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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show

They just need to come accross the perfect gimmick for Cesaro then he will explode, I imagine they will end up stumbling across something that they can't ignore like the Yes chants for Bryan

He needs to swing sin cara 500 times maybe


They just need to have him do crazy power spots, which were getting him over during his US Championship reign. He didn't really get a reaction when he came out, but after a few ridiculous shows of strength, people would get into him. Right now is a perfect time to use Daniel Bryan to elevate dudes like Cesaro.


They just need to have him do crazy power spots, which were getting him over during his US Championship reign. He didn't really get a reaction when he came out, but after a few ridiculous shows of strength, people would get into him. Right now is a perfect time to use Daniel Bryan to elevate dudes like Cesaro.

How would that go? Treat Cesaro like the Big Boss Man to HHH's Corporation?


Sure. Have HHH/Mad Ox send Claudio after Dragon and let them have an amazing match like that one on Raw. Fans were fucking IN to that and I feel like anyone associated with D-Bryne is going to get a big rub right now.


Devitt needs someone to feud with and the Bullet Club's getting kinda full; Prince Devitt, Karl Anderson, Bad Luck Fale, Tama Tonga, Terrible & Ray Bucanero. I really just hope they aren't going to have Devitt hold onto the belt until Taguchi's back from injury. I understand that they wanted to have Taguchi overcoming his former tag partner, but it sucks that the Jr. title is in limbo.

I don't think think you can really count El Terrible and Rey Bucanero.
Cesaro should get a M bison gimmick an have a shadaloo stable. He already does psycho crushers

Big E can be Zangief
PAC can be vega
Paige can be cammy

And in my dream kenny omega would be Akuma
Just watched Generico/Cesaro. Pretty good match, there were definitely some sick spots.

So far, these are my favorite E matches this year:

Cesaro/Zayn (2 out of 3)
Cesaro/Bryan (Gauntlet match)
Punk/Cena (#1Contender)

I never thought I'd say Cena was ever in my favorite WWE matches. The RoH/Indie guys are the top workers in the company. Hopefully, Cesaro can get a push. He could be the #1 heel easy if given a chance.

Also stinker of the year goes to HHH. The Lesnar/HHH matches were terrible. And personally, not sure if it was ego, but HHHs 3 Mania matches with Taker are not as good as the Punk or Hickenbottom ones.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I don't think they even need to give Cesaro a particular story line of much meat to it outside the ring, just have him build up a series of wins through strength and talent that just dominates through people a la Goldberg or old U.S. territory Harley Race toughness style.

It might mean having him lower on the card and facing lower guys at first but that old style of building up can still work if it's kept consistent and not trying to constantly distract the person with random gimmick changes, saying anything more than it is, a tough mean guy of strength ripping through people with a noticeable increase over time of match importance.
Wait a minute are we praising Cesaro? Cause if we are. I love that guy. I'm gonna get a lot of crap for it but I think he's a lot better than Bryan. Cesaro is second behind Ziggler on my WWE list.

By the way Kazarian/Roode vs Storm/Gunner to start the show. I can dig it.
Wait a minute are we praising Cesaro? Cause if we are...
I love that guy. He's second on my list behind Ziggler.
Eh. I like Cesaro more than Ziggler. Zigs can sell well. But Cesaro is a great worker and is prone to feats of strength.

I think the both of them need to get rehabbed. Del Rio, Cesaro, Ziggler and Sheamus are definitely in need of rehabbing. All 4 of them can be great heels.

The E definitely needs to work on the undercard.
Eh. I like Cesaro more than Ziggler. Zigs can sell well. But Cesaro is a great worker and is prone to feats of strength.

I think the both of them need to get rehabbed. Del Rio, Cesaro, Ziggler and Sheamus are definitely in need of rehabbing. All 4 of them can be great heels.

The E definitely needs to work on the undercard.
No worries I see why you think that Cesaro is a beast. Ziggler is just amazing to me in the ring. Which was reinforced in his match against the shield. Imagine Cesaro against the shield? That would be crazy.

I totally agree about the undercard. If they managed it better it can really be amazing with everyone they have at NXT. Plus the talent that's there already.


I think they're just in a holding pattern with Cesaro. After his US title run he either needed to be elevated, or go low profile. With Punk tied up with Brock, Sheamus out, and Cena and Bryan tied up with each other, there was no end game for him. He could have stayed in mid card feuds, but it seems like if people are in the mid card for too long they can get stuck there. By being in a tag team he can keep from overexposing himself until they're ready to pull the trigger. Now when they are ready for him, he can go through Miz/Kofi to Show/Kane/Henry straight to challenging a top face.


