Bizarrely, they have someone announcing the wrestlers names in English in the arenas, but you won't hear it if the music is muted or the commentators are talking over it. As for the music, I guess they don't want to change the themes, especially for guys like Tenzan or Nagata who have had their themes for ages. It sucks for international viewers though, especially when they cut the audio the second the match finishes and you don't get to hear the crowd's reaction.
They could do with English commentary, but I'd personally like the option to switch between both - I can understand the need for background information on the wrestlers/matches/feuds, etc, but whoever they got to do it would have to be at least equal to the Japanese commentators in terms of their reactions. Striker would be pretty good, actually. He's always come across as very enthusiastic.
Putting the wrestler's names in English/romanji on the graphics seems like it should be easy enough and the only reason I can guess for them not having alredy done so is because they know the majority of people buying the shows will be the hardcore few already familiar with the rosters/storylines. That's definitely something they need to address though, as New Japan is on a roll, quality wise, right now and will be attracting new viewers. If you've got any questions about the wrestlers or some of the background storyline stuff going on, feel free to ask. There's a fair few New Japan fans here now, which gladdens my heart
Also, here's my G1 preview, which may help a bit;
It said she was the head of talent relations but isn't that what HHHs title is now since he took it away from Johny Ace. She's probably a plant
she used to be a professional golfer, now she's V.P of talent relations iirc.
I'm very much enjoying Minoru Suzuki's theme song.
Does anyone remember Sean O'Haire? He was a random lowcard WCW guy who came over during the Invasion, but he had a devil's advocate gimmick that got kind of over.
He looks like this now.
Amazing gif.
These Japanese folks sure like their ice bags, don't they?
-edit: Well, now I'm in love with Hirooki Goto's theme, just amazing. It's a shame they mute out so many themes, as that would totally be how I'd decide who to root for in a match.
Devil's Advocate gimmick would've been great. Another "coulda" then they got cold feet.
He had issues doing those promos at houseshows, I guess? Leave 99% of them to taped segments, something that worked. That along with his size and athleticism could've gotten him somewhere. Feels like he was one of the rare WCW/ECW guys who got brought over and had a new identity that wasn't terrible.Nah, he royally fucked it up when he was performing live.
Thanks, can't count that high in Japanese though, they lose me at 12 heh.
So who's the guy that Prince Devitt is "riding"?
Aiii said:What does "Bad Luck Fale" mean though?
Aiii said:Might watch more another day.
So who's the guy that Prince Devitt is "riding"?
some fatass
I have absolutely zero interest to see Ortiz, Rampage and King Mo take up screen time.
It's not like they'll have many matches, most of their time they'll be off TV training for Bellator anyways. I watch wrestling to watch wrestlers wrestle, oddly enough. Instead we get second rate MMA fighters, retirement age hasbeens. Various family members like Garrett Bischoff, Brooke Hogan and Wes Brisco that have neither the talent or skill to warrant a TV spot. And a bunch of WWE that are years past their prime or addicted to drugs and alcohol and in need of employement where they don't care if you show up pissed beynd belief.
Fuck this company, I hope they die soon so somebody more competent can get their TV deal.
Me not having access to the G1 is so painful. This sounds like the event to end all events. And there's still so much more to go! Blugh, not spending the $150 was the biggest mistake I've made all year.
The fuck? Spike aren't just going to pick up some random fucking indie and put them on TV. If TNA dies then they simply wouldn't replace it. There'd be less wrestling on TV and a lot of people out of work. Sounds like great news, right?
I'm not a big fan of TNA (though they were a LOT better than the WWE last year), as they always seem to fuck up when they do something well, mostly thanks to Russo/Bischoff/Hogan's idiocy. That said, it's still a good show if you just focus on the wrestling and I'm really happy I get to see a lot of guys on TV when they never would've in the WWE.
Ideally all my favourite WWE and TNA wrestlers wouldn't have to suffer through all their bullshit booking and would just be in NJPW but realistically, the more money and spots available, the better.
So, back to WWE.
With them pushing that Sandow's case is lost. They're gonna end up doing a (new) WHC Contract on a Pole match between Sandow and Cody at SummerSlam right?
They're not gonna take Sandow's title push away, are they?
I never said it was going to be TNA one week and random indy show the next week. But as long as TNA is around there won't be someone taking their spot. And somebody will, just like TNA took over when WCW died. They didn't do that overnight either, but there was a ton of capable staff and talent left over.
TNA has had plenty of chances to turn things around, but they never do. There's no scenario I can image where TNA is ever going to be and remain fun. Also, they were somewhat better for a few months last year. Then Claire Lynch happened, Aces and Eights happened, Aries lost the title to Hardy. Roode was depushed. James Storm is pretty much unrecoverable, etc.
I don't believe that if TNA were gone, all that talent would leave and never return. There will always be room for a second company on TV, but not as long as TNA is around and once again, I can't imagine TNA ever becoming good unless the whole senior staff is gone and replaced, including Dixie.
o m g
I missed totally divas
What if I told you... there's another way to watch it, jmdajr? We have the technology!