get away from him Naito. His jobberness aura might get you.
Tatsu would kill to be a jobber, he's not even that :lol
get away from him Naito. His jobberness aura might get you.
I bet after his rematch, Bryan's only way to get a title shot is to win the Rumble. They put a bounty on his head and everyone fails.
This is the first time since the McMahon / Helmsley Era that WWE has had heels that I want to hate for a reason other than the fact that they suck, or have overstayed their welcome. This really does feel like a new era for WWE and I like where they're going with it. I'm not going to say they're firing on all cylinders, they're firing on different cylinders. Seriously, this WWE seems like night and day compared to the one leading up to Wrestlemania this year. Sure, there are still some things in the mid-card that put me to sleep, but they're even working on that and it's getting better slowly but surely.
Dammit, it's good to be a fan again.
THAT would be some EXCELLENT fucking television. Would love to see Bryan persevere and come out on top sweating like a fiend after drawing #1 in the Rumble, and lasting the whole way through. Now, I WANT to see it. Dang.
How many PPVs between now and Summerslam?
Night of Champs - Orton beats Bryan due to screw job finish
Survivor Series (?) - Bryan faces one of the members of The Shield (probably Rollins) and wins
TLC - Bryan is put into some kind of tag match...maybe against Rollins and Reigns...and WINS
Rumble - Bryan draws #1 and goes through EVERYBODY
The road to WM is set.
What am I missing here?
Yes please.
THAT would be some EXCELLENT fucking television. Would love to see Bryan persevere and come out on top sweating like a fiend after drawing #1 in the Rumble, and lasting the whole way through. Now, I WANT to see it. Dang.
How many PPVs between now and Summerslam?
Night of Champs - Orton beats Bryan due to screw job finish
Survivor Series (?) - Bryan faces one of the members of The Shield (probably Rollins) and wins
TLC - Bryan is put into some kind of tag match...maybe against Rollins and Reigns...and WINS
Rumble - Bryan draws #1 and goes through EVERYBODY
The road to WM is set.
What am I missing here?
Daniel Bryan/Punk/Ziggler/Big Show/Usos vs Orton/HHH/Ryback/Shield.
Elimination Tag. Survivor Series.
Hire me Vince.
THAT would be some EXCELLENT fucking television. Would love to see Bryan persevere and come out on top sweating like a fiend after drawing #1 in the Rumble, and lasting the whole way through. Now, I WANT to see it. Dang.
How many PPVs between now and Royal Rumble?
Night of Champs - Orton beats Bryan due to screw job finish
Survivor Series (?) - Bryan faces one of the members of The Shield (probably Rollins) and wins
TLC - Bryan is put into some kind of tag match...maybe against Rollins and Reigns...and WINS
Rumble - Bryan draws #1 and goes through EVERYBODY
The road to WM is set.
What am I missing here?
The fact that Cena is coming back in 4-6 months, and this is WM 30.
The fact that Cena is coming back in 4-6 months, and this is WM 30.
This is the first time since the McMahon / Helmsley Era that WWE has had heels that I want to hate for a reason other than the fact that they suck, or have overstayed their welcome. This really does feel like a new era for WWE and I like where they're going with it. I'm not going to say they're firing on all cylinders, they're firing on different cylinders. Seriously, this WWE seems like night and day compared to the one leading up to Wrestlemania this year. Sure, there are still some things in the mid-card that put me to sleep, but they're even working on that and it's getting better slowly but surely.
Dammit, it's good to be a fan again.
THAT would be some EXCELLENT fucking television. Would love to see Bryan persevere and come out on top sweating like a fiend after drawing #1 in the Rumble, and lasting the whole way through. Now, I WANT to see it. Dang.
How many PPVs between now and Royal Rumble?
Night of Champs - Orton beats Bryan due to screw job finish
Survivor Series (?) - Bryan faces one of the members of The Shield (probably Rollins) and wins
TLC - Bryan is put into some kind of tag match...maybe against Rollins and Reigns...and WINS
Rumble - Bryan draws #1 and goes through EVERYBODY
The road to WM is set.
What am I missing here?
