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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show

Triple H |OT2| because it's good for business




they sure wasn't covering up the seeds of Punk selling out and turning corporate

Punk is going to be obsessed at getting revenge on Heyman that he joins Triple H to prove that he doesn't need Heyman to be in the main event of Wrestlemania.

That part about the WWE title belonging to Triple H is a scapegoat as to why they boot Orton for Punk.

I don't see that
With no Cena or Sheamus
And Orton's heel turn

Punk and Bryan are the top Baby faces in the company, and don't see them turning either one of them.

Especially when they have Orton and the Shield with Triple H as their top heels.

I do see Orton.. getting into a kind of Rock/Foley feud near the end of the year. Not sure with whom though... as long as it isn't The Miz. We can be spared more of those matches.


I think Triple H is following the Kevin Nash school of knowledge on heat here:

Joe Hamilton told me a long time ago when I was breaking in was, ‘The thing about heat is it’s like a hot air balloon. The longer you let that flame go underneath that hot air balloon the higher it rises.

“Every time a babyface touches that hot air balloon, as far as touching the heat or touching the heel, you draw back down. If you go week in and week out of going back and forth, the balloon never leaves the ground. The thing about heat is you know it works when the babyfaces in the company walk into the booking room and start complaining.

“When the guys that aren’t the marks start complaining you know that the marks are already sick of it. That leads the buyrates and that leads to people start pulling for the babyfaces to pull it together. If you appease the people and the babyfaces, you will never get heat. Heats is always drawing money.”

If so, expect Bryan to go on a while with no more than small victories over the corp as the heat builds and builds on the corporation.

WHAT IF DAVID OTUGNGA lawyers up and prevents Triple h from firing people.

CM punk saves Axel from Heyman.

RyBully as the muscle.

Give wade somethingto do


I think Triple H is following the Kevin Nash school of knowledge on heat here:

If so, expect Bryan to go on a while with no more than small victories over the corp as the heat builds and builds on the corporation.


He has a point, and this is what WCW was better at than WWE back in the day

Reason why people still care about Flair and the Horsemen even though they were mostly heels.

And the same thing with the early version of the nWo.

You also don't want to fall into the trap WCW fell into, where the faces never really got their big moment or it was short-lived.

Like when Luger finally beat Hogan for the title and lost it the same week. It doesn't do much in the long run.,

And we won't even mention the mess that was Sting/Hogan at Starcade


He has a point, and this is what WCW was better at than WWE back in the day

Reason why people still care about Flair and the Horsemen even though they were mostly heels.

And the same thing with the early version of the nWo.

You also don't want to fall into the trap WCW fell into, where the faces never really got their big moment or it was short-lived.

Like when Luger finally beat Hogan for the title and lost it the same week. It doesn't do much in the long run.,

And we won't even mention the mess that was Sting/Hogan at Starcade

I would like to think Triple H will avoid those traps with this.....but I think that's the road he's going down. Mega heel group leading to a mega babyface pop when they have their legit moment.
My guess is

Night of Champions - ends in a DQ finish
Battleground - another screwjob
Hell in a Cell - I think Bryan has to win at this PPV or some sort of huge beatdown to not make him win
Survivor Series - Probably a team match so no title shot Punk can start getting involved at this point.
TLC - I don't know what happens here Too many PPVS! GODDAMN IT
Royal Rumble - Bryan better win the title or the Rumble here or else people will stop caring. Either Punk, Bryan or Cena are winning the rumble


My guess is

Night of Champions - ends in a DQ finish
Battleground - another screwjob
Hell in a Cell - I think Bryan has to win at this PPV or some sort of huge beatdown to not make him win
Survivor Series - Probably a team match so no title shot Punk can start getting involved at this point.
TLC - I don't know what happens here Too many PPVS! GODDAMN IT
Royal Rumble - Bryan better win the title or the Rumble here or else people will stop caring. Either Punk, Bryan or Cena are winning the rumble

Hell In A Cell is probably the breaking point that causes Vince to turn because Triple H will really do something that breaks the game. You can get away with two screwjob finishes, but when you put it in a cell, you really have to break it (worse than Maddox) to get where they want to go. Survivor Series will be Vince's team fighting for another shot for Bryan, with TLC being the shot and Bryan gets screwed out of it because it's a TLC match. Then he goes into the Rumble and wins and on to Mania.

Damn, I just booked this thing out didn't I?


I would like to think Triple H will avoid those traps with this.....but I think that's the road he's going down. Mega heel group leading to a mega babyface pop when they have their legit moment.

The other thing I hope for with this angle, and haven't had it since Nexus to my knowledge, is an multi-level feud.

