Well, WWE delivered what was undoubtedly their best PPV effort of the year. Christian and Del Rio was a great match. Punk and Lesnar delivered an all out brawl that is without a doubt a match of the year candidate. And then, to close the show, Daniel Bryan defeated John Cena for the WWE Championship. The entire arena had a Stone Cold level pop. There was streamers and pyro. This is where the PPV should have ended.
And then, in the last ten minutes, WWE decided that they want the audiences they have fought all summer to gain back to turn the channel after RAW and never turn them back.
The phrase "same old shit" couldn't apply more to the finish of this PPV. It had every bad booking decision you could think of from the past ten years of WWE without John Cena running out and winning the title from Orton. Randy Orton wins the WWE title after the fan favorite up and comer holds the belt for a total of three minutes. It's basically an exact rip of the finish of Summerslam 2011 where Punk beats Cena and then loses to Alberto Del Rio. Triple H pedigrees and kills up and coming talent. The McMahon family turns heel again for the 100000th time. Heel Orton carries the title and has absolutely no new feuds that are interesting. We've seen Orton fight Bryan, Punk, and Cena multiple times now. Dolph Ziggler? Like the WWE that booked this bullshit would ever even consider that as a possibility. SAME OLD FUCKING BULLSHIT.
For those morons out there saying Evolution is back together: I am sure that as early as tonight WWE will make sure you know that is not what happened. Evolution won't even be mentioned on TV.
How many times can you shit on Daniel Bryan before the crowd treats him like he's Christian? "Hey, there's that guy we used to like until WWE made sure that we knew he would never be a true champion."
Seriously, it was my favorite PPV of the past two years until they pulled that bullshit.