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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


Why couldn't do that for Zack Ryder and his Flip cam?

cuz he sucks

Who is Zack Ryder? Is he that guido dude who was in TNA? What's almost more interesting to me in NXT is all the guys they use that are clearly never going to be called up. It's like they have two rosters. Is being an NXT jobber more or less embarrassing than being Zack Ryder?

Less, because at least no one remembers the NXT jobbers and none of them had stuff like this happen to them on tv


On the other hand, at least Ryder would have an easier time getting booked for indie shows


Starting that Mid-South set, first match is Bob Roop vs Mike George - not familiar with either, but these dudes are proper grapplers. I searched for Roop on youtube and the first result is him stretching some poor schmo with a sugar hold;


He was also apparently the first guy to ever 'reverse' the figure four.

Bob Roop was a straight up cunt. A right cunt, as your Aryan people would say. Just a mean asshole and bully.


Neo Member
Meltzer on that HHH interview:
Some of the stuff was really funny. A lot of people noted his "dirt sheet" stuff and just think if this was a real sport or real entertainment person saying this. As someone who has covered wrestling along with other sports and entertainment, there are times when wrestling is so stuck in the dark ages and isn't even aware of it.

The Wade Keller phone call story with DDP, is apparently true, but the funny part of the story is the guy who endlessly ripped on DDP was Bruce Mitchell, not Wade Keller, and Mitchell continued to do so long after that phone call. The whole idea that somebody "flipped" sounds good if you actually never read the publication. Since I read Mitchell, the entire point HHH tried to make wasn't valid on the actual thing he brought up. It's a good interview, especially HHH outing the Punk pipe bomb promo as being all a work (which everyone knows) but Punk has always trained to maintain an aura of legitimacy to his angle at the time.

also regarding Cesaro, they definitely aren't 'squashing' him, he seems to be their most trusted enhancement guy right now, if they need someone to go over and look great doing it then they'll be fighting Cesaro. also, they wouldn't let him have this programme with Generico if they didn't love the guy, and love their matches together.


Some news and notes from the latest issue of the Observer:

John Cena, the biggest full-time star in pro wrestling, will be undergoing surgery for a partially torn left triceps this week.

Cena was injured a few weeks ago, which led to a fluid build-up that looked like a baseball was implanted in his left elbow. The WWE kept quiet about the severity of the injury, although it was acknowledged that he was hurt. Cena was pulled from all matches except his SummerSlam main event. He insisted on doing the match and putting over Daniel Bryan before surgery.

The time frame leaves a return likely between late December and late February. So the target date would likely be the Royal Rumble.

It looks as though the WWE is going right now with the assumption that Dwayne Johnson won’t be back next year as a short-term regular character as he’s been the past three years. According to information given to a major licensee this past week that has a deal where they are told who to products with but they have creative license to produce whatever they want with those characters, they were told not to produce any merchandise involving The Rock. They were told he could be used as far as a group shot of superstars but not to produce anything specific because he was not going to be featured until 2015. It was taken as a sign that he’s not doing WrestleMania this year, but I don’t know if that was outright said or just as assumption made over the call not to merchandise him individually. What’s notable is that Johnson is on the cover of the current video game and there was obviously hope that he’d do some television and media for the game at the time of the late October launch.

Punk was getting sound edited and Vince was fuming backstage. The feeling is that the only reason Punk got in no trouble is because as Punk did this, the live crowd was going crazy.

There is tremendous heat on Sin Cara, for essentially quitting less than a minute into his match with Del Rio on the 8/19 Raw show in Anaheim. Sin Cara hit a tope. It appeared in doing so, the two men bonked heads. At first when Sin Cara went down, I thought he had suffered a concussion, but he called the match off. Lawler said he thought it was a broken wrist, but it was actually a dislocated finger. The match was stopped, but Del Rio was so mad that as Dr. Michael Sampson was trying to work on Sin Cara, he ran in and put the boots to him because he was so mad he called off the match with an injury that most would have worked through. It’s funny because Sin Cara when he was on top in Mexico regularly continued matches and worked through significant injuries. You sense that he’s both been given up on and he’s given up himself. The injuries weren’t serious because he worked the next night in Bakersfield. If he does leave WWE, I’d expect him to wind up in AAA, because CMLL hasn’t forgiven him for leaving. Two of his younger brothers are working in AAA.

WWE and Bill Goldberg are now in talks, which adds to the list of the people who in the past it seemed they would never do business with. Goldberg, even more than Ultimate Warrior, had been someone in the past they had wanted no involvement with, but the policy now seems to be to mend fences with any former superstar to the public who had past bitterness. There has been talk of him doing next year’s WrestleMania. I don’t know that it’s against Ryback, but I almost can’t imagine it wouldn’t be. Goldberg would be 47, but still trains hard and is in good shape and has been open to the idea of doing one big match because his son wasn’t born during his heyday and never saw him as a wrestling star. Plus, there’s always a potential Hall of Fame since he has a name, even though in the past HHH buried the idea of Goldberg in the Hall of Fame saying he didn’t have enough longevity. But views change over time and HHH was tremendously conciliatory to Bruno Sammartino and tried to be with Warrior as well.

Speaking of Warrior, he was in Los Angeles for 2K business I believe over the past week, but at one point met with Vince McMahon. He didn’t appear at any WWE activities now was there any expectation he would. One would suspect the WWE Hall of Fame subject was broached, but that’s only an educated guess.

