Pretty sad. I'm hoping the newer generation learns from the past.
Some of those died perfectly natural.
I don't really see the point of the picture, WWF/WWE has been around for decades and have employed hundreds upon hundreds of people. Of course some of them are gonna die.
There's a few they're responsible for (indirectly or directly) and they've paid the price for that and adjusted their rules based on them, so that's great. Don't really need to put a guilt trip on them for the Macho Man having a heart attack.
In an interview Mark Henry had with Peter Rosenberg, he said that there's no doubt that Cesaro is the strongest person in the locker room and I believe him.
Cesaro is way cooler than you, Sunflower!
Well, just remember. Cesaro is REALLY cool. I mean, he's cooler than anyone in this thread. Except for maybe Laserfrog
If you prance into Fit-GAF a lot you'll know - tons of dudes can put up wicked numbers because they train for strength and not size. Sounds to me like Lil' Cease (thats his new name) did a bunch of that. It's very practical and not flashy.
Cesaro needs to bring back the UFO, although it's more of a face's move than a heel's. The Morishima one was spectacular, but I always liked this one on Charlie Haas;
Also, that fucking finish to Cesaro/Zayn, holy shit. Great match.
Laserfrog has big timed us. He's the Hollywood Rock to our WWE.
Just watched Cena vs. Bryan for the third time.
That finish man.
That finish.
That hit was so awesome. It's a shame no one at the announce table really played it up.
Just watched Cena vs. Bryan for the third time.
That finish man.
That finish.
Did this get a name yet? I really liked it. Commentary didn't do such a great job selling it but I like it, very different from a lot of finishers and looks like it would legit knock someone out.
I'd like to see them incorporate "goat" in to the finishers name.
Did this get a name yet? I really liked it. Commentary didn't do such a great job selling it but I like it, very different from a lot of finishers and looks like it would legit knock someone out.
I'd like to see them incorporate "goat" in to the finishers name.
If, back in 1998, they'd called Rock's finisher the "Weird Man Boobs Slam" you wouldn't have found his match finishes as good.
Name Bryan's New Finisher:
Fat Thigh Slap
fuck I got nothing
Whatever you call it, Michael Cole will consistenly call it "OH MY GOD WHAT A KNEE TO THE TEMPLE" anyways.
"The Flying Goat"
Or I dunno, something like Battering Ram?
And I'm super tempted in trying to grow my hair like Nakamura. I'll prolly just end up looking like a jackass instead.
Goat 2 Sleep
Goat 2 Sleep
You've gotta try it first.
Keep in mind we're all blinded by his swag. He IS an ugly-ass dude. What works for him may not work for us beauties.
I can't be the only one that wants Cesaro vs Lesnar, right?
I know it's heel vs heel but come on....that would be beyond amazing.
They would have to invent a new chant for how awesome that match would be.