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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show

here's a doozy for Boots and stro and the rest of the gang:

Dirty Dutch Mantell vs Akira Maeda - UWF 1984


what a fuckin stiff match, Maeda sure took his liberties with Zeb here. always a pleasure seeing Maeda being a dick and stiffing people "just because".

also, on this week's edition of "MMA fighters who cut better promos than 99% of WWE", gassed Josh Barnett and his rendition of Hard Times:



Sin Cara didn't break his finger from the dive. He broke it from the kick Del Rio made in the opening seconds of the match.

Also, the ref went berserk because Del Rio wanted to go on with the match. You could clearly hear him say "get the f*** away from me" as the ref blocked his path to Sin Cara.


I think it's unfair on others that Young should get a push just for being gay.

Must be a lot of pissed off jobbers in the back.


So not worth it
yeah but unlike those jobbers, PTP actually deserves a push.

Indeed, they're entertaining and should've been pushed alot sooner. I'm glad they're getting a babyface run.

Plus, what do other teams have to complain about? The Uso's are getting a push due to Total Divas. Primo and Epico are becoming the Matadores. The Shield are the champs and apparently get the Corporate Muscle rub. Tons of Funk perhaps, but Albert just wants to be in America with his wife and kid and collect a paycheck so what does he care.
I really enjoyed RAW especially the Punk and Bryan segments, I couldn't be happier that they're doing face Punk right this time instead of making him goofy Cena right. However I'm pretty incredulous that they're putting two fake Mexicans on the roster with "O-lay!" as a catchphrase, I mean what the fuck? Why would you repackage Generico and then give the gimmick he created to someone else.


could never
God damn it... anyone post a link to raw last night? power cut last night stopped the recording of it :( I hear it was good.


So not worth it
I really enjoyed RAW especially the Punk and Bryan segments, I couldn't be happier that they're doing face Punk right this time instead of making him goofy Cena right. However I'm pretty incredulous that they're putting two fake Mexicans on the roster with "O-lay!" as a catchphrase, I mean what the fuck? Why would you repackage Generico and then give the gimmick he created to someone else.

El Generico did not create the fake-masked wrestler gimmick.

For instance, this guy did it:
El Generico did not create the fake-masked wrestler gimmick.

For instance, this guy did it:

I didn't claim he did, I mean you could easily say they're a riff on Los Conquistadors. However the O-lay catchphrase and timing on it makes things a little difficult to swallow.


That '96-'97 Goldust was so great. Like the Mankind character caused some WTF moments, Goldust just didn't give a fuck. lol

re: PTP/babyface fun

I think they're uniquely talented, but the outta nowhere run is strange. I noticed their match vs. the Real Americans, but were we given a reason why? They faced Ryder and Gabriel this past week on Superstars. Uso's had a nice finish in their match vs. 3MB. Curious who ends up getting the tag title push next.
HHH is retweeting followers supporting his decisions.

This account just got 100x interesting/dreadful

Yeah its pretty dumb/funny.

I could not be happier with Corporate Heel Trips.

Randy Orton is just sort of there, looking orange.
The Shield are now his body guards.

I just hope it doesn't get out of hand. Evolution Triple H was him at his worst. He single handedly buried a entire generation of wrestlers that time.

We are probably building towards Bryan versus Triple H and not Bryan as champion though. I think that might come later then we might think.
Nice to see the PTP get a win but I worry that their new face push will result in the usos being put back on the shelf

real Americans
Los matadores
Kofi and co
Wyatt family

Some decent tag teams there and maybe call up the ascension from NXT

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Saint's Row 4 doesn't even have radio commercials.

I think they're in a competition to create the most lifeless world possible. But hey they got riff raff in it so that's hilarious, right?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Miss Elizabeth is in WWE 2k14. The story mode at least. That's kind of... cool?

GTA V is where it's at Dragon.

Oh I know, but I atleast expected this to be a step forward. Saint's Row just keeps going backwards with every release since 2.

Saint's Row's 'world building' is a fucking joke. It might as well be all polygons that's how boring the city is. Sleeping Dogs did a better job, and I doubt they even had near the budget Saint's Row 4 did.
I'm ready for Corporation 2.0. Should be interesting to see DBry fight the good fight. Only thing that should've happened last night was DBry should've made Steph "tap out, tap out." She still can get it!

