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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
G1 is fucking bananas. BANANAS. Huge regret not spending the $150.

In retrospect we probably should have made a G1 OT. That'd have been so cool.
Anybody else laugh when HHH came out to steal Paige's spotlight. It was like HHH won the womens title. Also I hope Fandango brings in Tyler Breeze in as his tag team partner
Anybody else laugh when HHH came out to steal Paige's spotlight. It was like HHH won the womens title. Also I hope Fandango brings in Tyler Breeze in as his tag team partner

It was pretty funny, there's no way he could get away with winning a women's title himself so perhaps he figured this was the closest he could get to that accolade.
Imagine if Daniel Bryan and his Bella has children, but they got the Bella's wrestling skills.
Clearly you've never seen The Wire.


Well I don't use those. Your profiling of me is incorrect.


BJ Whitmer stretchered out of tonight's ROH show after taking a pile driver on the apron from Mike Bennett. Doesn't seem like a work by all accounts. Match was stopped. Whitmer was moving his fingers and gave a thumbs up on his way out. Hope he's okay.

In other ROH news from tonight, sounds like Michael Elgin/Paul London was a fun contest.

I'd be more of a puro fan if I didn't have to watch 4-hour PPVs.


Contains Sucralose
Total Divas:

Bryan exist only to ask questions about Cena's commitment issues.

E2 should be good. The foursome go shirtless and chop some wood.



B]WCW Thunder 4/16/98[/B]

We open with a recap of the usual Nitro main event clusterfuck. We're then given a nWo sponsored hyped video of Buff flexing in mirrors and talking to/about himself.

Buff Bagwell vs Rick Steiner

Uh oh. Is tonight the night? The neck injury is coming soon. Pretty sure it was in April. So, either this week or on next week's show. Buff gets a quick arm drag, but gets tackled while posing. He gets bumped to the floor and recoups by heel stuff. Belly to belly. Biting. Steinerline. Titus O'Neil has a better bark. Deal with it. Rick goes for the bulldog, but Scott ran out and knocked him off the ropes. Lex comes out and makes a save. I don't want to see this tag match.

TO THE BACK. Hogan cuts a super short promo about traffic and titles.

Kevin Nash comes to the ring. Nash/Savage vs Hart/Sting will happen tonight. He calls Hogan a turd. And turds float. Everyone knows this. He goes on to quote Jim Croce. Kind of weird for a serious promo. He's going to beat up everyone in the bat match.

Hype video for Goldberg.

Barry Darsow vs Goldberg

Lol. Again? DID U KNOW: Goldberg was roommates with Kevin Greene? I didn't. I'm glad I know. God, Repo Man moves like an old man. Squash of course. Show isn't promising so far.

Raven/DDP hype video.

JJ. FUCKING JJ. I can't finish this show. I have to get booze. I'll be back. Okay, I'm back. I'm going to finish this show out and start drinking for Spring Stampede. He announces that whoever wins the US Championship match will face Goldberg on Nitro.

Booker T vs Rick Fuller WCW TV Championship

I'm ready to give up on Thunder for the rest of the year. WCW clearly already has. It made it 4 months. Fuller sucks. Book hits the big spine buster, ax kick, and a back suplex. Harlem side kick. Missile dropkick for the win.


More nWo recaps. Thunder is like Smackdown since 3 hour Raw started, which makes so much sense.

He announces Lex/Rick vs Buff/Scott at Spring Stampede. This brings the heels out, saying they didn't agree to such a match.

Scott Norton vs Chris Benoit

I don't mind this match again, but damn, they're really rerunning a lot of matches lately. Benoit drags Virgil out of the ring and chops the shit out of him. Racist. Norton is all about racial equality and takes Benoit to task for his outdated and offensive actions. Press slam. Norton no sells chops. Imagine no selling a Benoit racist chop. Benoit is getting his racist ass dominated. Rolling racist German suplexes. It makes so much sense now why he did rolling Germans. Virgil interferes and causes a DQ. Booker comes out to make the save. Benoit didn't appreciate it, because he's a racist. That Chris Benoit should be erased from the record books for his racism. Disgusting.

