A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man

Rooting for this guy in the G1 climax tourney
Why does New Japan call him Shelton X. Benjamin?
Because he was introduced as a mystery wrestler and in Japan mystery wrestlers are represented by a single X on the match listing.
Here we go. I'm skipping ahead to Day 4 of the G1 tournament because of all the rave reviews. It better be as good as advertised.
Is this G1 stuff available on youtube?
I might break your heart, too. I liked it, but didn't really understand what made people like it so much more than the normal super strike heavy puro matches. I also don't see what makes Ishii better than the seemingly hundreds of burly stoic guys who chop a lot. Shibata is outstanding, though.
I might break your heart, too. I liked it, but didn't really understand what made people like it so much more than the normal super strike heavy puro matches. I also don't see what makes Ishii better than the seemingly hundreds of burly stoic guys who chop a lot. Shibata is outstanding, though.
This guy just popped up on my twitter feed. I have no recollection of ever following him but somehow I am. It looks like most of his tweets have been deleted but it's clearly wrestling related as he's retweeted wrestlers on the few tweets he has and he shows up on my "Wrestling" list which I keep meticulously updated. Who the hell is this guy?
This guy just popped up on my twitter feed. I have no recollection of ever following him but somehow I am. It looks like most of his tweets have been deleted but it's clearly wrestling related as he's retweeted wrestlers on the few tweets he has and he shows up on my "Wrestling" list which I keep meticulously updated. Who the hell is this guy?
This guy just popped up on my twitter feed. I have no recollection of ever following him but somehow I am. It looks like most of his tweets have been deleted but it's clearly wrestling related as he's retweeted wrestlers on the few tweets he has and he shows up on my "Wrestling" list which I keep meticulously updated. Who the hell is this guy?
Well I guess I know how Tanahashi/Devitt ends.The crowd was just eating out of their hands. I think me not watching RoH for a while helps a lot too with how much I appreciated the match. Nothing they did in the ring felt like it went on too long. The second you felt it, it changed. I have pretty much no criticism of that match whatsoever. Between that and the Tanahashi./Devitt match...I'm as happy as a clam
For one thing, this isn't the mid 90's or, hell, even the mid '00's any more, that 'normal super strike heavy puro match' is no longer the norm, especially not in New Japan. For another thing, neither is the 'burly stoic guy who chops a lot' the norm these days. Ishii's appeal comes from the fact that he's a very solid worker who is only now being appreciated. He's been lost in the shuffle for eight years, working meaningless tag matches, yet the fans picked up on his ability and got behind him, prompting New Japan to give him the push he's been on for the past year. The matches appeal was simply because it was pitting two tough bastards against each other, who then went out there and kicked fucking ass strongstyle like it WAS 1995.
Well I guess I know how Tanahashi/Devitt ends.
You can't fool me Sunflower! The damage is done!I'm just commenting on match quality. As much as I hate Devitt there's no denying he can put on an amazing match.
This guy just popped up on my twitter feed. I have no recollection of ever following him but somehow I am. It looks like most of his tweets have been deleted but it's clearly wrestling related as he's retweeted wrestlers on the few tweets he has and he shows up on my "Wrestling" list which I keep meticulously updated. Who the hell is this guy?
Well I guess I know how Tanahashi/Devitt ends.
I just find it funny how all of Devitt matches basically are just now full on American style run ins, ref bumps, chairshots and outside interference. He is basically representing the worst of American wrestling for heel heat. Also, in seems DQ don't exist, so you can basically toss the ref over a barricade with no repercussions like he last match.
Way to go, Sunflower.
Also his finger pointing pose looks lame as hell.