And WTF at RVD and Ricardo. Just WTF?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
here's a doozy for Boots and stro and the rest of the gang:

Dirty Dutch Mantell vs Akira Maeda - UWF 1984


what a fuckin stiff match, Maeda sure took his liberties with Zeb here. always a pleasure seeing Maeda being a dick and stiffing people "just because".

also, on this week's edition of "MMA fighters who cut better promos than 99% of WWE", gassed Josh Barnett and his rendition of Hard Times:


Soooooooooooooooo good! Dutch is absolutely phenomenal. Dude never got what he deserved. Unreal toughness!
Classic Match of the Day:

Andre the Giant, Franz van Buyten & Ali Bey vs Rusher Kimura, Teranishi & Thunder Sugiyama - 2/3 Falls - (IWE 05/02/1972)

Oh man, I love early Andre matches and this one is SO much fun. He doesn't get properly involved until six minutes in, but gives a running commentary in French from the apron while looking confused that the crowd aren't responding to his calls for them to clap, only to get enraged when they clap for Teranishi as he takes on Franz van Buyten. Andre even clowns on his own tag partners, flicking the top rope up into Ali Bey's face as he tries to get in the ring. He looks like he's having a great time. Teranishi hits a nice takedown into an arm bar and then Franz deadlifts him out of it, but the crowd are paying attention to Andre, who's comparing his height against the diminutive Ali Bey. Andre finally gets in and there's some wonderful comedy spots with his tag partners that have the crowd rolling. Teranishi is having a rough time of it and desperately wants to make the tag. The commentary starts around 10 minutes in, for some reason. Teranishi finally tags out to Rusher Kimura, who goes to work with some big chops which Andre bumps ridiculously, comically huge from. Later, there's a real cool lucha spot when Teranishi has Bey in a side headlock and van Buyten rushes him, but Teranishi jumps up, locks in a headscissors and takes both men down. Andre tries to get in, but eats a dropkick from Teranishi and does the spot where his arms get tied up in the ropes that he loved so much. After freeing himself, he finally hits some big offence, trading blows with Kimura. They do a ridiculous submission spot on Andre's legs that sees his partners rush in to save him, only to get caught between his legs. So dumb, lol. Franz is getting worked over and keeps trying to flip over the ropes to escape, but Andre keeps tipping him back in the ring. Amazing. The finishing stretch is a bit flat, Ali Bey & Thunder Sugayama have an awkward exchange and the crowd sound tired after 25 minutes, but it's a real fun match nonetheless, 3 clean falls, some good wrestling from Franz, Teranishi & Rusher, plus Andre being ridiculously awesome throughout. Well worth a watch.

here's a doozy for Boots and stro and the rest of the gang:

Dirty Dutch Mantell vs Akira Maeda - UWF 1984


what a fuckin stiff match, Maeda sure took his liberties with Zeb here. always a pleasure seeing Maeda being a dick and stiffing people "just because".

AWESOME! Thanks for posting this, I've never seen it before. I think I have it on the DVDVR Best of 80's Japan, but haven't got around to converting it as of yet.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It really is incredible that people never got to see (in general) the Best Andre but only got to see the hollowed out shell he was later in life. Man was a natural performer, especially for his size, and loved it. Will watch that match later.
I just wish more of his 70's stuff was available as, you said it best, he was just a natural performer and it was always sad to see that natural ability hindered by his ill-health in later years. I think the best thing about Andre, beyond his size, beyond his know-how and cleverness in the ring, was that you could tell he genuinely LOVED what he was doing and that, coupled with his innate charisma, never failed in making his matches entertaining.

*edit, I've got a disc of Andre vs jobber matches somewhere, I need to find it. So much fun. It's full of stuff like Andre taking on three dudes at once and wrapping them all up in some crazy submission, etc.


Neo Member
think some guys have got this backwards. Darren Young isn't being pushed because he came out, Darren Young is being pushed, so he came out.

the 'coming out' was not impromptu, it was a completely transparent setup during a busy media campaign before a big PPV during a time where WWE is now doing a bunch of media overlap with E! television. Meltzer said a while ago they wanted to push a big African American star, revealing Darren Young's sexuality is ethically sound and culturally relevant, but also good for business.


Stone Cold new podcast... Samoa Joe

Speaking of Samoa Joe, when I watched the Mick Foley doc and Foley and Punk talked about how Foley recommended him and Joe to Vince, I found it interesting how they both seemed hesitant to mention Joe.....especially Punk.


Neo Member
from the Observer:
The bar fight involving Alberto Del Rio and Drew McIntyre took place at about 3 a.m. Saturday night. The story going around last night is that they went to a bar together. Somebody said something to the girl McIntyre was with. Del Rio stepped in and somebody blind sided him with a bottle and the fight was on. McIntyre ended up with a black eye and Del Rio's face was a mess.
Vince loves these goddamn stories look for a renewed push on McIntyre


Man, good on them if they escaped being jawjacked with a bottle only looking like that

Also, Ricardo & RVD is probably the best pairing I'd never thought of

Because seriously that shit just makes itself


So, we finally get a WWE that's carried by Punk and Bryan. Isn't that something?

They still need to make the World Heavyweight Championship mean something. Give Punk a meaningful run with it, let a Raw guy elevate it to mean something again.
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