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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


I'll make a note of that:

Strobogo... only racist... when... sober.

Got it.

This made me lol for real. I'm not racist when drunk or sober. I just really hate Konnan. I enjoy I believe every Latino in WCW except for Konnan. Konnan's ethnic background has nothing to do with my hatred of him. You son of a bitch. How dare you.
I uploaded an episode of GLOW if anyone's interested;

GLOW - Season 2, Episode 9

So damn 80's.

I look forward to Rebecca Knox's NXT debut. Still have no idea what she did when she fell off the face of earth for several years.

She pretty much quit wrestling altogether, as she suffered a real nasty injury while wrestling in Germany in 2006 - I was very surprised when I heard she had been signed by WWE, as she had only made a handful of appearances since her injury.

I would call you out on this, but since you're a Texan who loves deathmatches, I think it would be in my best interest to leave you alone.

Oh...I got you and bean mixed up, didn't I? Mere words cannot abate this grievous assault upon your personage, but, for what it's worth, so sorry, old chap.

La Sombra vs Volador Jr Super Libre

I could watch these two wrestle forever

Thanks tm, definitely checking this one out later.


Oh cool, just found out that CMLL is streaming their Anniversary Show online for free through terra.mx. Hopefully the stream holds up, but don't bet on it. Should be cool to watch the main events though


Are you trolling?

Out of the following performers, who had the worst match with Brrock Lesnar?

A) John Cena
C) CM Punk
D) Vince McMahon

Out of the following performers, who had the worst match with Undertaker?

A) Shawn Michaels
C) CM Punk
D) Michelle McCool

Just checking.

Triple H had two good Undertaker matches. They weren't as good as Michaels' matches, but that Hell in a Cell at Wrestlemania was awesome.


She pretty much quit wrestling altogether, as she suffered a real nasty injury while wrestling in Germany in 2006 - I was very surprised when I heard she had been signed by WWE, as she had only made a handful of appearances since her injury.

I figured it might've been something like that considering the gap. But glad to see she seemingly recovered and got her foot into WWE's door. I remember back when I was interested in seeing her work was then she just disappeared at around the same time.

Anyway, hopping around to random NXT shows and man Bo Dallas sucks. How could a cool man like IRS produce this guy. And it doesn't seem to me like WWE would ever call a guy like Adrian Neville up. Small and a weird look.


So not worth it
So AJ cuts a great promo, gets praise. And then people go. "Yeah it was good, for a diva" or "Yeah, it's AJ, so of course everyone overstates how good it was" and what not.

Isn't that exactly what AJ's promo was about? How these Divas made it so that no woman can ever win in the company, because of the reputation that the word "Diva" has gotten? Kind of ironic, isn't it?



WCW Monday Nitro 7/20/98

Goldberg, Ultimo Dragon, and some NJPW stars will be in action tonight.

Scott Hall comes to the ring. He basically calls Nash a big pussy, says that he's ashamed of him, and he regrets ever calling Nash his big brother. Also, Nash isn't half the man that Hogan is.

The executive committee has decided that DDP and Bret Hart are the top contenders to the now vacated US Championship. They will face each other tonight, with the winner becoming the new champion.

Recap of Hogan's reign of terror from last week. I didn't notice, but Bischoff was definitely mouthing Hogan's promo. How fucking hard is it to keep up with it in your head? I see this shit constantly, even when someone doesn't even need to know the other person's lines.

Stevie Ray vs ???? WCW TV Championship

Stevie gives an extensive promo to the camera on his way to the ring. A complete unknown jobber who is about the size of Rey, but white and flabby. It was short, but terrible. Chavo comes out and tries to take the title, then rides into the sunset.


Recap of Buff's appearance last week.

. Gene brings out Rick Steiner. Rick doesn't care for the things that Scott has been saying lately. He challenges Scott to a match at Roadwild. Rick is the one that got Scott started in high school wrestling, college wrestling, and pro wrestling. Neither brother carried the team and now he's going to fuck Scotty up. Buff is wheeled out. Rick feels, in some way, that it is his fault that Buff got hurt. Well, who the fuck else is responsible for it? Buff forgives him. They hug. Scott comes OUTTA NOWHERE with a chair and lays Rick out. Buff tries to stop him, but then JOINS in! It was a SWERVE! Buff rips off his neck brace and reveals an nWo shit. Tenay proclaims this to be the "Ultimate SWERVE!".