I find it weird that, as much as WWE boasts about their social media presence, it isn't really uses to any effect. The app should be regularly used to deliver stuff like exclusive promos or matches to showcase guys that don't get 20 minutes on a show. I guess it's just not used by enough people for them to put the resources in to it. Everything that WWE does online seems to exist in this little bubble that's basically just preaching to the converted.
Back to one on one matches in the x division.... I can dig it.
Oh lord. I don't know who's worse sometimes. King or Tazz. I watch raw and think "No way Tazz is as bad as king" then I watch TNA and think "oh lord. I can't believe he is"


WCW Thunder 6/24/98

The Giant and Virgil come to the ring. Giant is so cool. He smokes AND wears his sunglasses at night. All I can hear is "GWARAAHAHRLABLBAHAHRAGWARLAHRBLAHRABLHHHEEARRRGAARR". He challenges Sting and any partner to a tag title match tonight. But Nash isn't there, so I'm not sure they can have a tag title match.

Public Enemy vs Raven/Sick Boy

There is a sale at Bob's Wire City. Raven can wait as long as Kanyon can. It's Raven's Rules, but they're doing tags. Why? This is not good at all. PE are terrible with out lots of plunder. And it's Raven's Rules, so there should be plunder. Saturn comes out and hits a crazy Superfly Splash from the top to the floor, putting Raven through a table. PE hit the drive by in the ring on Sick Boy for the win.


Eddie Guerrero vs Huge Cocknballs

Kind of a random heel vs heel match. I expect Chavo to come out pretty soon. Dropkick to the knee. Hugh is so fat. All he did was eat pancakes while he was off TV for 4 months. Just pancakes all day long. He misses a flying elbow. Eddie goes for the frog splash. Jimmy Hart grabs a chair and tries to stop him. Chavo then came out and acted crazy as shit. Chavo punches Jimmy. Eddie jumps off the ropes and gets caught in a powerslam. Hugh hits the moonsault for the win.

Konnan and Sting come to the ring. God, the red face paint was awful. Sting says Lex will be his partner tonight, filling in for Nash. I guess they're operating under Freebird rules now, even though the titles were vacated due to Giant doing the same thing just a few weeks ago.

TO THE BACK. Tenay tried to get a word with Arn and Benoit, but they send him away. The cameras stay and capture their conversation. Benoit wants to bring back the Four Horsemen. He wants Arn to reform with him.

Sumo Fuji vs Stevie Ray

What a terrible and random match up. Only in WCW. WCW and WAR would have had the most incredible supercard. Stevie wins with the Slapjack.


Chris Jericho vs Ultimo Dragon WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Jericho being the champion is a bit dubious. At best. Jericho says he will defend his title, but not against Dean Malenko. This brings out Jojo. He says that Jericho WILL be defending his title at the Bash at the Beach against...DEAN MALENKO!!! Although booking him in a title match at the PPV right before this match kind spoils this match, no? It's really basic stuff, sadly. Jericho did hit a dragon suplex. Dragon was about to win with the Dragon sleeper when Dean ran out and broke it up. He then threw Dragon out of the ring and chased Jericho to the back.



Bischoff comes out and introduces Big Papa Pump Superstar White Lightning Scott Steiner. They do another press junket interview. They show old clips of matches with Scott doing stuff while Rick is on the apron and talk about them as "projects". He also compares himself to Clark Gable, John Wayne, and Arnold. I guess he was challenging his brother to a match, but Rick is out with a shoulder injury.

DDP calls in from Salt Lake City, where he's training with Karl Malone. They'll be at Nitro. He wants Hulk to bring Rodman.

Barbarian vs Jim Duggan

Lol. Get that shit out of here. I'm not watching any Duggan matches that aren't in Mid South ever again.

TO THE BACK. Jericho is trying to get Ultimo to go the bosses and get Dean fired or suspended.

Disco Inferno/Alex Wright vs Steve McMichael/Chris Benoit

Oh man, please give me a dance off spot. Benoit should get along very well with Das Wunderkind due to their Aryan ideals. Alex hits a huge back suplex right away. He dances and turns around into a chop. Benoit suplexes Disco out of the ring. After a commercial, Benoit is beating the shit out of Disco. Nothing happens for a while and then does the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Mongo hits a shitty spinebuster on Disco, I guess as a message to Arn to reform the Horsemen, but I would have told Mongo to fuck off if I were Arn. Benoit hits the headbutt and Iron Crossface for the win.