He brings The Giant...and Roddy Piper to the ring. Well fuck me. I was going to save the booze for the next show. WCW is pushing me to the brink even in their good years. Piper comes out on Giant's shoulders. He's a 48 year old man. Riding on the shoulders of another man while wearing a skirt. I have no idea what he's talking about. Something about the Easter bunny.


Super Calo vs Curt Hennig

Rude replaces Lee Marshal. I wonder if Curt will treat Calo like he did Nagata. Perfect Plex for the win.

A long even for WCW look at motor sports. And then a long trailer for Lost in Space. This really is like Smackdown. Except there aren't even any wrestlers in this movie.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Chris Jericho WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Nice. Hopefully this gives me a gif or two. Lol at Tony saying "Unlike other promotions, when we say we're going to have a match, we're going to have it!". Pretty sure on the very last show, they announced Nash vs Hogan, and had Nash vs Sting instead. Jericho is schooling Chavo with all of his moves. He throws Chavo off of the DDT, but gets hit with a clothesline. Liontamer. Chavo gets close to the ropes, but Eddie slaps his hand away. Jericho won't let go of the Liontamer. Prince comes out and hits him with a scale. Eddie brow beats Chavo. Chavo thinks he could beat Jericho. Eddie proposes that if Chavo can beat Jericho (ahem, Dragon) at the PPV, their deal is off. But if he loses, Eddie will ride him twice as hard.


Hogan, Bischoff, and Beefcake come to the ring. They're talking about littering. Littering and...littering and...littering and...


. With JJ. Again. Fuck. He's assuring us that Lex/Rick vs Buff/Scott will happen. Bummer. Savage will not be able to compete in the title match at the PPV unless cleared by doctors. This means no cast. This brings Savage out. He's going to kill Sting at the PPV.

Brian Adams vs The Giant

Lol. Crush slips off the top rope. Virgil again causes a DQ. The rest of the B team come out, but Giant gets rid of them easily.


Raven hype video.

Saturn vs Silver King

Sadly, a quick squash. Saturn wins with a Gargoyle superplex and Rings of Saturn.


DDP hype video.

TO THE SCHIAVONE. He brings DDP to the ring. He's ready for Goldberg on Monday. He doesn't forget what Raven has done to him, and he's going to get his belt back this Sunday. "Oh yeah, Raven, yeah, you're the guy who's getting BANGED!" You know, I thought Jeff Jarrett was the first openly gay character not played for camp, but DDP might be the first. I love that no one batted an eye at him saying he's going to bang guys every week.

Randy Savage/Kevin Nash vs Sting/Bret Hart

Wait. Savage is clearly cleared to wrestle here, so why wouldn't he be for the PPV? Why is that match in question if he's already cleared to wrestle? Tony again railing about how they deliver what they announce, even though they don't. Raw must have had some big match that week that didn't actually happen. But the vast majority of Nitro main events end in a DQ in 3 minutes, so is that really better than the matches not happening at all? Bret and Nash start off. Lol, Sting tags in and immediately gets beat up. Deathlock on Savage. Nash drags Macho out of the ring. I'm interested in another Nash vs Bret match. Even their match in 2000 with a laziest possible Nash and concussed Bret was pretty good. Bret is the FIP in this match, which surprises me. Bret hits a big back suplex on Nash. Sting comes in and hits a Stinger Splash on Savage, but gets drilled by Nash. Savage gets his cast up for the next Stinger splash. He goes for the elbow, waits FOREVER for Hogan to come down and shove him off the ropes. Hogan and Nash then get into it and have to be pulled apart.


Not a very strong go home show. The most hyped thing by far was Goldberg getting the winner of DDP/Raven on Nitro. They talked about that all show long.

