...Follow the Bo-zzards
I'm 1 hour and a half in Day 1 of the G1 Climax. Yeah, this is intense in every way, they're all very passionate about it. I'm still not that familiar with the wrestlers, but I can already say that Minoru Suzuki will be my favorite, I can feel it.
Wait, is that really a new GnR song?http://www.soundcloud.com/strogaf
The new GNR song and an acoustic version of Better by Bumblefoot! In the event that anyone was interested from the talk the other day.
Wait, is that really a new GnR song?
I'm just glad it's something.Yes. It leaked a few days ago, along with 2 other versions of the song Better. It all got taken down pretty quickly online, but they came out. Tommy on vocals, Axl on backing, Robin/Bucket/Bumble on guitar.
Yeah, probably, her opponent had cat face paint on for some reason.
I'm watching the Mick Foley doc on Netflix, this is good stuff. WWE has really been putting on some great docs lately. I think ever since the CM Punk doc they've been on fire.
Summerslam prediction time.
- RVD over Dean Ambrose
- Nattie over Brie to please the Total Divas viewers.
- Damien over Cody.
- Big E/AJ over Dolph and Kate.
- Wyatt over Kane.
- Christian over Del Rio.
- Punk over Lesnar.
- Bryan over Cenar with interference from HHH, Orton cashes in.
Paige is 21 today!!.
Man those t-shirts. If they still made those Steiner Bros. shirts I probably would buy one.
Paige is 21 today!!.
Lol, fucking JR on that Twitch TV thing. I'm not even 20 minutes in and this is the strangest and most awkward thing. I'd like to hear him call Summerslam as toasted as he was last night.
It should be noted that as of yesterday,were all booked to wrestle which would stem from an angle in theBig Show, Mark Henry, Seth Rollins and Roman Reignsmatch. I was given the hint that the main card may slightly change as well.Ambrose vs. RVD
Whatever is happening at SummerSlam tonight, everything is said to be finalized as of the time you're reading this, so if you see last-minute odd changes or Reddit predictions (my personal feeling is the Reddit guy will no longer be doing spoilers) that are different from yesterday, those could be accurate.
From talking to tons of people in and around WWE today, the feeling coming out of last night's 2K14 press conference where Ric Flair hijacked the show is that the video game people weren't bothered at all about it, but the WWE side was pretty upset. "Infuriated" is probably pretty strong, but they weren't happy at all and it might have ruined Flair's chances at least short-term for a PR deal with the company. Don't expect the video to ever see the light of day from the WWE side but it is online in various places right now. Flair was pulled from the rest of the 2K14 PR.
Mick Foley made it abundantly clear at the Q&A that he can never wrestle again.
Ross tweeted that he was not drunk last night. I don't think anyone reputable ever said he was. He joked that the deal was sponsored by Grey Goose, but that was in reference to Flair. I can tell you that we got reports from fans who saw Flair in the bar literally all afternoon.
Primo and Epico are being repackaged as a matador tag team.
While we haven't heard anyone from the WWE side say Hogan is going to be at SummerSlam tonight, because of what happened with Brooke Hogan being fired from TNA and all the talk about Hogan in regards to the 2K14 video game, the fans at the Staples Center are apparently convinced he's appearing tonight and are spreading that rumor around amongst themselves.