Lex Luger/Sting vs The Giant/Brian Adams WCW Tag Team Championships

I am definitely watching Thunder. Giant can't get his cig lit. Double back drop sends Giant to the floor. Lex is trying to grow a beard I think. Guess what? This match fucking sucks. Crush taps out to the Torture Rack. Sting hits a tornado Deathdrop on Giant. The rest of Hollywood hit the ring. Konnan is the only back up for Sting.




Mel Gibson was the one true choice and they ruined it. I already had zero interest in Man of Steel, but I have even less for Batman vs Superman, which is terrible.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I think the real problem is fans are totally grossed out by Cesaro's hairy upper thighs. Especially when he gets pinned.

Agree with this 100%.

Cesaro has all the talent in the world but it means nothing when he doesn't have a gimmick or a look that appeals to fans.

Also Ben Affleck should be directing the new Batman movie instead of being Batman.
ROH have signed Forever Hooligans (c) vs The American Wolves for the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Titles at Death Before Dishonor XI on September 20th! Also signed is Pro-Wrestling NOAH star Ricky Marvin, World Tag Champions reDagon, World TV Champion Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Roderick Strong and the semi-finals & final of the ROH World Title Tournament;
Adam Cole vs Tomasso Ciampa
Michael Elgin vs Kevin Steen

Wait, didn't the Forever Hooligans
already lose their titles to American Wolves
a few weeks ago? Did they
get them back already?

But consider how weight classes could establish stars in each division; some division leaders could go on multi-year reigns that would give them credibility far beyond, say, what Cody Rhodes enjoys as the "Intercontinental Champion." Then think about what would happen if a lighter weight fighter, like Daniel Bryan, enters an Absolute competition where he has to face equally-skilled, but significantly larger opponents, like Lord Tensei. If both Bryan and Tensei are built up as the best in their divisions, a superfight between them--ideally at WrestleMania--would be like a 600k buy fight.

I don't really think this could work. What makes this system easy to do in MMA is fighters only fight 1-3 times a year, so it's easy to space things out. Wrestlers wrestle 3-5 times a week, so there's simply not enough time to dedicate to multiple weight divisions and if they tried to do it, their ratings would probably plunge, as the WWE audience as a whole don't really care about actual wrestling, they care about the stars and changing that will take years.

By "everyone" do you mean poors? Because I see a bunch of cheap shits afraid of spending an extra $100 when they're going to be throwing thousands at their machine in a year.

Also yes I have a soft spot for Meltzer. He was doing God's work.

Was? You mean you missed his new alt?

Also never knew you were such a huge Just Dance fan, Sunny.


Honestly brah. $100 ain't shit compared to what we throw at consoles. I think it's all mental, and not realistic.

Of course, tell that to the 3DO.

i pay more than 500$ of taxes twice a month so these peasants cant argue about game consoles in a free country bro

dont let them get to you. we are in a different tax bracket and our tastes are superior than these poor marks. ill see you on titanfall

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Sounds like you've got a Strobogo-styled review project in your future.

Falling Edge, what is the job market like in Colorado like for uneducated Midwesterners with bad attitudes?

Is Sin Cara the biggest failure in WWE history in terms of a guy who was a legit superstar and has been nothing but a loser and joke in WWE?

Steve Williams comes to mind. Tensai too but thats sort of disqualified by his T&A mid card run.

You could make a case for Flair before his old man run...but you'd be wrong as Flair is awesome in the fed.


Steve Williams comes to mind. Tensai too but thats sort of disqualified by his T&A mid card run.

You could make a case for Flair before his old man run...but you'd be wrong as Flair is awesome in the fed.

Well Tensai they at least recovered into a mid card tag team (again). Sin Cara seems like he's not done a single thing right.


I hope they explain AJ change by saying after the whole Claire Lynch debacle he became bi-polar and this led to heel AJ and before this match he realized it and got on his meds and this led to the old AJ Styles coming back.


I hope they explain AJ change by saying after the whole Claire Lynch debacle he became bi-polar and this led to heel AJ and before this match he realized it and got on his meds and this led to the old AJ Styles coming back.

What's bad is that it almost sounds like something TNA would do.
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