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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


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I actually thought about Canada also, but then all the stuff with green cards and visas and stuff turned me off. I believe Colorado to be the closest thing to Canada in America.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
The only things I know about Florida comes from the original Florida Championship Wrestling (everyone is trying to sleep with each other's wife), former FCW/now NXT (good wrestling), Burn Notice (lots of people shoot at each other and pay for overpriced watered down drinks), Disney World (it's own City State with it's own police, fire patrol, food stock, underground metropolis, self-sufficient), and you can call white people crackers.

I really enjoyed my time in Canada, at least the Victoria/Vancouver area. Nice people, friendly atmosphere, was easy to become a resident of with the aide of the local government aide, and has good wrestling in ECCW.
Fave Five American cities to live in/move to if you're from Indiana:

5. Detroit
Live cheaply and enjoy the comforts and convenience that a big city provides

4. Kansas City
Google Fiber

3. Stamford
Work for WWE and rub elbows with the McMahons

2. Tampa Bay
No taxes, a bunch of wrestlers to befriend, cheap baseball tickets

1. Atlanta
Home of WCW


The top places I want to relocate are: Florida (beach), Tennessee (music scene and mountains), North Carolina (music scene, mountains, family, crappy beach), Texas, (music scene)


id move to the pasific northwest or florida

I'd love to go to the pacific northwest. Seattle was awesome the couple times I visited. But it's so far from where I am and I'd need a job to relocate. Hiring managers don't really call you for an interview if you're from across the country.


I'd like to go Squatchin', but I'm not really a forest kind of person. PNW does seem like a really chill and cool area, though. I could hang out in Seattle and try to befriend Duff!
I'd like to go Squatchin', but I'm not really a forest kind of person. PNW does seem like a really chill and cool area, though. I could hang out in Seattle and try to befriend Duff!

So when you settled on Colorado, what did it for you specifically? You said it's the closest thing to Canada in the US, but I imagine there's other things about the state that pulled you. Just like hearing the decision making process when people choose where to move, been in similar spots.

id move to the pasific northwest or florida

Heavily considered moving to Seattle or Portland when my lease is up. Just find it real hard to leave San Diego. Only been here three years and I'm real attached.


Moving from Indiana to Oklahoma seems like a pretty lateral move.

Depends on what you want to do. If "exist" is your goal you can do worse.

Or if you mean literally lateral, we're still south!

Exist is basically the goal. But exist somewhere that isn't like Indiana. Oklahoma and Indiana are too similar. I might as well just stay here.
Getting some serious déjà vu. I swear you two have had this exact same conversation already.

No I am not going to dig up the post history to confirm.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I could live in Seattle, or one of those near towns like Bellevue where Sucker Punch Studios is or Kirkland where Valve is located. Not that Redmond area though with Nintendo and Microsoft and other rich tech companies.
Just seemed like a nice area, very accepting and a lot of variety and interests to do while still being near enough areas to do outdoor enjoyment with all those lake and mountains and Roddy Pipers.

San Francisco maybe, I like it's look at least. My only knowledge of it comes from Crazy Taxi and Driver San Francisco though.

That's it really. I can't be too far away from the ocean and that eliminates most of the United States, I need a place I could actually get work and most of those are in Seattle area or San Fransisco or Los Angeles. I couldn't live in Los Angeles though, just visiting it for E3 is awful enough. I would have to live somewhere I could understand the accents, so that's most of the U.S. South and Atlantic Ocean coast.

The only place in the States I would want to live in if given the option though is Hawai'i. I just wouldn't have the money to live comfortably though.

What do you guys consider Kenji Mutoh's best match?

This may require previous knowledge of Mutoh and Kawada because it does play on each of them knowing the other's moves early on, but I'm sure it still holds up as one of the best if not the best.

Keiji Mutoh vs Toshiaki Kawada - Triple crown match
http://youtu.be/ptCNH8e5VlE 1
http://youtu.be/NbRmel-ksv8 2
http://youtu.be/4WcZdzpGaBc 3


So when you settled on Colorado, what did it for you specifically? You said it's the closest thing to Canada in the US, but I imagine there's other things about the state that pulled you. Just like hearing the decision making process when people choose where to move, been in similar spots.

Heavily considered moving to Seattle or Portland when my lease is up. Just find it real hard to leave San Diego. Only been here three years and I'm real attached.

I hear people talking about Colorado so often in podcasts that I listen to. All the comedians talking about how fucking cool and chill it is there. Then I see all these reports about how happy the state and cities are. How beautiful it is. I've been a grumpy Gus my whole life and I need to change everything. Visually, Indiana is about is boring as you can get. It really isn't THAT bad, but it does have a terrible drain on motivation.

I'm not a beach person and I don't like warm weather, and I love wearing shorts and a hoodie year round. And mountains and stars and shit. I don't want to see cornfields ever again. My city is reasonably sized (about 60K) and I've been stuck behind tractors down town before.

Enough is enough and it's time for a change! Also, I want to be friends with Vader.


Grass is always greener. I'm content where I am at. I have no complaints. Good family, friends, make a nice living. Finding stuff to do not a problem. Sure it's hot but I'm used to it. Take some trips here and there so I'm not permanently stuck or anything.
What do you guys consider Kenji Mutoh's best match?