TO THE MEAN GENE. Chris Jericho is the guest after the commercial break. He claims that Dean is trying to ruin his life because he wants a shot at the belt. Jericho will give Dean a shot next week, but if Dean loses, he will never get a shot at Jericho or the title again.

Hall comes to the announce table. He throws his toothpick at Larry...who catches it and puts it in his mouth. Weird. Hall wants to make sure we don't have to see sad Nash again, as it is bad for movies. Then he tells Nash to get some Monostat for his infection. Yikes. Maybe Larry already had a toothpick. Idk.


We see a sign that says "Star of the show" with a wrecked car next to it.

Sick Boy vs Steve McMichael

I really liked Mongo's music. Shame it was wasted on Mongo. Total squash. Is Mongo a guy you would trust to protect you on a tombstone? Why would they have a guy who had only been wrestling for about a year and a half a finisher like that? Always seemed strange to me.

Recap of Arn's awesome promo on Thunder. Arn should manage someone today. I'd kind of like to see him paired up with Dolph, actually. It'd be an interesting dynamic.

TO THE NWO NIGHTCAP. It's changed names again, but this is Bischoff's Tonight Show. Fuck. It was SO bad last time. Oh my god. There is fake audience noise, Bischoff telling jokes that even Leno would think were hacky and lame, and the band leader laughing hysterically the whole time. He's telling diarrhea while swimming jokes. Tony freaks out saying this is actually Leno's monologue from Friday night. Holy shit, if that's true, Leno is even worse than I thought. This are the least funny things I've ever heard. But now that I know he's actually saying Leno's jokes verbatim, this is actually pretty funny satire. But still fucking awful. This is truly some of the worst shit I've ever seen on a wrestling show. Legitimately awful. Even if it was intentional. I'd be hard pressed to find something as shitty as this and the last episode even at the worst of WCW 2000.

Recap of the Sad Nash promo. It gets cut off part way through it, because Scott Hall was in the production truck and took the tape. Nash met him and they got into a fight. The rest of nWo Hollywood ambush him. Then the Wolfpac make the save and they have a really terrible brawl outside. Bret Hart then shows up at the announce table and wants the match with DDP right now.


TO THE BACK. We find Konnan screaming for help as DDP is laid out in the back. Wait, Konnan is outside fighting AND checking on DDP at the same time? This show is a mess. Not a in the same kind of chaotic mess that Raw was at the time, but a mess of shit just not making sense. Bret heads to the ring. JoJo also comes out and they argue, then JoJo storms to the back and they go to commercial.

Saturn vs Yuji Nagata

What I really remember from their last match was Nagata hitting a brutal looking dragon screw. Saturn hits a Northern lights right away and then locks on a cross arm breaker. Nagata starts working over the leg. Security has finally settled down the nWo brawl and JoJo has booked Nash/Sting vs Hall/Giant for the titles. Nagata hits a Saito suplex. Saturn comes back with a small package and t-bone. Not quite an explodaaah. Superkick. What happened to Glacier being super pissed about him using that move? Raven comes out and hits the Evenflow. Nagata Lock for the win. The rest of the Flock hit the ring, but Kanyon makes the save. BANG! He hits a motherfucking SUPER PILEDRIVER on Kidman. Saturn then hits Kanyon with the DVD, because he's a dick head like that.



Kevin Nash/Sting vs Scott Hall/The Giant WCW Tag Team Championships

WCW remembered that they had tag team champions. This was after literally weeks of the tag belts not even being mentioned on television. Not only that, the actual belts weren't even on screen for weeks. The members of the Wolfpac were on TV, including at least one week where all four were out in the ring, but the actual belts were nowhere to be found. I'm drunk in tribute to Scott Hall. Speaking of Hall, it made me really happy to see him on that ICP video looking the happiest and most sober he's looked since the pre-1996. It really did. Sting is wearing big black carpenter jeans now. BBC. Get it? Sting and Hall start it out for a bit. After a break, it's Giant and Sting. Giant gets a boot up on the Stinger Splash. He makes a come back and tries a cross body, but just bounces off of Giant. Giant then does a headbutt to the balls. DING! That ridiculous Nakamura trading card video made me lol for real when he said DING for a low blow card. Hall comes in and hits the fall away slam and then they run the IRS abdominal stretch spot. Nash big boots Hall. He goes for the jackknife, but Giant stops him. Sting then hits Giant in the giant balls. Mark Curtis didn't give a fuck about anything anymore. Bryce took a lot from him. He was such a good ref. Sting hits two Stinger splashes on Hall. Bret Hart comes out and is in the ring. This distracts Sting. Hall then hits the Outsider's Edge. New champions! Bret wasn't lying when he said no one was safe. From Juvi to Sting.