Generally everything is self-contained but you already have Orton/Bryan/The Shield/Triple H/Ziggler/Show/Christian in the mix and it permeates different levels of the company. And that always makes for a more enjoyable show to watch.

My guess is

Night of Champions - ends in a DQ finish
Battleground - another screwjob
Hell in a Cell - I think Bryan has to win at this PPV or some sort of huge beatdown to not make him win
Survivor Series - Probably a team match so no title shot Punk can start getting involved at this point.
TLC - I don't know what happens here Too many PPVS! GODDAMN IT
Royal Rumble - Bryan better win the title or the Rumble here or else people will stop caring. Either Punk, Bryan or Cena are winning the rumble

Actually, I wouldn't do anything past Night of Champions
Bryan is screwed over. And then told no more rematches or whatever.
Battleground.. could potentially see a 6-man tag vs The Shield

Hell in a Cell... would be different.. but could see doing Bryan vs Orton's new feud in a Cell to determine number 1 contender and mess with Bryan
Survivor Series Team Yes! vs Team H
TLC I think would be a good time to do Bryan vs Triple H.. if they still want to have Bryan chase the title until Mania.

Wins the Rumble
Has to defend his spot in EC.
It just feels like they are going to try and build-up (delay) Bryan getting his "moment" until Wrestlemania, and I think that would be a big mistake. We are over seven months away from that and five months away from a possible Rumble win, I have no faith in them not waiting too long to pull the trigger.


The fans have to believe there is a chance Bryan is going to get that belt back. After four straight consecutive shows where Bryan is laid out with no assistance, the fans are going to throw their hands up and say "fuck this shit"
The fans have to believe there is a chance Bryan is going to get that belt back. After four straight consecutive shows where Bryan is laid out with no assistance, the fans are going to throw their hands up and say "fuck this shit"

Yup, you have to be careful to not make the fans sour on Bryan because they think he's a loser who will never reach the top of the mountain. This is my problem with this storyline, I just don't have faith in them pulling this off over a 7 month period


And do apologize if come off as an apologist for the angle, but it's exciting.

We haven't really done the monster heel stable since... I guess Evolution?

We've done monster heels like Henry and to a certain degree Big Show
And we've done heel stables like Nexus

But not on this level, and honestly not with a fresh face


The fans have to believe there is a chance Bryan is going to get that belt back. After four straight consecutive shows where Bryan is laid out with no assistance, the fans are going to throw their hands up and say "fuck this shit"

That's why the swerve at NOC has to work. You have to believe he's winning it and hit the match with a DQ Either that, or he actually wins despite the interference and Triple H reverses it like he did to Jericho. I think that would be down the road though.
It just feels like they are going to try and build-up (delay) Bryan getting his "moment" until Wrestlemania, and I think that would be a big mistake. We are over seven months away from that and five months away from a possible Rumble win, I have no faith in them not waiting too long to pull the trigger.
I don't think this is going till mania its too far away. Bryan wins the title at the Rumble the latest. I can see Bryan going into mania as the champion though


That's why the swerve at NOC has to work. You have to believe he's winning it and hit the match with a DQ Either that, or he actually wins despite the interference and Triple H reverses it like he did to Jericho. I think that would be down the road though.

The problem... and TNA suffers from this... is that can kill an angle/heat if not handled well.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
And do apologize if come off as an apologist for the angle, but it's exciting.

We haven't really done the monster heel stable since... I guess Evolution?

We've done monster heels like Henry and to a certain degree Big Show
And we've done heel stables like Nexus

But not on this level, and honestly not with a fresh face



That's why the swerve at NOC has to work. You have to believe he's winning it and hit the match with a DQ Either that, or he actually wins despite the interference and Triple H reverses it like he did to Jericho. I think that would be down the road though.

How is this a swerve? Every fan in the building knows Bryan can beat Orton. He's done it at least twice this summer on free TV. Bryan has to beat Orton and the Shield and even if he can get past them, Triple H will just pedigree him. He has no shot of winning the belt. It's not a swerve if it is expected.
I don't think this is going till mania its too far away. Bryan wins the title at the Rumble the latest. I can see Bryan going into mania as the champion though

Is winning the title at the Rumble the ideal moment to have Bryan finally get the belt? It just screams mania to me, which is frightening because it's so far away. Also, the Vince/HHH storyline is supposed to go until mania, and I can easily see that tied to Bryan winning the title.


Yup, you have to be careful to not make the fans sour on Bryan because they think he's a loser who will never reach the top of the mountain. This is my problem with this storyline, I just don't have faith in them pulling this off over a 7 month period

Me neither. It doesn't help that the fans are already cheering the heels involved in this angle.

