Just found this picture of Summerslam and Wyatt's lamp situation is really bugging me. I know it's trivial but he walked into the match with an LED lamp then lit a real one and walked out with it. Why not just use the real on all the time? Looks 10x better.
Fire/building code.
I get the urge to do Devitt's finger gun and Shinsuke's weird shaking thing that Suzuki always makes fun of at work. It is incredibly hard to resist.I recently picked up a habit of doing a Rainmaker pose whenever I feel like it. Like, after scoring a good break or potting an individual hard ball in Russian pyramid. It feels so good, lol. I think I've been watching too much of NJPW.
I recently picked up a habit of doing a Rainmaker pose whenever I feel like it. Like, after scoring a good break or potting an individual hard ball in Russian pyramid. It feels so good, lol. I think I've been watching too much of NJPW.
I get the urge to do Devitt's finger gun and Shinsuke's weird shaking thing that Suzuki always makes fun of at work. It is incredibly hard to resist.
It's interesting to me when I Iook at NXT and see almost none of the prototype smiling babyfaces that seemed to be all over the place several years ago. It was like if you had a good body and a nice smile you got to be on television. Now almost everyone in NXT is either completely insane or a total asshole. The only grinning prototype babyface I know of has become self-aware and is now a total prick.
Even the women are unique and identifiable based on more than just their bodies.
Also now that I've been watching NXT more I always want randomly yell KRUUGAAAAAA and do the Emma dance. I just assumed that happened to everybody.
Ah I suppose all the precautions they'd taken for the Ring of Fire match meant it was considered safe enough to light.
Also now that I've been watching NXT more I always want randomly yell KRUUGAAAAAA and do the Emma dance. I just assumed that happened to everybody.
God, Flair's daughter doing her super sexy splits and with her ass pointing right at Ric made me so uncomfortable.
.God, Flair's daughter doing her super sexy splits and with her ass pointing right at Ric made me so uncomfortable.
Also, not sexy at all.
Well, Ric's looking at those splits and he clearly doesn't give a shit. If he's cool with it, then you shouldn't care either.
Using Ric Flair as a barometer for whether or not something is uncomfortable is terrible advice; you're right to feel uncomfortable, although I'd say that it being a dumb entrance is the more cringe-worthy angle.
Guys, I got a gaming PC. It's pretty rad. I wanna start streaming stuff on Twitch, messed around with it earlier and it seemed to work apart from full screen stuff. Xsplit personal/premium account required, I'm guessing?
It is fun to do.
Guys, I got a gaming PC. It's pretty rad. I wanna start streaming stuff on Twitch, messed around with it earlier and it seemed to work apart from full screen stuff. Xsplit personal/premium account required, I'm guessing?
Guys, I got a gaming PC. It's pretty rad. I wanna start streaming stuff on Twitch, messed around with it earlier and it seemed to work apart from full screen stuff. Xsplit personal/premium account required, I'm guessing?
Even more lol: WCW is trending on Twittah.
.Stephanie saying that Daniel Bryan was a "solid B+" to Randy Orton's A+ was a reference to Dave Meltzer writing in a 1998/1999 (he wasn't sure which of those years) issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that he felt Triple H was "a solid B+". So they've been carrying that grudge for goddamn near 15 years!
Credit: Wrestling Observer Radio, August 20th edition
Nakamura is amazingI bet it would be great to meet him in person... Wait, I can't speak shit in Japanese, maybe not so great
He knows English!
I also recently had the urge to just raise my arm and yell KRUUGAAAAAA for no reason when I'm on my own.
Triple H |September OT| A B+OO
OP can have a picture of HHH and Bo Dallas.
Nakamura in a cardigan is simply baffling.
It trends every Wednesday and I still don't know what it's supposed to stand for