The original WrestleMania main event for next year (this was proposed in booking, but had never been agreed to) where HHH would be the heel in his feud with Vince McMahon, leading Vince to bring back Austin in a battle for full control of the company appears to be off the books. As far as why, whether its because they are going to stay with Vince as the heel and HHH as the face or Austin wont be wrestling (and Austin wrestling on that show was never more than a Isnt this is a great idea thing if we could do it and he had to the best of my knowledge never agreed to it, nor had he gone through medical clearance), that I dont know. The idea of Rock in that position if Austin couldnt be had been broached as well, but theres no commitment hes going to wrestle again either, and if he did, Lesnar was the guy he was most interested in facing. The funny thing is there was a time where I think hed come back to work with Sting since Sting was a big deal when he was in high school, but I dont know if in his mind that ship has sailed since that idea is now nearly ten years old. At one point the progression of the storyline was that at SummerSlam, Vince, Stephanie and HHH would end up uniting, and then later in the year, theyd split when HHH would go heel. Just heard that everything has changed but based on television, the idea of a slow build for a battle for control at Mania still seems to be the direction. Everything on television is building to Vince as the heel but the original direction was HHH as the heel by the time Mania rolled around.
A name weve heard bandied about for the Hall of Fame this year is Steve Williams. Williams would probably get the endorsement of Jim Ross and Gerald Brisco, and they do have a good deal of tape of him in the new Mid South collection as well as from WCW and some WWE. What is working against him is that hes not alive, and he was never a major star in WWE. Not that there is an Oklahoma quota or anything, but it still begs the question if they even consider Williams, they should put in Danny Hodge, who is still alive. I think there are five Oklahomans in their Hall of Fame (Ross, Gerald Brisco, Bill Watts, Jack Brisco and Mae Young) and I can almost guarantee that everyone with the exception of Mae (and maybe including her) would all say that Hodge belongs in before any of them.
Nobody in WWE is confirming Jake Roberts in the Royal Rumble. Its just something that DDP is promoting. Based on what were told, WWE is not even considering it right now, and are probably not even going to consider it until early January and itll probably be a last minute deal. In years past, the two or so outsiders from the past brought in for the Rumble were usually contacted very late in the game.
Theyve changed directions on SummerSlam. It started when Show wasnt cleared before Raw was written so they went with a show where instead of shooting The Shield angle to set up Show & Henry, the Shield was just there to be the foils to build up the three-way top program with Orton, Bryan and Cena. It should be noted that Show was cleared on 8/5, but Raw and Smackdown for the week were already written by that time. So they may do something with him next week on Raw in Sacramento, but the undercard for SummerSlam has been revamped over the past week. Based on what has been announced, its Lesnar vs. Punk, Cena vs. Bryan for the WWE title, Del Rio vs. Christian for the world title, Wyatt vs. Kane in a Ring of Fire match, Rhodes vs. Sandow and Ziggler & Kaitlyn vs. Langston & A.J. Lee. Theres probably room for one, or possibly two matches, and The Shield, Orton, RVD, Henry, Ryback and Show are not accounted for.
The person who attacked Orton on the 7/30 show in Capetown, South Africa, was identified as a 20-year-old independent wrestler, Tshepo Sekhabi, who wrestles as Jozi, the Wrestling Machine, and claimed to train in kickboxing. He said that he quit his job as an administrative clerk in Johannesburg to travel to Capetown for the show. Sources in the WWE said that Orton, who wasnt significantly injured, but was said to be sore, and worked the next night, was considering pressing charges. Sekhabi said the attack was something he had planned, saying, I just dont like Randy Orton. This was an opportunity for me so I got up there and made a name for myself. Sekhabi then released a video on the Internet which made it clear he had planned it and challenged Orton again. Police did not formally arrest him at first, but after that video came out, he was taken in on 8/1 and charged with assault. He pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay a 500 Rand ($50) fine or serve 30 days in jail, and given a three year suspended sentence. Sekhabi ended up with a black eye from a kick to the head by Orton as he was being taken out. The Grand West Casino, where the show was held and where Sekhabi was staying, kicked him out of his room and told him to leave the premises and not return. He has been banned from coming to the casino for five years. The WWE also banned him from the events in Johannesburg, his home town, that took place over the weekend. In his video, he came across as completely insane, in the sense one got the impression he thought that if he attacked Orton, that hed get a job with WWE and be able to feud with him.