Ugh what a bunch of losers. Big Shows and Rey Mysterios bitches. FUCK BIG SHOW. The SES was great for promos but what a bunch of jobbers.

Is winning the title at the Rumble the ideal moment to have Bryan finally get the belt? It just screams mania to me, which is frightening because it's so far away. Also, the Vince/HHH storyline is supposed to go until mania, and I can easily see that tied to Bryan winning the title.
Its still big enough for a title change. Mania is waaaay too far away for this to go there unless Bryan gets removed from the title picture somehow. They could easily have another Ziggler here if done wrong. At least Bryan can talk on the mic.


How is this a swerve? Every fan in the building knows Bryan can beat Orton. He's done it at least twice this summer on free TV. Bryan has to beat Orton and the Shield and even if he can get past them, Triple H will just pedigree him. He has no shot of winning the belt. It's not a swerve if it is expected.

Yeah, that's the thing....they have to book it where Bryan looks believable and it all makes sense. This is where it goes into uncharted territory. I think I have an idea of how they get from A - Z in the story but how do they actually get there and accomplish what they want to accomplish? I hope they have a good answer....and I'm in for the ride so we'll see. Does WWE finally hit it big or do they fuck it up somehow along the way like they always do?


Bryan's not going to win the Rumble because the current plan is him against HHH at Mania.

Maybe Triple H takes the belt from Orton because he "can't get the job done." I'd say do it at the Royal Rumble where Bryan is in the Rumble and Orton has no defense.


Ugh what a bunch of losers. Big Shows and Rey Mysterios bitches. FUCK BIG SHOW. The SES was great for promos but what a bunch of jobbers.

Yeah, SES was awesome but it almost always felt like they were getting jobbed out.
Especially towards the end of their run.

Rey ran all sorts of hell on them, Big Show wrecked their shit single-handily, and Kane did pretty much the same thing.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
GWF was a D-grade event tonight but some good came of it.

Nocturnowl especially. Keep an eye out for the Twitch stream later.

The GWF Climax Tournament was announced - a note - on that. The opening matches WILL be streamed next week. All of the days in the middle will be dark matches and reported, and then the GWF Finals will be televised.

Winner of the GWF Climax gets to battle Htown to decide the fate of the GWF.

Will a face win? Will a heel win? What will they do to the GWF?



Check out that TIMING.
Anyone else feel kinda bummed out about the ending though?

Haven't felt like that about a RAW in a long while. That's what happens when you have actual heels I guess. Good job on their part all the way. Damn that Shield.

I know, I know, *whatamark.gif*


I like this angle and I am willing to wait and see where it leads.

Im alone in my world according to this thread

You're not. People are getting so knee-jerk when it comes to HHH that they can't see the good from the bad. I acknowledge that the storyline has the potential to go sideways and wind up with HHH ruining everything, but until it actually happens, I want to see what comes next. In the meantime:

"Not about Orton" - Of course it's not. It was never Stone Cold v Rock, it was Stone Cold v Vince. Rock was a proxy and a damned good one who made a career out of the time he got from that angle, but he was never the focus. And he won dirty all the time. Vince never said it as far as I was aware, but he might as well have uttered "That's my title!" It's all the same. And really, like it or not, HHH is the future of the business (as a business at that) and he will have storylines built around him. As long as they aren't "HHH is sooooo great, look at him beat the unbeatable people without effort!" then I'm fine with letting them run their course.

"All the faces are pussies" - This story needs a good villain. HHH hasn't been heel COO for long enough and he doesn't have the mega heat that Vince had from the Screwjob, so the demonstration was to establish two things. One, how heel HHH is willing to go (and WWE audiences need that reassurance. After all, heels tend to be reasonable people instead of sadistic dickheads with a god complex. We're forced to take this heel seriously for once.) So basically, the demonstration was your heel establishing shot for the feud as a whole. It's a good narrative beat in terms of the story that (hopefully) builds to WM. Two, it shows how much power he has. He can talk about power all he wants, but demonstrations are always better. It establishes the odds. Is it too much too soon? Time will tell on that one.

So what about the faces? (...What faces? Ziggler? The Miz? The Big Show? These guys need some serious storywork before I'd consider them faces. However, let's assume they are fully fledged members Team White-Hat.) I can easily believe the threat of losing a job is for the time being more important than showing solidarity with an unfairly oppressed coworker. But there's a limit. The drama comes from asking where the tipping point is for each individual. It'll come.

