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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Cena can pull out good matches, but it's got to be with someone with some personality. His Dolph matches fell flat to me because of that. Same with Berto. Great wrestlers, but they don't tell a good story in the ring.

An early example was Umaga vs Cena being an awesome match. Because it came off as incredibly convincing in the ring.


Let's keep some context.

I dunno man, I'm feeling the creepy entrances but there isn't much to it yet, and his first big match was pretty damn bad. I don't like the Kane involvement at all, I guess.

And it's dumb as hell that they make him wear his shirt.


Wyatt isn't a dud, although he certainly isn't great in the ring. He's more of a character than a guy that is going to give you super great War Crate matches. But that match did suck. Inferno matches suck. It was doomed from the start.

Also, he's fat, so he's wearing a shirt.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Naomi's ass in that dress. Jesus.

Yes they should have done a cage match instead. Might have been better.

So seems we are getting Paul heyman guys vs team punk/shield at suvior series .

Or team H(orton,bork, axel)vs team McMahon( , Bryan, punk,shild)

Shield would correct the injustice of triple h

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The worst part about Kane being kidnapped is they can't do the "At least my first title reign lasted a day" joke tonight on RAW.


I dunno man, I'm feeling the creepy entrances and shit but there isn't much too it yet and his first big match was pretty damn bad.

And it's dumb as hell that they make him wear his shirt.

The booking was shit but that's not exactly his fault. Everyone's been saying he should have made his debut in a nice simple raw/smackdown match. Not in a Ring of Fire at Summerslam against Kane where he's booked to get chokeslamed 3 times.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Yes they should have done a cage match instead. Might have been better.

So seems we are getting Paul heyman guys vs team punk at suvior series .

Or team H(orton,bork, axel)vs team McMahon(cena , Bryan, punk)

I'll be shocked if Axel is still on tv regularly by Survivor Series.

I could see an Ambrose taking his place. Maybe abandoning the Shield by then because TEH HEATS but keeping Ambrose since Mr H is so high on him.


Christian is a fucking pro. Made Del Rio look like gold. Completely forgot how stale and boring his character is.

I love Del Rio and was surprised at how good that match was. If the story behind it wasn't stale garbage, I'd hold it in almost as high-esteem as I do PunkBRock and DragonCena.

It think it's time for us all to realize Dolph isn't good enough to be a top guy.

He's fun in the ring. He bumps like hell, but he's neither the best wrestler in the company (not even top 5 imo) and he's definitely a lower midcarder as far as mic work goes.

He's good enough to be better than what he's been doing and I'm not assuming anything based off of a mixed-tag match. But I don't disagree that he might not be WWE champ material. Ideally for the year, they let him get back into the WHC scene and finish at Mania having earned a shot for a clean(ish*) victory for the title. Pushing backstage segments over mic work would be best for that. Use the in-ring/"stage" time for posturing, huge bumps and actually showing off in increasingly grandiose ways.

*Depends on heel/face status at the time. Though I can see a "face" Ziggler being okay with any win, clean or not.

Winners with 14 points total for the Summerslam Predictions Game are:

NameGenerated and Gurudyne!

YES!! I must be the greatest!

I'd definitely give Dragon/Cena 5 stars. I think it was neck and neck with Bork/Punk, which blew me away. I really didn't think it was going to be possible to match that fucking war, but they did. I would say it was Cena's best match ever, with only the MITB and SS11 matches with Punk being as close.

I need to rewatch it, but I don't put them on the same level. P/B had a smoother ebb and flow to it than DB/C. The latter was great, but PunkBRock edges it out from what I remember.
Amazing PPV. All great matches, except for the shitty inferno match with the awful finish. I also took a piss break during the divas match (yes really), so I'm not sure if it was any good. Good times watching it with my buddies.

Edit: Also, I actually enjoyed the Miz/Fandango/Ryback segments. So there's that lol.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Brock Lesnar is officially the scariest man in wrestling. You might even say he nearly legit shook me tonight. Watching the match, I mean, I just watched Shibata elbow dudes in the fucking face, but it was nothing like this. Watching Brock so purposefully reckless, watching him just hurl Punk, watching those fucking knees to the head. I know it was intentional and both knew about it, but when you combine that with him giving Cena a bloody lip... When he had Punk in that Kimura lock, I subconsciously thought, 'Punk should tap out. Brock might ACTUALLY break his arm.' because I could visually, easily see Brock just snapping the guy's arm due to how incredible his monster angle has been pushed.

So there you go. For the first time since I was a kid, Brock and Punk made me remember what kayfabe is and get sucked into the moment.

H.Tanahashi vs P.Devitt. T.Yano vs M.Suzuki.
Awesome. I love watching Yano troll and MiSu not put up with his bullshit.


Brock Lesnar is officially the scariest man in wrestling. You might even say he nearly legit shook me tonight. Watching the match, I mean, I just watched Shibata elbow dudes in the fucking face, but it was nothing like this. Watching Brock so purposefully reckless, watching him just hurl Punk, watching those fucking knees to the head. I know it was intentional and both knew about it, but when you combine that with him giving Cena a bloody lip... When he had Punk in that Kimura lock, I subconsciously thought, 'Punk should tap out. Brock might ACTUALLY break his arm.' because I could visually, easily see Brock just snapping the guy's arm due to how incredible his monster angle has been pushed.

So there you go. For the first time since I was a kid, Brock and Punk made me remember what kayfabe is and get sucked into the moment.