There is actually sort of an example of that happening to a degree, but its not recommended to say the least. There was this giant guy from Rochester, NY, Joe DAquisto, who was an area high school wrestler. He was probably about 6-foot-8 and 400 pounds and met Hulk Hogan in the gym and asked how to get into wrestling and Hogan blew him off. He was already about 35 years old at the time and didnt have the look, nor the body, but was gigantic. So he went to the matches that night, and it was a TV taping, and Hogan wrestled One Man Gang in a dark match. He hit the ring, and lucky for WWE, he decided to go after Gang and not Hogan. He took down Gang and was on top of him controlling him and Gang couldnt do a thing, while Slick (Ken Johnson, Gangs manager at the time) was pounding on the guy with his cane, which wasnt doing any good. Eventually security got him out of there. The rep of this guy who took out Gang wound up with him being trained by Larry Sharpe. He became Rochester Roadblock, or just Roadblock, and worked indies, some WCW television, Japan (where I met him in the 90s) and even had WWE tryout matches. He bounced around the business until 1998.
Sheamus, who the company had attempted to groom for the position of top star on the non-Cena tour, will be out of action four to six months due to needing surgery on his left shoulder for a torn labrum. Real name Stephen Farrelly, 35, Sheamus said that his shoulder injury stems from the nasty ladder bump he took during the Money in the Bank match on 7/14 in Philadelphia. Shamus was knocked off the top rope and landed on a ladder set up bridging the ring and the announcers table, taking the fall on his left leg and shoulder. Originally, he thought the serious injury was to his leg, which was at first badly swollen and with visible nasty bruising. He had continued to work and was on tour of South Africa with his leg healing but his shoulder getting worse. His range of motion was getting more limited while on tour and he had sharp pain radiating down his arm, according to an article on the WWE web site. When he was working out on 8/5 in Green Bay, prior to the Raw taping, he said he experienced sharp pain in his shoulder and told company doctors. He had an MRI done on his left shoulder and both Dr. Chris Amann and Dr. Michael Samson reviewed the results and suggested surgery. Hell be undergoing arthroscopic surgery early next week, which, surprisingly enough, will be the first time hes ever had any surgery in his life. That fact is remarkable for a 35 year old who has been wrestling 11 years, with the last four years working among the most dates of any company performer.
People really don't give enough credit to Sheamus. He is the American version of Strong Mang style.
wait a minute
this magazine makes it sound like wrestling is scripted
I hate to tell you this man but...wait a minute
this magazine makes it sound like wrestling is scripted
*puts hand on ViewtifulJC's shoulder*wait a minute
this magazine makes it sound like wrestling is scripted
That's not PG.
Actually the gaijin heels are a lot like what I'd picture heels being on my fantasy HBO wrestling show.
From the latest issue of the Observer:
*puts hand on ViewtifulJC's shoulder again*my mom told me chris benoit retired, well heartbreak kid came back from retirement, so when is benoit coming back
he was my favorite
I like DBS Jr. in non-title matches because he actually wrestles instead of pausing every 5 seconds to do the belt gesture.They all just yell profanities and flip the bird.
It's equally tiresome and hilarious. Davey Boy Jr. is so over the top sometimes.
I know all you nerds were in e-feds back in the day, so what were your wrestlers' names?
Mine was just "Snake Eyes". Stupid and cheesy, but I thought it was fun when I was 13, I guess. I tried to make him "Snake Eyes" Jesse Mercer, later, but the fed crashed and burned.
The GWF is here, nobody has a persona!
When I was a kid that ish was Death Messenger.
Jesus you guys need to stop hyping G1 I'm still watching Kizuna Road. Maybe I should watch Day 4 and then go back...