Recap of Bret interrupting the announcers and Konnan screaming for help for DDP.

Dancing Fools vs Chono/Great Muta

MUTA! They're hyping Muta vs Fujinami. Well, Tenay is at least. I think he said Fujinami. He might have said Hashimoto. Idk. Wright actually beats down Chono in the opening minutes. Disco gets tagged in and gets his face kicked off. Muta hits a dragon screw into knee bar and Disco taps out right away. Well, that was short. Norton then comes out and lays out the Dancing Fools for fun. Super short. No mist, no moonsault, no handspring elbow. I don't believe the Shining Wizard had been created yet. Apparently, Norton was undefeated on his last NJPW tour.


Tokyo Magnum vs Ultimo Dragon

We still don't have an update on DDP. I wonder if Dragon will take some liberties with Magnum in this. It is acknowledged that Dragon trained Magnum. He does get a bit rough with a face wash in the corner. Magnum hits a super rana. He goes up top and gets caught with a drop kick. Dragon hits a brainbustaaah. Dragon sleeper for the easy win. Teacher taught a lesson.


Scott Norton vs Jim Powers

Well, this is obviously a jobber match. Jim Powers has to be the best looking jobber ever. Dude was always jacked, but outside of the Wild Stallions, he was a career jobber. I don't think he was even that bad. Norton wins with ease.

A highlight package of Hogan. Because if anyone needs a highlight package, it's Hulk Hogan.

nWo Hollywood come out in full. Even the international members. Muta and Hogan in a WCW ring! Hulk has a lot of love for Scott Hall. Actually, it isn't the full group. Norton, Steiner, and Buff aren't around. Hulk rambles about DDP and Malone and just general Hogan shit.

Recap of the main event of Thunder.

Eddie Guerrero vs Konnan

Antoine Carr was with Konnan. He played for the Jazz in 1998. I don't remember him. Konnan is so shitty that he can ruin Eddie Guerrero. Chavo comes out dressed like Konnan. He has a new Pepe. Konnan takes Pepe and hits Eddie with it, causing a DQ.

Curt Hennig vs Lex Luger

WM9 rematch! Lex is neck and neck with Konnan for a guy I never want to see. And now they're back to back. WCW is trying to make me sad. The WWF really ruined Lex. He was pretty solid-good before he went to New York. But his WWF run and on was pretty rough. I did enjoy the angle of he and Sting being best friends despite one being a heel and one being a face, but match wise, Lex was awful after 1992. I don't care about this match. I care about my commentary on how Lex sucked after working for Vince. Perfect was most definitely a shell at this point in his career as well, but he was still solid. Nowhere near his peak, though. There is a ref bump. Rude interferes and a Perfect Plex ends the match.

Bret Hart vs DDP WCW US Championship

Who knows how this will go after DDP being shown to be laid out earlier in the show. There is only about 7 minutes left in this even before entrances, so I don't expect much. Bret is really above the US Championship. I know I've already used Sting as a reference, but imagine him coming into the WWF and wrestling for the IC Championship. DDP comes out to no music with taped up ribs and a taped up knee. Naturally, Bret dominates. DDP gets to the ropes while in the sharpshooter. Bret just puts it on again. Your new US Champion, Bret Hart! The rest of nWo Hollywood come out to celebrate. DDP is taken out on a stretcher. They take a few cheap shots at DDP on the way out.

I apologize for the lack of gifs. There really wasn't anything gif worthy in the last 45 minutes of the show. No good bumps, no hilarious botches. Just bleh.

Also, there was no Goldberg, despite Tony saying he would be there at the top of the show.
So AJ cuts a great promo, gets praise. And then people go. "Yeah it was good, for a diva" or "Yeah, it's AJ, so of course everyone overstates how good it was" and what not.

Isn't that exactly what AJ's promo was about? How these Divas made it so that no woman can ever win in the company, because of the reputation that the word "Diva" has gotten? Kind of ironic, isn't it?