Cena is fighting Taker at WM30. By the time he comes back, he'll have some dumb feud with somebody and then those bells will toll. The Deadman wants Cena's soul.
Cena beats the streak.
Why would Punk, Usos, and Ryback be involved and why would Henry not be included (with what we're given)? I'm just curious where they would come from.
I predict at least one instance of Bryan winning the title and having the decision overruled.
Cena is fighting Taker at WM30. By the time he comes back, he'll have some dumb feud with somebody and then those bells will toll. The Deadman wants Cena's soul.
I thought Brock was gonna fight Taker come WM 30. Now that would be something.
Stricken from the record book. That line was gold back when Jericho won it.
also happened to Mankind at Rock Bottom 98
Brock will fight punk at hell in a cell.
guessing we get a new heyman guy in the interm
I think Christian wants a shot.
I thought Brock was gonna fight Taker come WM 30. Now that would be something.
When will The Brothers of Destruction ft. Christian fight The Wyatt Family?
that's how Batista paid for all those custom made suits!
It would be excellent tv if it already didn't happen before. See Stone Cold's Rumble plot line in 98 and 99.
Dude, you're old. That was FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. All wrestling does is recycle what worked in the past. There are kids who have no idea who Stone Cold was.
I just realized that Ziggler is probably going to feud for the US title.
Please no. I don't want Kane anywhere near the Wyatt's again. It's awful and boring.
I just realized that Ziggler is probably going to feud for the US title.
Fat Guy in the front row.....
Night of ChampionsTHAT would be some EXCELLENT fucking television. Would love to see Bryan persevere and come out on top sweating like a fiend after drawing #1 in the Rumble, and lasting the whole way through. Now, I WANT to see it. Dang.
How many PPVs between now and Royal Rumble?
Night of Champs - Orton beats Bryan due to screw job finish
Survivor Series (?) - Bryan faces one of the members of The Shield (probably Rollins) and wins
TLC - Bryan is put into some kind of tag match...maybe against Rollins and Reigns...and WINS
Rumble - Bryan draws #1 and goes through EVERYBODY
The road to WM is set.
What am I missing here?
I just realized that Ziggler is probably going to feud for the US title.
I thought that's what the long term build was leading towards? I mean Bray wants Kane to join them but Kane will probably refuse and Undertaker will probably team up with Kane at some point. I just threw Christian in there to throw Ministry guy in there.
I thought that too but then they had Show do the same thing.
So clearly, he's actually gonna feud for the tag team titles with the Big Show
Mark and Show are going after the tag titles (Show confirmed this).
Ziggler after the US title (assuming).
I like the idea of bigger stars in the US and IC picture but man, I just feel like had Ziggler not been concussed he would've defended his WHC title last night against Christian or Big E with an attempted Sandow cash-in.
Now he's probably back chasing the lowest title.
Am I the only one seeing Falling Edge here?
GWF Results
Htown arrives and calls out Perspicacity to show off the Equality Cup. The Frankman interrupts. Tells Pepsi City he has an army. Queen of Thorns and Heavy show up with Frankman, Pepsi City flies out of the ring and runs away. Frankman talks about this being a new era, and how he's leading the Dominant Nation.
New Tag Team Champions - after being laid out backstage, B-Arthur and Shark Johnson lose their titles to #teammask
Soulplaya returns from jail with a friend - bah gawd it's Kane!
Soulplaya and Kane lose to Bootaaay and Jamie OD, the PPPP - after Soulplaya got LEGIT SHOOK in the ring by Kane hurting him.
The Frankman is shown laid out in the back!
Htown is speaking to a shadowy figure who has been knocking people out backstage. The camera pans to show it is STROBOGO! SWERVE! Stro and Htown are behind the beatings! Before he leaves Stro mentions that they are BOTH working for
Sokantish is found laid out in the ring. Who laid him out? His mandatory title defense is against Net_Wrecker, who cashes in his Money in the GWF Briefcase and wins the World Heavyweight Championship from Sokantish!
Professor Beef was victorious against Frankman and Perspicacity in a three-way dark match. Professor Beef's contract has been reinstated and we will see him next week!
yo GWF was top this week but WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT at the last sentence in these spoilers
I watched and I just didn't see that coming