more of a full nelson instead of chickenwing. Springboard lariattoo takes both guys to the floor. Back in the ring, a poetry in motion styled dropkick rocks Kanyon in the corner. Triple jump moonsault! Kanyon catches Saturn in mid air and drops into a Northern lights suplex. He misses a slingshot elbow, but Saturn doesn't missed the spinning neckbreaker. They trade some back suplexes. Stun gun from Kanyon. They do a roll up sequence. Fireman carry Flapjack Norton. Burning Hammer into the neckbreaker. My GOODNESS. Saturn comes back with a half nelson suplex. Kanyon gets out of the DVD, but is hit with the superkick. He doesn't go for the cover and instead puts Kanyon on the ropes. They both fall on the ropes. Kanyon particularly took a nasty fall. TWO Mortissss hit the ring and fight. WAT. Morti? Flatliner! Kanyon wins! BANG! Tons of gifs from this. Mortis DDTs Kanyon on the floor after the match. Why, that Mortis was RAVEN. SWERVE! He berates Saturn. Saturn attacks him, but the rest of the Flock go after Saturn. He fucked them all up. No way this isn't the best match of the night.









Recap of Dean giving up his title on Thunder.

Dean Malenko vs Chris Jericho WCW Cruiserweight Championship

The opening move is an intense double clothesline. I'd like to see Jericho be more serious and vicious in this match. Dean hits a release German. I bet he has a fantastically watered lawn. He's giving Jericho a beat down in the corner. He might get DQed if he keeps that up. Brainbustaaah. Jericho does the Flair Flip in the corner. He gets stuck in ropes, but sat up when Dean went for a drop kick. Dean went to the floor. Jericho hit a pescado. Stalling veritcal suplex. Sleeper! Jericho gets out with a back suplex. Lionsault is missed. Leg lariat. Dean does some kind of tornado facebusterish thing. Dean goes for the super gutbuster, but Jericho reversed it into a super rana. Some reversals end up with Jericho locking on the Liontamer. Dean gets to the ropes. Alabama Slam! A whole bunch of rolling through ends in the Teyhas Cloverleaf! Jericho got to the ropes. Underhook backbreaker. Dean gets pissed and starts beating the shit out of Chris. Dean hits one of the worst chair shots this side of Sid, which gets him disqualified. Dean continues to beat Jericho all the way to the outside. They're in Baltimore. You can't be fighting outside in Baltimore. That shit is dangerous. Dillinger had to stop Dean from throwing Jericho into traffic. Chris eventually ran across the street and went into a building. Jericho was announced the winner, but no decision was made regarding the vacant WCW Cruiserweight Championship.



A special look at Juvi walking around Aztec ruins or something.

Juventud Guerrera vs Reese

Tenay claims this is the biggest size discrepancy in wrestling history. I don't believe that since King Kong Bundy was squashing midgets that one time. Juvi tries to bring it to Reese, but since he's the size of a 5th grader, it doesn't really work. Until Juvi starts kicking Reese in the balls. The ref doesn't even care. Juvi is the same height as Reese on his knees. Hammer hit Reese with a chair, which made Reese roll into a rana and get pinned, even though at least one shoulder was clearly not on the mat at all. And Hammer carries Juvi to the back, as he is extremely into homely Mexican women.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Eddie Guerrero

I believe Eddie does a sly jerk off motion to Chavo. That's your nephew, man! Eddie is going all in tonight. No cowering away. He's going in hard. Eddie gets a large cut on his shoulder from the hook on the turnbuckle. Chavo hits some headscissors, and now Eddie decides he's done. Chavo drags him back to the ring and Eddie kick the ropes as Chavo was getting back in. Right in the dick. Stiff black suplex. Chavo comes back with a monkey flip. Moonsault from Chavo! A rare move from him. Chavo goes head first into the steps. Brainbustaaah. Chavo snaps and starts choking Eddie repeatedly. Eddie makes Chavo chase him all around the ring and then hids behind the ref, just so he can set Chavo up to his a cheap shot on his knee. Figure four. Gory special. Candian backbreaker is turned into the whirly bird. Eddie gets dumped to the floor and Chavo does a huge flip to the floor that almost misses Eddie. Chavo continues his come back, but he went up top and got his leg caught falling. He still had enough to sit up before getting hit with teh frog splash. Eddie counters the tornado DDT, which Chavo counters, and Chavo then hits a springboard tornado DDT. Chavo wins!



