I'm also fond of the most devastating running elbow in wrestling history;
Still not sure if joke wrestler or really crappy wrestlers.
I'm also fond of the most devastating running elbow in wrestling history;
Still not sure if joke wrestler or really crappy wrestlers.
What makes me lol about MMA fans is they got totally WORKED by Bork and didn't even realize it. And they shit talk pro wrestling, but always pop big whenever Austin/Taker/Goldberg/Rock/HHH show up on screen at events. MMA fans are bigger fans of wrestling than they will admit, probably even to themselves. The reason MMA exploded in 2005 was because they started running it more like pro wrestling.
In the end we all become porridge.Regal's become such a softy in his old age.
I'm not sure I could handle all the angst.I'm ready for a Paige vs AJ feud. They're probably going to have the best Diva matches ever. And Regal should be her personal color commentator.
It's so weird feeling excited about so many things in WWE world. It's been MANY years. Probably 2003/2004ish with Eddie and Benoit on top, killing ratings, and themselves.
Ricardo should've become a Heyman guy, that way he could introduce all of Heyman's guys.
Bought guacamelee even though my backlog is DEEP!
That counts as a wrestling game right?
the plot swervesWhat is RDV is Paul heyman guy
A new NXT profile came up for Luther Ward. A signing from Ireland.
He has a unique look especially with that eye.
A new NXT profile came up for Luther Ward. A signing from Ireland.
Bought guacamelee even though my backlog is DEEP!
That counts as a wrestling game right?
A new NXT profile came up for Luther Ward. A signing from Ireland.
He has a unique look especially with that eye.
It's OMEN;
I remember him from a random SMASH show a few years back.
Another curved letter belly tat guy.
just stahp
Remember his ring work at all? Or not noteworthy?
I'm inclined to agree.The next generation of athletes in general is ruined by shitty tattoos.
Don't remember much other than the mask - it was one of those TAJIRI & AKIRA vs 'random European gaijins you've never heard of' matches and they all kinda blurred into one.
He seems to be quite well regarded among mainland European fans though, as he worked a fair bit in Belgium, Germany & Poland.
What is RDV is Paul heyman guy
Sounds good. Looking forward to his debut as Lil Sheamus.
Was he short? Looks short where he is on the ropes.
C-A-W....clap clap clap clap clap C-A-W....clap clap clap clap clap C-A-W
6ft1 and 242lb, according to cagematch.
Mick Foley talks Wrestlemania moments, Daniel Bryan talks predictive beard technology, and Steve Austin crafts a pretty spectacular analogy for wrestling fame.
Alex Navarro's WWE podcast on Giant Bomb:
Who was booking NXT before it became the best indie promotion in the country? When I see Connor O'Brien with his Ascencion gimmick, all I can think about is how terrible and stupid it was to have him do the Rizzo the Rat thing.
I believe Dusty booked FCW have no idea who was in charge of redemption but they deserve a medal.
A new NXT profile came up for Luther Ward. A signing from Ireland.
He has a unique look especially with that eye.
It was me
All along!? Even your immediate family bought it?It was me
It's interesting to me when I Iook at NXT and see almost none of the prototype smiling babyfaces that seemed to be all over the place several years ago. It was like if you had a good body and a nice smile you got to be on television. Now almost everyone in NXT is either completely insane or a total asshole. The only grinning prototype babyface I know of has become self-aware and is now a total prick.
Even the women are unique and identifiable based on more than just their bodies.
I don't know man. I watched him cut an awkward promo (as I assume all Bo promos are) about how it was Zayn's fault he lost the tag match and that it was probably just because he was nervous from being in the ring with such a big name as NXT Champion Bo Dallas.
I think they've responded to the hate by turning him into a parody. He's become so insufferably self-righteous and egotistical that no one could possibly like him.
That is an excellent question.The writers, perhaps, but...
Does Bo Know?