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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


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The Frankman is auditioning and interviewing new people for the DOMINANT NATION stable.



WCW Monday Nitro 6/22/98

. The biggest match OF ALL TIME was signed at a Planet Hollywood. DDP/Karl Malone vs Hollywood Hogan/Dennis Rodman. We're then shown Rodman on Nitro a few weeks ago and Hulk/Rodman on The Tonight Show, shit talking.

TO THE MEAN GENE. DDP is the guest. He rambles about Hogan and Rodman for a while screaming some words for no apparent reason.


Whoreass/Sick Boy vs Public Enemy

I believe this tape is judiciously edited, which I don't even mind. This match was probably 80% over when it showed up on the tape. PE won after a really awkward shoulder block with a stop sign.

WTF, the Nitro Girls are wearing nWo shirts. BUT WHOSE SIDE ARE THEY ON?!?

TO THE MEAN GENE. Gene brings out Bret Hart. Bret comes out in Axl Rose style biker shorts for some reason. How strange. Biker shorts, leather jacket, Hogan shirt, and sneakers. Bret talks about how sad it is that WCW has turned Canadians against each other. "He was a good Candian 'til he came down here!" Bret is challenging Benoit to a match!


. DDP and Malone interrupted the show with chairs. Dat mainstream media attention. Rodman and Leno corpse constantly. Lol, Malone put Jay in a cravat.



Goldberg vs Rick Fuller WCW US Championship

Weird spear thing ends up actually being Goldberg just muscling the dude up into a SHOOT spinebuster.


Tenay at a tailgate. I don't think these need to be weekly segments. I swear one of those dudes was a young Tyson Kidd, but I don't think he was in Jacksonville and he looked a little too tall, but he had that same weird face.

The Wolfpac come to the ring. Well, no Savage or Lex. Nash says that Goldberg killed Kenny. Dat topical reference. Now they have a blow up doll in the ring dressed in black and white, but it can't talk, because no one is there to see the black and white. They challenge anyone to defend their titles against. Nash is plastered. He was trying to wear the title on his head like a crown.

Alex Wright vs Eddie Guerrero

I think Alex sexually assaulted the ring girl by grabbing her and kissing her against her will. That was weird. Chavo is still around being crazy. I guess it threw Eddie off of his game, because Alex is pretty much dominating. Eddie comes back with a few moves, and Alex bails to the floor. He gets back in the ring and goes right back to offense. He hits an interesting vertical suplex with a bridging pin. I'm not sure I've seen that before. Eddie hits a brainbustaahh, but Chavo comes out saying crazy shit on the mic. Alex hits a neckbreaker for the win.

Konnan vs Riggs


Stevie Ray vs Steve McMichael

Lol nope. This was dreadful. Stevie tried to hit Mongo with a chair. Benoit stopped him. Booker then stopped Benoit from hitting Stevie with the chair.

Hogan, Bischoff, Liz, Steiner, and Beefcake come to the ring. They're pretty happy about putting Savage out of action. All you need to know about this is that Hogan has pet killer whales.

Chris Benoit vs Bret Hart

I hope this isn't one of those 5 minute matches WCW is really big on doing when they have a match you really want to see. Bret comes out to nWo music now. Benoit working over the arm. Hammerlocks and shit. Bret gets tired of it and lays Benoit out with a DDT. Benoit comes back with a killer chop. Pun intended, I guess. Bret lays in some uppercuts in the corner like his name was Finlay. Inverted atomic drop, clothesline, and a missed diving elbow. Benoit makes a come back, get gets caught in a stun gun. Bret is a pretty cunty heel. It goes to the floor and Bret rams Benoit's back into the ring post a few times. Back in the ring, he hits a piledriver. Russian leg sweep. 5 moves of doom have started. Bret argues with the ref, which allows Benoit to hit the Rolling Reichs, ending in a Grand Dragon suplex! Snap suplex. Diving headbutt is missed. Bret goes up top and gets caught. Superplex that was basically Benoit giving himself a high angled super bomb. Bret goes for a suplex, but it is countered into the Iron Crossface! He gets to the ropes. Stevie Ray comes out, which distracts Benoit. Bret hits Benoit in the back of the head with something, but then uplls Benoit on top of him when the ref turns around. Bret of course kicks out and puts a knocked out Benoit in the sharpshooter for the win. This was pretty awesome.





Curt Hennig and Rick Rude interrupted Kevin Greene's promo with Gene. Giant attacked him. They brawled to the back, where JJ made Green vs Giant for the main event.

Kevin Greene vs The Giant

There are only 5 minutes of TV time left, so this will be mercifully short. WCW and their obsession with getting sports stars to wrestle for them. Hennig and Rude hit the ring about a minute in. The rest of Hollywood (except for Hollywood) come out. GOLDBERG comes out, spears Virgil in the aisle, then double spears Crush/Beefcake while Giant and Hennig bail. Greene/Goldberg vs Hennig/Giant for Bash at the Beach!


Pretty decent show, really good Bret/Benoit match and some reaction gifs that will hopefully get used.


Anybody else getting the Madison Square Guarden set?

It's got at least 9 matches I haven't seen before, and a few Raw matches that I wouldn't mind seeing again. I'm kinda bummed that they didn't use more house show and classic footage, but I understand why they didn't. I'm looking forward to it, Mid South and the Triple H blu-ray.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
One thing I really love about NXT is the focus on how important titles are in that system. When it's their own or it's from above in WWE normal, the introduce the champions with respect as title holders and go so far as to put up the image of the title for their entrance to showcase it. How many forget Curtis Genesis McGill-an-Axel is even Intercontinental Champion? No one in NXT when they saw the title as a large graphic to showcase it under his video.