"Too many odds" - Weird to see this one for a WWE storyline, but yes the odds are heavy. We haven't reached the point of "all hope is lost" quite yet though. There are a lot of loose threads dangling that could go several different ways, including the heavy-handed "no one interferes in me being a dick OR ELSE DUN DUN DUN" sidestory from the main event. Even so, I'm sure Bryan will falter and fail to overcome a few times, but there will be glimmers of hope here and there leading to big wins later on. SS, RR, EC, etc. Keeps the show exciting and fresh, especially after so many RAWs with Cena overcoming for no reason.

Will all of this come to fruition? I hope so, but no, it's not guaranteed. But some people need to stop being so negative about so many things. There's a ton of potential in the product right now.


I'm off to bed tonight....remember everyone:

Triple H |OT2| because it's good for business

goes up sometime Wednesday. I haven't decided if I'll work on it in my last hours of work or do it when I get home. I'll be busy prepping for my trip after I get home though so we'll see.

When it goes up, I'll need someone to push the hell out of the new thread as people might not find it as easily since it's not a Wrasslin' OT. Push it to the moon like Jeff Hardy riding high on a rocket of LSD.

September. Wrasslin is getting exciting again. Legit exiting. Lets do this.


I'm fine with this angle as long as EVERY week doesn't end in Daniel Bryan laid out and HHH/Orton giggling to themselves. Heels coming out on top most of the time is proper booking, but you can't make the face look like a chump in the process. That's the big mistake WCW made. They had the nWo dominate everyone for so long that no one except for Sting looked good, and even that didn't last once he got back in the ring. It devalued everyone else at the expense of Hogan and Sting, and eventually Sting as well. And then kept going well over a year after the angle should have ended.

I don't expect this angle to last 3 years. I really have my doubts on how it is going to go once Sheamus and Cena get back to action.

Also, FUCK TRAINS. One just stops on the tracks, so I go around the opposite way, 2-3 miles around to get back to my house. Except ANOTHER FUCKING TRAIN comes by right as I get up to the crossing. Going as slow as possible. I sat there for 10 minutes. At midnight. And this was going to/from New Mexico. FUCK YOU HEISENBERG. I'LL KNOCK YOU YOU DYING CUNT.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Honestly the finish to Starrcade 1997 is only behind the Invasion as the biggest blown angle of all time.

Sting should win. Then he can feud with whomever while the NWO still hog the spotlight doing the breakup angle. Then you do a reform thing a few years later and people are happy.


Will all of this come to fruition? I hope so, but no, it's not guaranteed. But some people need to stop being so negative about so many things. There's a ton of potential in the product right now.

What would make it succeed for you? It sounds like a lot of people here are largely concerned with the booking. To me, it's not just the booking, but the promo content. If the 3 principals keep cutting the same sort of speeches week in and week out, adjusting them for whatever the current arc is, they'll bore a portion of the audience and me.

I can see all 3 of them screwing up or getting force-fed similar material.
Bryan: "I don't need this business! I can go back to my old life!"
H: "How about I use you to make money instead! I'm calling your bluff!"
Orton (to whomever he is angry at for the moment): "You need to respect me because I have the belt and I've had it before!"

Fantasy booking alert! Turn away!:
For real, a fun way to avoid both the Summer of Punk and the Corporation storylines and to logically fulfill the bind Bryan is in (either, "then leave" or "you're successful because we let you be") would be to fake fire him, have "viral" footage of him wrestling indie people (real or fake), and have him come back with an ally, technique, or athleticism that he didn't have before. The rightful heir usurping the usurper, you know?

If they can't figure out how to keep their lines fresh, I hope they avoid a rerun in the booking. (On that note, I'm so impressed by Colter's ability to say the same thing in 1,000 different ways. Hopefully, Bryan and company can do the same.)


No. Sting winning should have also destroyed the nWo. The angle should have been over at the point. Then they could all split off and do their own things. They still could have had a split angle, with people taking sides, but the nWo itself should have been dead and buried at Starrcade 1997. It shouldn't have made any kind of comeback for at least a year. The nWo wasn't a stable like the Four Horsemen or Evolution. It was sold basically as its own company trying to take over WCW forever. So Sting, the hero, vanquishing Hogan should have meant the end of the nWo, not just a continuation and a second nWo group.
Miz looks REALLY nice in his Fandango parody costume. He should keep those long pants and combed hair, also thank you WWE for making him use the Skull Crushing Finale again, Figure Four just didn't work out.

Still catching up to RAW. :p


What would make it succeed for you?

Can't tell you specifics beyond "Bryan overcomes the odds, gets the title clean and keeps it, preferably in a 5 star match, preferably at WM." Overall, success for the storyline would be keeping me as entertained or interested as I have been for the past few weeks or, barring that (since even my favorite parts of the Attitude era could wan from time to time) just keep the hope alive that similar entertaining things are just around the corner. It's hard to nail down what the WWE has to do to do that.
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