The announced card for Spring Stampede

Kevin Nash/Hulk Hogan vs The Giant/Roddy Piper Bat Match
Sting vs Randy Savage WCW Championship
Raven vs DDP WCW US Championship
Lex Luger/Rick Steiner vs Buff Bagwell/Scott Steiner
Booker T vs Chris Benoit WCW TV Championship No Time Limit
Goldberg vs Saturn
TAFKATAFKAPI vs Chris Jericho WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Curt Hennig vs British Bulldog (Originally announced as Bulldog/Anvil vs Hennig/Adams, but the WCW Gods must have felt bad for me)
Chavo Guerrero vs Ultimo Dragon Chavo gets his freedom back if he wins.


HUGE missed opportunity to have HHH be in front of the crowd and have the most nuclear heat of all time. God, HHH at an indie show is the ultimate boss level.



Randy Savage/Kevin Nash vs Sting/Bret Hart

Wait. Savage is clearly cleared to wrestle here, so why wouldn't he be for the PPV? Why is that match in question if he's already cleared to wrestle? Tony again railing about how they deliver what they announce, even though they don't. Raw must have had some big match that week that didn't actually happen. But the vast majority of Nitro main events end in a DQ in 3 minutes, so is that really better than the matches not happening at all? Bret and Nash start off. Lol, Sting tags in and immediately gets beat up. Deathlock on Savage. Nash drags Macho out of the ring. I'm interested in another Nash vs Bret match. Even their match in 2000 with a laziest possible Nash and concussed Bret was pretty good. Bret is the FIP in this match, which surprises me. Bret hits a big back suplex on Nash. Sting comes in and hits a Stinger Splash on Savage, but gets drilled by Nash. Savage gets his cast up for the next Stinger splash. He goes for the elbow, waits FOREVER for Hogan to come down and shove him off the ropes. Hogan and Nash then get into it and have to be pulled apart.

The main event for Raw that Monday was supposed to be Austin(with one hand behind his back) vs. McMahon, but it never happened because Dude Love came out and interrupted it. That was also the first Raw in 84 weeks to beat Nitro in ratings so I'm guessing WCW was freaking out a little bit over that.



HUGE missed opportunity to have HHH be in front of the crowd and have the most nuclear heat of all time. God, HHH at an indie show is the ultimate boss level.

Meh, it's not that crazy to me. HHH is a huge wrasslin mark. He probably knows more about ROH than the ROH marks at the show.

Now Cena on the other hand...


I'm pretty sure that ROH/PWG/indies in general fans would lose their minds if HHH or Cena showed up. Then they would remember they're supposed to hate them and boo, but they'd go crazy at first.


With how HHH has been picking the indies clean of their top talent over the past few years, most fans should probably be pissed! Happy for the guys making more money, but annoyed that the indie product suffers due to loss of talent.


With how HHH has been picking the indies clean of their top talent over the past few years, most fans should probably be pissed! Happy for the guys making more money, but annoyed that the indie product suffers due to loss of talent.

The great thing about the indies, there is always more talent ready to step up. It just takes time to get them to the top level and HHH is cherry picking everyone from that level.
With how HHH has been picking the indies clean of their top talent over the past few years, most fans should probably be pissed! Happy for the guys making more money, but annoyed that the indie product suffers due to loss of talent.

Thats how it should be though these guys can't stay in the indies forever earning pennies. The success of Punk and Bryan has definitely changed the way WWE thinks of indy's as basically smaller territory's. If only Kaval would have stayed a bit longer would have liked to have seen him more in the E


Thats how it should be though these guys can't stay in the indies forever earning pennies. The success of Punk and Bryan has definitely changed the way WWE thinks of indy's as basically smaller territory's. If only Kaval would have stayed a bit longer would have liked to have seen him more in the E


Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
The Raven vs DDP match at Spring Stampede was great. I was such a huge Raven fan, I was sooooooo pissed when he immediately lost the belt to Goldberg the following night. So mad.