With the original planned for next year’s Mania main event being HHH going heel seems to build the direction of Vince as a babyface choosing a top star from the past to represent him against HHH with the company at stake at next year’s Mania, things are very interesting. The company’s first choice, Steve Austin, gave a negative reaction this week when asked about wrestling again by Variety. As I’ve mentioned I don’t think Austin will do it, but if he was, he’d probably not be admitting it at this point. Austin said that he doesn’t want to wrestle again. “I’ve been gone 10, 11 years,” he said at the press get together to promote the video game on 8/17. “If you had a cow and you have a branding iron and it was in a fire and you put that branding iron on a cow, you leave your mark and that mark is there forever. It can’t be erased. That’s why they brand cows. So if wrestling was a cow, I branded it and that mark will never go away. In another ten years, in another 20 years, that mark I left on the business will always be there. I’m very happy about what I was able to accomplish and I had a great time doing it.” He said he’s still mad that his version of Tough Enough wasn’t brought back for a second season. “What that show didn’t come back, I was pissed off. It was a great show. The numbers were very good. We had a great time doing it. Why they didn’t bring it back still baffles me to this day because I loved doing that show. It was a great way to be in the business I know and love without having to be in the ring taking bumps.” The ratings were good, but not good for the USA Network, as they were well below the company’s average, and a wrestling related show needs to be above the company’s average for that time slot to survive.

The word we got that they may be changing the main event direction could be a sign that Austin really doesn’t want to do it (and again, if he was going to, he’s not going to be tipping his hand on it now) even though the amount of money he could make at this point for a Mania comeback match would be gigantic, and if Dwayne Johnson is also out, all of a sudden the angle isn’t as strong. You could put Cena in there as the company’s defender, or Bryan or Punk because as McMahon vs. Trump showed, if the story of control is going to work, it doesn’t necessarily need Austin or Rock there. You could also put Undertaker there except it would be the fourth Undertaker vs. HHH WrestleMania match, and a babyface Lesnar would still be a match that has been three times high-profile. As far as bringing a guy from the best, I just don’t know that they’d want to put Warrior in the ring at his age, or trust Goldberg with that level of match if deals are struck with them.


Why TNA ruined AJ styles?
What the hell he looked dark and cool!

now were back to the same old boring AJ,
what happen to the story they had for him?


So not worth it
Surprised so many of you are watching TNA.

And so little of you are watching NXT.

Something is terribly wrong here.


You can't have Sting and Cena in the same guy.

no disrespect but he has been irrelevant for a very long time, this new cool Dark AJ reintroduced him and gave him an Edge.

I rather see him alone beating Aces & 8s ass

This was a horrible move and ruins AJ, we
didnt get to see him win as the loner dark guy
thats disappointing.


no disrespect but he has been irrelevant for a very long time, this new cool Dark AJ reintroduced him and gave him an Edge.

I rather see him alone beating Aces & 8s ass

This was a horrible move and ruins AJ, we
didnt get to see him win as the loner dark guy
thats disappointing.

I tend to agree, but TNA went with the MEM vs A8 storyline (especially since they got saddled with the MMA guys) as a gang war instead of one guy taking down the group

If AJ Is just going to be the dark character without that storyline, they don't need him. They already have Sting and Jeff Hardy in that roll.

It doesn't really matter though, I fully expect AJ to leave TNA with what I'm reading about his contract negotiations.


So not worth it
When is the last time AJ Styles was even remotely relevant in TNA?

They use him as the workhorse, sure, but he hasn't gotten a run with the title in ages. What was it? 2010?


So not worth it
Also, Bully R'y Back is fucking awesome.

I want to play one of the extras he bullies. He can make fun of my accent.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man, the Steve Austin Podcast is absolutely horrible. It feels like he's such a shill for his advertisers. Maybe I just got a bad ep (DDP)

Some news and notes from the latest issue of the Observer:

Thanks for this

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's Friday. Let's talk.

Fave Five Masks.

5. Mortis/Kanyon

4. La Parka/LA Park

3. Tiger Mask

2. Big Van Vader

1. Psicosis


So not worth it
Fave five masks:
1. Jushin Thunder Liger

2. Jushin Thunder Liger

3. Jushin Thunder Liger

4. Jushin Thunder Liger

5. Jushin Thunder Liger

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
One thing that always bugged me about Liger's mask were the fangs. In first grade I dressed up as a bat for Halloween and my mask had fangs just like that, so all I think of are first grade fangs.

You seriously made the concious descision to not watch the best wrestling program on TV right now?

What in the blue hell?
I watch Raw sporatically (although things are getting good so I'll be watching more) and whatever NJPW matches crop up in here, tbh.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
The match was stopped, but Del Rio was so mad that as Dr. Michael Sampson was trying to work on Sin Cara, he ran in and put the boots to him because he was so mad he called off the match with an injury that most would have worked through.
Legit mad.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Really shows how much of a bust Sin Cara was as his boys pulled a gun on Alberto long ago, now the tables have turned. Nobody gives a rat dick about Sin Cara enough to pull a gun for him.


Really shows how much of a bust Sin Cara was as his boys pulled a gun on Alberto long ago, now the tables have turned. Nobody gives a rat dick about Sin Cara enough to pull a gun for him.

Sin Cara would have pulled the gun... but his finger is still hurting.


I don't know if I've seen anyone with so many highs and lows as Dolph Ziggler. He's like a human yo-yo....and I'm not talking about how he sells either.
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