Hard to say, he's had a ton of classic matches. I'd probably go for the '91 G1 Final against Chono, the first match with Takada from 1995 and the '95 G1 Final against Hashimoto. All three of which are some of the best heavyweight matches of the 90's. Here's the first two, can't find the Hashimoto match online at the moment;

Keiji Mutoh vs Masahiro Chono - G1 Climax Final - (NJPW 08/11/91)
Keiji Mutoh (c) vs Nobuhiko Takada - IWGP Heavyweight Title Match - (NJPW 10/09/95)


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge

WWE is the major leagues of pro wrestling, with a half-billion dollars in annual revenue. Traditionally, it has been a magnet for young talent from smaller, independent wrestling operations. But those minor leagues are dwindling, and while the WWE does still hold some open tryouts, the performance center will be its main training ground for developing talent.

So for those of you who actually follow the business side of things and keep track of U.S. indies, just how true is that statement? From my perspective we might have lost Chikara and a couple of others, but still a lot of promotions out there and some are even expanding I thought.



So for those of you who actually follow the business side of things and keep track of U.S. indies, just how true is that statement? From my perspective we might have lost Chikara and a couple of others, but still a lot of promotions out there and some are even expanding I thought.

The top tier of talent in the indies is dwindling, but there is always someone ready to move into that spot. There is a depth of talent in the indies, but it takes time to make people into names like a Bryan Danielson, Tyler Black or Dean Ambrose. WWE has taken a lot of those names, and a lot of the guys that were on their way to being names (Brodie Lee, Samuray Del Sol, Sami Callihan). But there are always guys on that lower level that are ready move up. Guys like Adam Cole for instance, or AR Fox, or a Jon Davis. It just takes time to build those guys into big indie names.


WCW Monday Nitro 4/27/98

This is a special 1 hour, post NBA Finals edition from NOFUCK, Virgina. This is also the show that DX invaded.

Nash and Savage come to the ring. Nash says the Wolfpac is expanding and Savage is the new member. He also says he'll be Bret's Huckleberry. They have another new member. KONNAN. To kill the stable before it even starts. Then Nash and Konnan sang Luv 2 Luv U by Timbaland & Magoo. It got really weird.

TO THE JUVI. A special look at the homeliest woman in WCW.

Chris Jericho vs Chavo Guerrero Jr WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Jericho comes out with all of his trophies and conducts an interview with a poster of Dean Malenko. Match is super short, which makes sense since this is a 1 hour show. Chavo dropkicked Chris into Eddie, which made Eddie mad with Jericho after the match, but they got over it and both shit talked Chavo.

Recap and update on Buff. Well, an update to tell us we'll get an update tomorrow on Tuesday Nitro.

Hogan, Bischoff, and Beefcoke come to the ring. Lol, Tony is saying the other show down the road can't even give away tickets. Holy shit, Hogan says that there are tons of hobos he can pick up to take care of his yard, so he doesn't need Konnan anyway.

Scott Norton vs Goldberg WCW US Championship

Flying shoulder block puts Goldberg down. That weird neckbreaker thing looks weirder than normal on Norton. They go to the floor and dey be a clubberin. The ugliest rolling knee bar you'll ever see. Lol, Goldberg sells running into Norton in the corner like he ran into the post. He then gets hit with the shoulder breaker, but kicks out. Lot of arm work. SPEAR! Stalling Jackhammer.




TO THE MEAN GENE. Gene brings Bret Hart out. "The boos literally tearing the house down tonight here in NOFUCK." Tony's been taking lessons from Gorilla. Bret says it is nice to be in the house that Hollywood built. Bret's getting deep here, saying wrestling is full of pimps and savages and is a business where good men go to die. Damn. Also, Savage is a half troll/half lizard. Lol. I actually believe that Macho could be a troll/lizard hybrid. Bret won't give any more details until he has Hogan in the ring with him.
So for those of you who actually follow the business side of things and keep track of U.S. indies, just how true is that statement? From my perspective we might have lost Chikara and a couple of others, but still a lot of promotions out there and some are even expanding I thought.

I think this perception comes from the CHIKARA thing and the negative light in which many former fans now view ROH. I see a lot of negativity about ROH online, yet by all accounts the company is doing well financially and they're drawing some big crowds for both house shows & TV tapings. DGUSA/EVOLVE are struggling to draw decent live crowds and have had a bunch of iPPV issues which have driven some fans (myself included) away, which you've got to think is somewhat of a problem when so much of their business is iPPV based, but they still have some great talent. Plus, there's PWG, which is consistently awesome, and a bunch of other regional promotions like AIW, AAW, Beyond, PXW, ACW, etc, that are doing some great work and have a lot of opportunity for expansion. There's a fair few guys on promotions like that who I've thought have the potential to be the next 'big thing' on the indies, so I'd say the scene is in pretty good health.

Jamie OD

I think the indies took one step backwards in the last 2 or so years. Some of it has to do with WWE pouching the best talent but a lot of the promotions hit their peak and declined. The good thing is we now have a new generation of great wrestlers getting opportunities to fill in the gaps left by those who signed with WWE or TNA.


Here we go. I'm skipping ahead to Day 4 of the G1 tournament because of all the rave reviews. It better be as good as advertised.
y do u crie evrytim?

I miss those days so bad. I think of finishing up college, working two jobs. Coming home to my one bedroom shack to watch Monday Nitro every week, on my 32 inch CRT tv, and how for 2-3 hours I forgot about everything else in life.

I think of my ex GF who loved Kevin Nash, my best friend who would come over and watch with me every Monday.

God life was hard but so much fun. I miss Nitro so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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