Booker T vs Fit Finlay WCW TV Championship

Booker tries to get things going early since he's already wrestled a match. Finlay takes it to the ground for a few minutes, but Booker hits a flying forearm. He clotheslines Fit to the floor and hits a pescado. Finlay tries to reverse the ax kick in to a one legged spinebuster...thing. They messed it up, but Fit sticks with the leg work. And he works it for awhile. Stretch muffler! Fit throws Book to the floor and continues to wreck his leg up. Vader bomb onto the leg. Book has had no offense for a good 5-7 minutes. He makes a short come back, only to get hit with a lariatooo. Finlay goes for the tombstone, and they do a hilariously awkward reversal spot. Book comes back with a piledriver/pancake for the win. New champion!



Konnan vs Goldberg WCW US Championship

Super squash. About a minute and a half probably. Thankfully. The real story is that Rude and Hennig SWERVED Konnan and were actually sleeper cells from nWo Hollywood. Lex and Nash ran outto save Konnan.


Bret Hart/Hollywood Hogan vs Roddy Piper/Randy Savage

4 middle aged bitchy dudes in tights. I'll give you that Bret and Savage could still go, but not in a match like this. Bret wasn't that much younger than these guys. I always thought he was much younger. Savage and Piper work well together, which makes no sense, but whatever. I hope this ends soon. I like Bret as a cunty, bitchy heel. That doesn't mean I want to see him involved with a blown up Hogan and Piper for any amount of time. Savage went for the elbow, but Hulk was throwing Piper into the ropes for the big boot at the same time. Savage falls off the ropes and Hogan attacks the knee while Beefcake has Piper busy. Bret puts on the sharpshooter for the win.


Gene comes out to try to get some words with Savage or Piper. But then the match starts.

Roddy Piper vs Randy Savage

FIRST TIME EVER IN HISTORY that tag team partners had a match against each other right after the tag match. Big accomplishment. Savage hits the elbow. That'd be great if this was a minute long. Little Naitch takes a great bump off a Savage punch. Piper puts on the figure four, a new ref comes out, and Piper is declared the winner.


Sting vs The Giant WCW Tag Team Championships

This might have been the first singles match for tag titles. I feel like it had been done in the WWF by this point, but I do think it was the first for WCW. Giant comes to the ring smoking. That probably violated some kind of code, but the cigarette looked like a toothpick in his giant meat paws. Giant blows the smoke in Sting's face. He didn't like it very much. He hits a Stinger splash and gets caught with a boot on the second try. Giant hits probably the craziest snake eyes ever. Sting makes a come back and puts the Deathlock on for about 4 seconds. Deathdrop. Giant kicked out! Another Deathdrop. Giant kicks out again. Sting does another, this time out of the corner. New champion(s)! Lol, solid SIX MINUTE PPV main event, which was about half as long as the main event tag match prior to it.



This was a pretty good show until the last 2-3 matches. Which is pretty typical for WCW PPVs from this time.