NOTE: I was drunk as shit for this so sorry for any errors.

WCW Spring Stampede 4/19/98

Oh boy, this even has the countdown show. Absolutely not watching that. Drinking starting now. I should be toasted by the end of the show.

Big news. Savage has been cleared, the cast is off, and the main event is now no DQ.

Saturn vs Goldberg

This one has been building slowly for a while. This is also Goldberg's first real test. Saturn takes the fight to Bill right away. Pump handle throw. Belly to belly. Knee bar. Fuck yo suplexes, Taz. Saturn and Goldberg do them better. Kidman tries to get involved and gets press slammed to the floor. Saturn gets back in and hits a leg sweep, springboard legdrop, and flying elbow. Saturn tries a suplex and gets the spinning power neck breaker instead. Then a press slam to power slam. We are now watching the longest Goldberg match ever. It goes to the floor, where Goldberg's shoulder is smashed between the post and steps. Saturn tried an Asai moonsault, but slipped and kind of hit a flying back elbow thing. Goldberg sold it anyway, and Saturn no sold it. Goldy is now working with a bad arm. They have some miscommunications, but Goldberg fixes that with a spear. Kidman distracts Goldberg, which gives Saturn time to recover. He puts Goldberg on the ropes for a Gargoyle superplex, but instead gets press slammed from the second rope. Kidman gets speared. Goldberg stands up while the Rings of Saturn is locked on and does a DVD into the jackhammer. Goldberg is awesome. Anyone that says otherwise is a JERK.






Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Ultimo Dragon

Chavo is fighting for his freedom here. Chavo is outmatched, which is the whole point of this story. He's trying to prove that he can hang with top level guys like Dragon and Jericho, but Eddie keeps costing him matches because he wants to be the only successful Guerrero in WCW. Chavo finally gets in control and Eddie is screaming at him to cheat and rip the mask off. Some submission trading. Dragon is better at them. Romero special. Chavo rolls through a rana for a 2 count. Chavo climbs to the top and gets his dick smashed right into the turnbuckle. Chavo gets dumped to the floor. Asai moonsault. Chavo has dem springs in dem legs, but mostly misses his dive. Back in the ring, a double clothesline. Dragon goes for a cross body, but gets caught with a dropkick to the DICK. Dragon is hurt. The ref is holding Chavo back. Eddie is LOSING HIS MIND that Chavo isn't capitalizing on this. He's right. He should be doing something. He could have won the match. It was an accidental low blow. He could have kept going and won his freedom. Brainbustaaaahh. Tornado DDT is reversed into the Dragon Sleeper. Chavo is fucked. Eddie is only going to double down now.



Chris Benoit vs Booker T WCW TV Championship No Time Limit

After two time limit draws, they decided no more of that shit. Also, Benoit is racist against time limits. Brain says that Bobo Brazil told him that Booker T would be even more famous and successful than himself. I bet Benoit hated Bobo, too. Because he's racist. I remember going to a local indie spot show that had Bobo Brazil Jr, who flipped people off and did the Stunner as his finish. There was also a guy who tried to mix surfer and Crow Sting. I took home one of the used trash cans. I used to jump off my computer desk on to it as a 12 year old. Benoit gets bumped to the floor very early on. He's been kind of heelish lately. He's always intense, but he's been a real dick to black people as of late. Benoit gets back in the ring and tries to work over the leg, but gets bumped to the floor again. He starts taking things seriously and knocks Booker to the floor. Some hard chops and a snap suplex would follow. Benoit controls things for a while. Diving headbutt! Book reverses a snap suplex with one of his own. Another snap suplex from Benoit. Rolling Reich suplexes. Such a racist. CRUSHING back superplex. Damn. Sidewalk slam from Book. SOLID flying forearm. Pancake Norton. Benoit kind of pulls the ref into the ax kick. Booker taps to the Crossface, but the ref was out. Benoit picks up the ref, but Booker hits a Harlem side kick over him for the win. Benoit can't handle that he lost to a darkie. That racist son of a bitch.