You're too emotionally invested in this. Stahp.
So AJ cuts a great promo, gets praise. And then people go. "Yeah it was good, for a diva" or "Yeah, it's AJ, so of course everyone overstates how good it was" and what not.

Isn't that exactly what AJ's promo was about? How these Divas made it so that no woman can ever win in the company, because of the reputation that the word "Diva" has gotten? Kind of ironic, isn't it?

It was an overall good promo. AJ outshines most of the male roster, she should start competing for the US title and IC title. She would have better feuds and matches that way.


So not worth it
AJ would make a better IC Champion than Curtis Axel

A broomstick would make a better IC champion than Curtis Axel.

Hell, make André The Giants Ghost the IC champion and fill the next 4 weeks of Raw, Main Event and Smackdown with Ambrose vs. André The Giant's Ghost champion vs. champion matches.


Somebody find me that gif of Triple H standing on the top turnbuckle and leaning against a steel cage smiling.....I think it was this year. I will drink a beer in your honor this weekend.

Edit: actually, I would prefer any good Triple H reaction gif for the OT....looking for at least one more.

I've got:



and of course, the classic:



It's been too long since H's OT1. Plus he's got a new DVD/blu-ray coming out this month, so yeah.....it's H's month.

Edit: I mean, shut up Boots, it's good for business.
A lot of it was the same type of stuff Cole used to scream and rant on about when a Diva's match would be on hand. For at least 3-5 minutes or however long it lasted, he would talk about how boring, untalented, or messy the matches were. Thought it was decent but it wasn't anything new. Sounded like something to knock on the terrible Diva's show. Why none of them grabbed a mic and spoke back was pretty stupid. Just take insults and stand there.

Sounds like they were legit shook, just like all of the males at the end of the show.

I Need A Hero.mp3
I think this got lost in the Raw Madness, but WWE is releasing a Raw 20th Anniversary box set that will be a 12 Disc DVD and 10 Disc blu-ray set and contain up to 20 complete episodes of Monday Night Raw. It will be a Greatest Episodes set. I am hyped. How much would you pay for this? I would easily drop a $100 on a set like this and I will def be buying this to hopefully get us one step closer to season sets.

Oh shit! I will totally buy this!

I just wish WWE had a Netflix like app that had all the wrestling content you could never handle at your fingertips, charge $10-15 a month for it and I'm in.

I'm talking every episode of every show and piece of content WWE has the rights to, from Heavyweight Wrestling, to Saturday Night Main Event, to Raw and Smackdowns.

Obviously they would have to piecemeal it, but man that's all I would need.


Oh shit! I will totally buy this!

I just wish WWE had a Netflix like app that had all the wrestling content you could never handle at your fingertips, charge $10-15 a month for it and I'm in.

I'm talking every episode of every show and piece of content WWE has the rights to, from Heavyweight Wrestling, to Saturday Night Main Event, to Raw and Smackdowns.

Obviously they would have to piecemeal it, but man that's all I would need.

You know WWE isn't in the business to grant us our wildest dreams. It's never happening just like that Cena heel turn we all wanted.


WWEflix would be absolute MONEY. HHH needs to get on that shit pronto. That's what I've been thinking about since 2009 or so. I actually subscribed to the online version of 24/7 they had for a while. It was the closest thing they've come to a Netflix like thing so far. They had all of the first 2 years or so of Raw, plus original shows (which I guess weren't truly original since they were all things like JR picking out his favorite matches or episodes devoted to debuts and ECW stuff narrated by Joey Styles). And they didn't remove stuff every month like the actual 24/7.

It was better than the collection of full matches they have online now. And was MUCH better categorized and serachable.
You know WWE isn't in the business to grant us our wildest dreams. It's never happening just like that Cena heel turn we all wanted.

Yea but the Cena turning heel is "bad for business" haha.

Well if they can't that stupid WWE network off the ground, I think the streaming option is the next best bet.

The WWE Classics on Demand was a pretty cool service, just need more content like full episodes of old shows.

Edit: Hell yea stro! If that service had full episodes of Raw and Smackdowns from the 90's and early 2000's and some Nitros, my life is over. I would relive it all and see some stuff that I missed along the way.
Natties delivery in that promo was just as bad as her work on Total Divas. What she was saying was great and made sense in the context of the storyline but the way she's saying it lacks impact.

