I would say most of wrestling, including the wrestling, are things I don't want non-wrestling fans to know I watch.
There have been 1 or 2 feuds per year over the last 10 years that I wouldn't be embarrassed for people to see. This year, I'd be cool with people seeing all of the Bork/Paul vs Punk stuff. But everything else? Probably not, except maybe a few of the matches where D-Bryne went HAM and fucked everyone up with elbows and kicking heads in. Last year would probably be the 2/3 falls Bryan/Sheamus match and Cena/Bork.
But 99% of wrestling I would hate for anyone to know I watch.
Except for old school stuff. Golden era and early 90s stuff seems to get a pass from everyone for some reason. Probably because Randy Savage and Warrior are awesome.
WWE 2K14 is gonna have a 30 Years of WM mode similar to the Attitude Era mode from 13.
I don't know if this was posted on the Gaming Side or not. There is currently a 7-page thread about Major Nelson's tweet about AA batteries. I'm thinking about not visiting Gaming Side anymore.
This sounds like Legends of Wrestlemania, but with the Smackdown engine. It's going to be really distracting to have I assume King/JR calling Savage vs Steamboat or something. I've always dreamed that you'd eventually be able to create a voice simulator for everyone, so games could have Gorilla and Brain calling all the action well into the future.