British Bulldog vs Curt Hennig

Meh. A cop handcuffs Rude and Anvil together. I don't remember this being an announced stipulation, but at least this isn't Crush/Perfect vs Anvil/Bulldog. Curt has a big knee brace on. He didn't have it at Thunder, so he must have hurt it in the last few days. Bulldog works on it for most of the match. So, imagine a Curt Hennig match where he can't bump around because he's hurt. A Curt Hennig who really couldn't bump around a lot anyway. The police man was Virgil! SWERVE! Rude gets out of the cuffs and locks Anvil to the ring post. Perfect wins after Bulldog is bumped into the turnbuckle. With the pad on. lolwut.

Chris Jericho vs TAFKATAFKAPI WCW Cruieserweight Championship

I'm pretty toasted now an I'm half way through the show. Maple Crown and Diet Coke, yo. Fucking Prince. Maybe he'll botch stuff or Jericho will give me something funny to gif. This match was dedicated to Stinko Malenko. I imagine Dean was watering his lawn, having his wife iron his Dockers, and putting teenagers in the Texas Cloverleaf in his time off. The idea of what he was doing in suburbia is far more interesting to me than anything Prince could do. I don't even want to watch this match. I just want someone to make a game where you are Dean Malenko: Suburban Dad and you have to stop hoodlums from lowering the property value of the neighborhood. You'd get bonus points for not getting grass stains on your slacks and putting a guy in the Cloverleaf in front of a sprinkler. Anyway, they lose their balance on the top rope and both fall to the floor. Prince tries a top rope sunset flip and gets caught in the Liontamer. Fuck you, Prince. Not the real Prince. He's awesome. The wrestler version? Fuck that guy. Jericho has now absorbed Prince's sarong into his collection.


Buff Bagwell/Scott Steiner vs Lex Luger/Rick Steiner

Bleh. Buff has his wrist in a cast. Hopefully that means the match has to be cancelled. Buff says the match is canceled. Call it off. PLEASE CALL IT OFF. WILL SOMEBODY STOP THE DAMN MATCH?!? JJ and Gene come to the ring. JJ brings the trainer into the ring, who cuts the cast off. This makes Buff grab JJ with his bad hand and the match is on. Well fuck. TAKE A SWIG FOR THE WORKING MAN. I'm going to have to make a whole new cup for the working man for this match. Except I'm not a working man. SWERVE. Rick is an idiot and tries to wrestle the match on his own. Lex isn't in for the first 7 minutes, which is actually a good thing. Rick and Scott finally have a stare down, but Scott runs away. Torture Rack to Buff for the win.


Hypnosis vs La Parka

Unannounced BONUS match! Parka is in a yellow variant tonight. Here are the gifs. Hypno wins with the guillotine leg drop in the ropes.



Kevin Nash/Hollywood Hogan vs The Giant/Roddy Piper Bat Match

This should be awful. Nash and Hogan enter separately. These are probably the last four guys you'd expect to be in a X on a pole match. 2 guys in their mid 40s who are very adverse to any kind of bumping or athleticism, one guy in his late 30s who is also really adverse to any kind of bumping or athleticism, and a guy as big as Andre. I'm positive that Show will take the biggest bump in this match. Piper goes for the bat right away. Hogan follows him up and they're fighting each other on a pole. Fuck this match. I don't care to see Giant literally spanking Hogan. Giant and Nash have a show down. I don't care about that either. Why are these 4 mostly immobile dudes in a match where you have to climb up a pole? Russo isn't even in WCW yet. Giant hits a dropkick on Nash. Piper gets the bat. Hogan gets it and throws it out of the ring. I guess the rule were if you get the bat you can use it, not if you win if you get the bat. Beefcake brings his own bat. Giant gets hit. Hogan accidentally hits Nash. Hogan ends up winning after hitting Piper with the other bat or something. Idk. I was sexting. Boners take precedence over Hogan/Piper matches. Hogan convinces Nash to powerbomb Giant and then hits him with the bat. I don't even know if that counts as a SWERVE, since Hogan and Nash have been fighting for what feels like years now.