Awesome. I love watching Yano troll and MiSu not put up with his bullshit.

Dragonzord on fucking point. We all joked that this match was Wolverine vs Hulk, then it actually turned into that and was amazing


Brock Lesnar is officially the scariest man in wrestling. You might even say he nearly legit shook me tonight. Watching the match, I mean, I just watched Shibata elbow dudes in the fucking face, but it was nothing like this. Watching Brock so purposefully reckless, watching him just hurl Punk, watching those fucking knees to the head. I know it was intentional and both knew about it, but when you combine that with him giving Cena a bloody lip... When he had Punk in that Kimura lock, I subconsciously thought, 'Punk should tap out. Brock might ACTUALLY break his arm.' because I could visually, easily see Brock just snapping the guy's arm due to how incredible his monster angle has been pushed.

So there you go. For the first time since I was a kid, Brock and Punk made me remember what kayfabe is and get sucked into the moment.

But Bork is legit shook terrifyingly strong. The ease with which he picked Punk up from the triangles was actually frightening. And there were a few other times in the match when he muscled Punk around like he was a little kid.

Awesome. I love watching Yano troll and MiSu not put up with his bullshit.

Bork is the safest most reckless guy ever. It's amazing. As far as I know, the only guys he ever hurt were Bobcore Holly (and that was his own fault), that freak accident with A-Train, and busting Cena open. Brock is so fucking good. The Cena and Punk matches were amazing and from a dude who hadn't even had a match in 6 years or something.
Brock is great and has been since forever. He's working at half speed on a part time contract and is still better than 99% of the roster. He's great. Don't let the HHH matches fool you.
Brock is great and has been since forever. He's working at half speed on a part time contract and is still better than 99% of the roster. He's great. Don't let the HHH matches fool you.

I only picked up with the WWE earlier this year (right around Mania, I believe) after about a 15 year hiatus, and I think the only matches I'd really seen of Brock's were with HHH. And were fucking boring. But watching this match with Punk truly made me see the talent that a bunch of you guys have been talking about it. He was ridiculously good tonight.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Brock is great and has been since forever. He's working at half speed on a part time contract and is still better than 99% of the roster. He's great. Don't let the HHH matches fool you.

He looked nowhere near as good last year but it does take time to get used to Wrasslin again.
Alberto Del Rio and Drew McIntyre got into a physical altercation before SummerSlam

According to reports, the reason Alberto Del Rio was sporting a black eye heading into his match with Christian at the SummerSlam pay-per-view on Sunday night was because of a physical altercation that took place either late Saturday night, or early into Sunday.

While there isn’t a lot of specifics that can be provided at this point, it is known that the World Heavyweight Champion was involved in a real-life brawl with fellow WWE Superstar Drew McIntyre. Apparently the two got into a scuffle at some point, and the fight resulted in noticable physical damage to both men.

WWE explained the black eye during the pay-per-view by saying it was the result of Christian hitting the Killswitch on Del Rio during Friday’s edition of SmackDown. However, the black eye, as well as a lot of the bruises on Del Rio’s face were the direct result of the fight with McIntyre.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I only picked up with the WWE earlier this year (right around Mania, I believe) after about a 15 year hiatus, and I think the only matches I'd really seen of Brock's were with HHH. And were fucking boring. But watching this match with Punk truly made me see the talent that a bunch of you guys have been talking about it. He was ridiculously good tonight.

You should watch his matches with Undertaker and Kurt Angle. And if you want to see him terrify a mother fucker. Watch him kill Hulk Hogan and Zach Gowan
He looked nowhere near as good last year but it does take time to get used to Wrasslin again.

What? Brock vs Cena was just fine. Not as good as this, but he was awesome in it.
He looked nowhere near as good last year but it does take time to get used to Wrasslin again.

Really? Because I remember him killing Cena in a brawl on Raw, then singlehandedly carrying their Extreme Rules match with nothing but a few knees, a few suplexes, a suicide attempt over the top rope, and pure "reckless monster" aura.

Brock delivers.

It's Piss™.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I hope all those reports about people chanting bullshit and throwing their seats was fake. Those people aren't fans because fans should be conditioned to see the latest flash in the pan lose for the greater good of the business.

It happened with Punk at that very same arena and event.

Those same people wouldn't survive the "attitude era" with all the screwjobs and title changes.

Now Randy...he's no entertainer...he's a former amature wrestler. Randy did the exact same thing DB did to win the WHC from Big Show so he can't be mad about it....DB gonna have to come up with some new material for his promos.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
yall can call me a weaboo but if Meltzer doesn't give Pork and Bork 5 stars after giving it to Ishii and Shibata, he is officially a contrarian mark.
yall can call me a weaboo but if Meltzer doesn't give Pork and Bork 5 stars after giving it to Ishii and Shibata, he is officially a contrarian mark.

I wouldn't give Punk/Brock 5 stars. I thought Heyman's presence was too intrusive towards the end and took away from the pacing. Shibata/Ishii was a better match IMO. It said what it had to say in like half the time with twice the energy.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I wouldn't give Punk/Brock 5 stars. I thought Heyman's presence was too intrusive towards the end and took away from the pacing. Shibata/Ishii was a better match IMO. It said what it had to say in like half the time with twice the energy.

Easy to do when there's nothing to say. There was no story there other than two hard heads beating the hell out of each other. Even stuff like Naito vs Tanahashi had backstory.
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