I would like if they started to do the same for Raw and Smackdown and Main Event. Nothing too overblown, but they have enough displays up there they could do it quite easily.

Anybody else getting the Madison Square Guarden set?

It's got at least 9 matches I haven't seen before, and a few Raw matches that I wouldn't mind seeing again. I'm kinda bummed that they didn't use more house show and classic footage, but I understand why they didn't. I'm looking forward to it, Mid South and the Triple H blu-ray.

I'm torn on the MSG DVD. There really aren't any matches I'm interested in I don't already have on other collections save for a few and none of them are really that amazing, but on the other hand I know this is a test and we could easily get future volumes that would have matches I desire and some I just want to learn about (all those Don Muraco, Ken Patera, Mikel Scicluna, etc).
Maybe I'll just find someone who hasn't already seen most of the matches and get it as a gift.


It's weird how well WCW handled Goldberg.. then threw it all away

And could never find their footing again

Nothing is weird about how WCW fucked themselves. When you start believing your own shit and guys are getting paid for doing NOTHING, things are going to get bad really quickly. Still a truly incredible collapse of epic proportions.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
What the fuck could even cause that? Is it fluid?


Normally it doesn't get that big, but like an idiot he never let it heal up or get taken care of. John Cena is not going to be a sight anyone will look at without cringing in a decade, his body is just going to a mess of pain and suffering.

Which is really the biggest sign of change I'm grateful for in WWE. Having multiple people that can "carry the show" and be the stars, not feeling so dependent all on one guy and letting the mindset of "I can never stop" develop so fully.


Nothing is weird about how WCW fucked themselves. When you start believing your own shit and guys are getting paid for doing NOTHING, things are going to get bad really quickly. Still a truly incredible collapse of epic proportions.

Is there any other company that had a downfall as massive and quickly as WCW? Not wrestling companies, but just anything. Something that was the biggest and most succesful company in its field to life support in a year and dead or bought out in 2.

Enron? Hostess? THQ? Various dotcoms that blew up when that bubble popped?

I really like Rene Young. Hija de la Naturaleza (Chico) really needs different gear. That outfit is not flattering at all to her body type, which is that of a tall and slender male. Booty shorts and bra isn't really a good look with that kind of body. Aiden English is THE MOST BRITISH looking dude I have ever seen in wrestling. Holy shit. NXT fans doing the creepy wave for the Wyatt Family is excellent and I'd love for that to catch on at the big show.

Bray's goodbye promo was fucking great. I want to join his cult.






I don't know which one of those gifs is sillier. Probably the first one


I can't believe I watched a half hour of a guy opening trading cards in Japanese. And I can't believe I loved every second of it.

My favorite parts were challenging fans to try to kill him and the Nortons on Facebook.


So not worth it
AJ vs. Bailey was good, can't wait for the NXT girls to be called up so they can job to the Total Divas girls on Raw and get their wins back on the programs people don't watch.
I can't believe I watched a half hour of a guy opening trading cards in Japanese. And I can't believe I loved every second of it.

My favorite parts were challenging fans to try to kill him and the Nortons on Facebook.

What's the the name of that guy?

He wrestled for Iowa State University?

Wore a red singlet?
Yo, SMH at the indie game bashing earlier. You guys are insane. Aside from them, there's almost zero middle tier budget games being made anymore. The industry needs that market to keep creativity and experimentation alive. When I see people complaining about Sony showing indie games, I have to wonder WTF is going on. Probably the same people who will complain about AAA Game X. It's like, what do you even want? Sony just released one of the best AAA titles ever in The Last of Us, so they turn around and give support to the little guys, many of which could one day grow into a new Naughty Dog, and people complain? These are the titles that will bridge the gap between launch to the blockbuster 1st party stuff next year.

Wrestling fans, GOD.

What are you doing in here with sanity? Away with you!

The big budget elitism is fucking weird, especially from people that I assume watch indie wrestling. I guess it's a backlash to the love Journey and Walking Dead got last year (I expect similar backlash to Last of Us next year), as well as the Xbone humiliation at E3 but it's pretty fucking dumb. Especially when people are saying that Sony bankrolled games like Rime are indie games.

I'm stoked with all the indie games Sony's going after, especially if they're cross-buy. Sure I'm not going to like a lot of them or might already have them on Steam but I'm not going to be insulted that there's an OPTION to buy them. Better than not having the option at all.

I need MORE! Where's Part 2?

AJ vs. Bailey was good, can't wait for the NXT girls to be called up so they can job to the Total Divas girls on Raw and get their wins back on the programs people don't watch.

what would it take for you to drink a shot glass full of Cena's elbow fluid
- Both Bellas at my beck and call
- The ability to overcome the odds IRL, and not just in the wrestling ring
- The return of Thuganomics Cena
- The complete and utter burial of the wrestler of my choosing
- $10 million


could never
Can't wait for the 2 outta 3 falls match on NXT.

As for Cena's gross elbow its the result of a torn Tricep. And HOLY SHIT at that 3rd Cesaro GIF.
In an interview Mark Henry had with Peter Rosenberg, he said that there's no doubt that Cesaro is the strongest person in the locker room and I believe him.


I can't believe I watched a half hour of a guy opening trading cards in Japanese. And I can't believe I loved every second of it.

My favorite parts were challenging fans to try to kill him and the Nortons on Facebook.


Also, go out of your way to see NXT this week. You get a good AJ/Bayley match, Tyler Breeze being Tyler Breeze, a surprisingly good showing from a rookie Alexander Rusev, and of course, a legitimate match of the year candidate in Sami Zayn vs Antonio Cesaro, all with a hot crowd.

Phenomenal episode.
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