Raven vs DDP WCW US Championship

Whatever happened to Dusty Rhodes? Just because Hall was taken off TV doesn't mean Dusty should have been, too. I'd MUCH rather him being giving the 10 minute nWo rants over Hogan, Bischoff, or Nash. Whoever wins this is getting fed to Goldberg tomorrow. It was even announced as DDP came to the ring. Raven still has the belt since he stole it in front of Carson Daly and Dave Grohl. DDP fucks Raven and Sick Boy up in the opening minutes. He even hits a plancha. Good thing this show is almost over, because I'm almost too drunk to keep going. I still have 3/4ths of a cup left of my 3rd heavily whiskey drink and there about 30 minutes left in the show. Hopefully I'm still able to get the gifs right by the time this is over. Oh shit, they're fighting on the stage coach! A dive into a bunch of hay is apparently BRUTAL. DDP hits a suplex into the WCW.com table. FUCK YOU LEE MARSHAL. That's what Tony meant to say, not me. I don't even know where they're fighting at, but a Japanese table doesn't break while Raven tries to put DDP through it. Cow bell! Trash can to the permanently injured DDP ribs. Sick Boy gives Raven a kitchen sink. Lol. I think there was a kitchen sink involved at Uncensored but I don't actually remember. DDP hits a drop toe hold on the kitchen sink. WCW was great at metaphors. Kidman tries to get involved and ends up hitting Raven. Sick Boy accidentally hits DDP with a crutch. Evenflow is countered into a small package for a 2 count. Hammer dives off the top and accidentally hits Raven as well. Fucking Flock. I hope Raven gives them all a stern talking to. Reese comes in and hits an Albert Bomb for a 2 count. A stop sign is now in play. Didn't really work out for the Flock. Diamond cutter to Kidman. Some random guy hits DDP with a stop sign and Raven hits an Evenflow on the kitchen sink for the win. New champion! Raven vs Goldberg tomorrow on Nitro.




Sting vs Randy Savage WCW Championship No Disqualification

I think I need to stop drinking until I've added the gifs to the post. Not sure I'm going to make it. I'm going to play all of the Evil Dead games tomorrow. I've played Fistful of Boomstick and Regeneration, but not Hail To The King. I will be playing the Dreamcast version tomorrow for the first time ever, in between playing Batman Begins. I wish I had played that when it came out. The Arkham series owes a lot to it. It's by far the best Batman game before the Arkham games, but I do love Batman Returns. Fuck those fire clowns. I enjoyed throwing them into the store fronts. Savage attacks before the bell even rings. Not a lot of time in this show. Probably for the better since WCW botched all of their main events after 1994. They're brawling near the entrance. HAY TO THE FACE! Lol, Tony tries to sell how painful that is. Stinger splash on the railing is missed. Has Sting ever hit it while someone was on the railing? Savage goes for a piledriver, but it is reversed. I'm toasted as fuck if you couldn't notice. Thank god for spell check lines to let me know how many of these words I am fucking up. It goes back to the floor. Sting hits a suplex on that same floor. Why do I find Liz so much hotter in WCW? Dat thickerness? I know that's not a word. I'm not drunk enough to not realize that. Ref gets bumped. Piledriver. Sting no sells that shit like he's a Road Warrior. Liz hits him with a chair. Randy pulls her in the way of a Stinger splash and uses the same chair. Oh my. He goes for the elbow, but Hogan shoves him off the ropes. Deathdrop from Sting. There was a ref bump that I missed. Nash comes out and powerbombs Sting. New champion! Randy Savage is the new WCW Champion!

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