Speaking of Impact, I'd say earlier this year, TNA had the better women's division with Kim, Terrell, ODBC, Tara, James, Rayn and Brooke (the new one). I know it gets brout up that they're a product in danger of imploding right now but at least they give the girls story lines and ring time. But it's probably because they hire wrestlers (most of the time) not fitness models.


If TNA doesn't re-sign AJ Styles, it's probably worse than we thought, considering how important he should be to that company.

If they ever announce another move to Monday nights, I would worry that a deal with Vince is already in place, and the move is to do another simulcast announcement of the end of another wrasslin company.
Did you guys listen to Stone Cold's latest podcast? It's pretty much a continuation of the WWE 2K14 Symposium with Flair telling war stories.

Just blown away that Vince bout WCW in a fire sale. He literally got a steal. And WWE should do an app/VoD service versus the network idea they have.

I rewatched this the other week, the sheer silliness of the storyline is a guilty pleasure.
The bit where Dominic shakes the ladder leading to Eddie dropping down and yelling angrily for a hug among other things is just the greatest because it's so damn cheese(starts around 20:50).

The moment Eddie brought out the "i'm your papi" shirt was when I went from indifference to the guy to actually enjoying him, so of course that only lasted like 2 more months...


So not worth it
I'm not sure the TNA library is worth anything besides Sting stuff and maybe a before they were stars type of DVD.

I dunno, if they ever get around to a Christian DVD, it would be nice to have the TNA stuff on there.

Watching the Mick Foley documentary has the same effect. They loosely touch upon him falling out with WWE and going elsewhere, but never go into specifics because of that.


I dunno, if they ever get around to a Christian DVD, it would be nice to have the TNA stuff on there.

Watching the Mick Foley documentary has the same effect. They loosely touch upon him falling out with WWE and going elsewhere, but never go into specifics because of that.

It's also kinda funny when they bring up the subject of Mick bringing CM Punk and Samoa Joe to Vince's attention, and both Mick and Punk are hesitant at least at first to say Samoa Joe's name.
Also if they decide to do a Scott Steiner, Sting, Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, RVD, etc Documentary, it can be complete instead of missing out on certain parts of their career.
Got a load of best-of compilations through from IVP's last sale, including seven discs of Billy Robinson matches! Plus, five discs of Harley Race stuff. I will be sure to bore you all with recaps and gifs once I get around to ripping these.

Also, I'm going to be drinking well this weekend;



So not worth it
F4Wonline.com reports that there were a lot of people within WWE raving about AJ Lee's "pipe bombshell" promo on Monday's RAW. This was done for the continuation of season 1 of WWE's Total Divas show.

There were E! cameras filming an angle backstage, the promo by AJ and the reactions from other Divas. This will leak to AJ vs. one of the Total Divas at Night of Champions, also to be filmed for the E! show.

AJ losing the title for the reality show confirmed.

Oh well, lets hope they at least pick Natalya.


lol, AJ saying Natalya can't wrestle...

rofl @ the Bella's 'acting' during the whole thing, jesus.

Watching it again I lol'd at "I'm not here because I'm cute". Yea, I'm sure she'd be just as popular and still would've been involved in storylines wherein she dated 5 top guys within a year if she wasn't cute.


AJ losing the title for the reality show confirmed.

Oh well, lets hope they at least pick Natalya.

So basically, AJ is cutting a promo reacting to season 1 of a reality show and the backstage reactions / promo will be a part of season 2.....and the in ring stuff happens while season 1 is airing.


So not worth it
So basically, AJ is cutting a promo reacting to season 1 of a reality show and the backstage reactions / promo will be a part of season 2.....and the in ring stuff happens while season 1 is airing.

Not only that, but we'll see reactions by Trinity and Nattie, reacting in the Total Divas reality to a promo delivered WWE Universe AJ Lee that was totally kayfabe. But I guess the whole line about "you won't even shake my hand" will be shown before the actual promo. I guess AJ will join the cast as April Mendez, the bad girl, or something. Who knows?

And then the Total Divas reality and WWE Universe reality will clash, creating a temporary rift from Total Divas into the WWE Universe where Nattie, Trinity and April will meet there evil counterparts Natalya, Naomi and AJ (who of course all have beards now, in proper mirror universe fashion) and drama ensues.
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