No One Remembers
So far the prediction spreadsheet says:

RVD over Dean Ambrose
Brie Bella over Natalya
Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow - 50/50 split
Big E and AJ just barely over Dolph and Kaitlyn
Bray Wyatt overwhelmingly over Kane
Del Rio over Christian
Lesnar over CM Pank
50/50 split for Bryan/Cena

I say:
Ambrose over RVD
Natalya over Brie
Cody over Sandow
Dolph and Kaitlyn over Big E and AJ
Bray Wyatt over Kane
Christian over Del Rio
Lesnar over CM Punk
Bryan over Cena, but have a feeling there'll be some cashin BS going on

I wonderif the guy on reddit will post spoilers.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Saturn/Kanyon was amazing. Always loved Kanyon's moves, and Saturn in his prime really made that match awesome.
Some pictures from DDT's big Sumo Hall shows;

Monster Army;


Shigehiro Irie vs HARASHIMA;


Takagi, Akebono & Owashi;


Wat...MIKAMI, UltraMan Robin & Yoshihiro Takayama;


Actress Saki Akai makes her wrestling debut;


Kota Ibushi vs Kazuchika Okada;




Lol, Okada's dropkick deforms Ibushi's face;


That make-up could be anime inspired.

Yeah, probably, her opponent had cat face paint on for some reason.


I'm going to call the main event:
  • Bryan makes Cena tap out. Bryan NEW WWE CHAMPION
  • Cena is annoyed so gives HHH an AA
  • Randy Orton appears in the ring, RKO's Bryan
  • Vince music hits
  • Vince calls out Maddox
  • Maddox goes for a quick count but Bryan kicks out
  • Randy Orton annoyed by this RKO's Maddox
  • Brawling continues in the ring
  • New referee runs to the ring
  • Orton goes for a rollup
  • Bryan counters into the YES lock on the other side of the ring
  • Orton drags himself and Bryan in near CM's of the rope.
  • Keeps the YES lock on for about a minute, then Orton taps out
  • Bryan has overcome the odds
Kana won the JWP Openweight Championship today, the oldest active title in joshi wrestling, despite being a freelancer and only a semi-regular in the promotion. She was wearing weird make-up and contacts and got on the mic afterwards to say that by winning the belt she had taken the soul of JWP, at which point the locker-room emptied, with Bolshoi and other faces trying to get at her.


I kind of want that as my profile picture. Dat smile


So not worth it
I'm going to call the main event:
  • Bryan makes Cena tap out. Bryan NEW WWE CHAMPION
  • Cena is annoyed so gives HHH an AA
  • Randy Orton appears in the ring, RKO's Bryan
  • Vince music hits
  • Vince calls out Maddox
  • Maddox goes for a quick count but Bryan kicks out
  • Randy Orton annoyed by this RKO's Maddox
  • Brawling continues in the ring
  • New referee runs to the ring
  • Orton goes for a rollup
  • Bryan counters into the YES lock on the other side of the ring
  • Orton drags himself and Bryan in near CM's of the rope.
  • Keeps the YES lock on for about a minute, then Orton taps out
  • Bryan has overcome the odds

Orton stays face in this scenario, so that's not happening.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Seeing Razor in WWE 2k14 just reminds me of how awesome Razor punches were. It's so weird if you think about it, why they're awesome. He's doing that little stomp to simulate hitting someone, ie making the noise. But instead of just making it look extra fake it looks like he's just doing mini lunges into every punch

and I loved his discus clothesline. It was so slow and lazy but it's because that was the character. Loved Razor Ramon's moveset.


Anyone think this is a possibility: during the end of the main event, Orton cashes it in right there and wins it before the Cena/Bryan match comes to a conclusion. That would make sense as that way Vince ensures Bryan doesn't get the title yet Cena loses it. Also HHH would pretty much have to allow it since it is technically 100% by the book. Though I could imagine things being thrown into the ring if this happens.


It's Summerslam Sunday, so prediction time!

Dean Ambrose over RVD via Pinfall
Nattie over Brie Bella via (crappy) Submission
Cody Rhodes over Damien Sandow via Pinfall
Big E and AJ over Dolph and Kaitlyn (via Pinfall?)
Bray Wyatt over Kane via Pinfall
Del Rio over Christian via Submission
Lesnar over CM Pank via Pinfall
Bryan over Cena - Expect Shenanigans (DQ/HHH/???)


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