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August Wrasslin |OT| The Sunday of Summer

Not posting it because are you fucking serious why would you, but Ryback Insta'd a pic of his staph knee, it looks bad, and he said something like "this is the best it's looked since I got it", so yeah the belt's cursed and it's fair to say he's not going to be ready for Summerslam

I'd say this is a good a time as any to consider vacating it
Man. Midajah is plastic as it gets. Steiner talk in the forum has been pickin' up lately. He definitely deserves a month. STEINTEMBER. FREAK FEBRUARY. BIG BAD BOOTEMBER. BIG PAPOCTOBER. HOLLA IF YA HEAR ME!
I waited in Steiner and Midajah's table at Bennigan's in OKC long ago. Midajah ordered a virgin Piña Colada then sent it back because "it just tastes like pineapple and coconut."

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The Blade Runners.

This is the first really great answer because that's how they started and you really can't get much bigger than Stang and The Dingo Warrior.

Also I've been thinking about the right man to bring the give diva's a chance movement to the next level. A man who understands the importance of nurturing an environment where women feel welcomed. A man who understands that women equal business.



This is the first really great answer because that's how they started and you really can't get much bigger than Stang and The Dingo Warrior.

Also I've been thinking about the right man to bring the give diva's a chance movement to the next level. A man who understands the importance of nurturing an environment where women feel welcomed. A man who understands that women equal business.


Church, Man God. It's time for Jon Taffer to guest host RAW and fire some asses. A face-to-face with Paul Heyman while they're at it, too.


Someone booked a Data West dream match

LA Park & Volador beat Sombra & Pagano last night in Arena Lopez Mateos when Park beat Sombra. LA Park declared he was the real and only Ingobernable after the match, and they announced LA Park & HIjo de LA Parka & TBA versus La Mascara, La Sombra & Rush for August 15th.
While in was at work today, I got to thinking about a topic for discussion: what do all of you think is the perfect match? I don't mean your favorite (although it can be), but what match you think nails it all. Mat skillz, commentary, leadup, spots, length, where it is in a feud, what the match leads to, etc.

I've been wracking my brain, and I still can't think of one.
I mean, in terms of all that, even though I wasn't alive back then-- I'd imagine that slow burn build between Macho and Hogan culminating in Mega Powers split and their match together involving Liz. Maybe no "mat skillz" but from a story, crowd and character standpoint, it was insane. It's been a while since I watched the match, so I can't remember if the commentary was good or not.

For me, personally, the perfect match was Benoit/Trips/HBK. There was so much in that match. In terms of character, build-up and it was a phenomenal match with amazing commentary, culminating in the most feel good moment I personally ever experienced in pro-wrestling.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Ultimate Warrior has a very unique quality to him; any match where he headlines (at least if you ignore the two WCW matches) is going to be amazing. He always brings it up a notch on the big stage.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Has there ever been a tag team that had both people go on to be huge singles stars?

I'm trying to think of any, but drawing a blank.

The British Bulldogs, though Dynamite Kid more in Japan and Boy Smith in WWE obviously.

Giant Baba and Antonio Inoki as the B-I Cannon.

While in was at work today, I got to thinking about a topic for discussion: what do all of you think is the perfect match? I don't mean your favorite (although it can be), but what match you think nails it all. Mat skillz, commentary, leadup, spots, length, where it is in a feud, what the match leads to, etc.

I've been wracking my brain, and I still can't think of one.

I won't say it's perfect as I'll always find flaws in matches somewhere, but the closest I could call any match is the follow.Dynamite Kid vs Tiger Mask 5th of August, 1982. https://youtu.be/mCkACTKLbto
The skills, lead-up, spots, length, overall feud, the following two televised matches (and read-ups of the local shows not aired) you can all just watch and see if that match has any merit to the question on your own. For the commentary, I say it's as close to perfect because it is just solid "this is a sport and we treat it with respect" style where at the end the announcers are swept up in wanting Tiger Mask to win despite their best effort not to. They generally love what they are seeing in that ring, each move and manoeuvre spoken of is seen with importance as they know what is going on, but it never gets in the way of the focusing on the match.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Bret Vs. Bulldog is also up there for me
This is what I've been thinking about. It had it all, easily Bulldog's best match as well, but I'd say the entire arc from beginning to end (and WHAT an end) of Bret vs Bulldog, man, it might just be as perfect as it gets for me.


Bret vs Austin. Awesome build with promos from Survivor Series '96, to the Rumble and its results, to the Mania match itself with its incredible double turn, to lastly, the result of Bret's amazing heel character and Austin's face run.

Loved Warrior-Hogan's build/match/commentary (Monsoon and Ventura) alot too.
There's an amazing Mississippi indie sleaze thread on the Zandigfans forum, brothers. Some choice quotes;

"Earlier this year Paris was sleeping with two different wrestlers. Neither of which knew about the other. At a Total Wrestling Explosion show Paris took a pregnancy test in the bathroom. It said she was pregnant. So she went to each of the guys she was sleeping with and told them. Just so happens they were booked against each other at the show. During a headlock one guy asked the other why he seemed so distracted. "I just found out that Paris is knocked up and it is my kid" When the other guy heard this the match supposedly turned into a shoot. Two days later Paris took another test and turns out she wasn't pregnant. Seems she got the first test at Dollar Tree. Yes she is dumb enough to trust a pregnancy test she paid a buck for."

"Just had someone remind me of the time Hacksaw Duggan came in for a NWA Battlezone show. He was told it was a benefit show for a kid with cancer. So someone,sorry won't say who but I have mentioned them a few times in this thread,took one of their nephews shaved their hair and eyebrows off. And told Hacksaw that was the kid with cancer. A year or so later one of the good feds was gonna bring in Hacksaw for a show. But by this time he had learned about the fake cancer kid and was mad."

"XCW was running 4 or 5 shows a year in Pascagoula MS at the Jackson County Fairgrounds. Which are right in the middle of the rich part of town. They do hardcore matches but not deathmatches. And Adrian had booked New Jack for the show. But not only didn't advertise that New Jack would be there. Adrian also didn't tell anyone else New Jack would be there. It was the main event. Which was Adrian vs someone. And New Jack comes walking out with a trash can full of plunder and of course Natural Born Killas is playing over the speakers. New Jack hits the ring and starts beating the shit out of both guys. What no one knew at the time was one of the homeowners who's house faced the fairgrounds saw this and called the cops. Saying that a gang member was attacking the wrestlers. So fairly quickly 2 cop cars show up. The cops come running up with their guns drawn. Adrian stopped the match and explained to the cops that New Jack was a wrestler and this was part of the show."
Oh, for fuck's sake, Mutoh;

"Keiji Muto suggested a fan voting to determine if KAI should give up the #W_1 Title or not because of his "low approval rating" amongst fans"

Crazy old bastard, can't believe how badly KAI's booking has been botched since the Champion's Carnival final against Akiyama two years back.


Well at least Piper died in his sleep and not in some Hospital somewhere from bullshit Cancer eating away at him.

Hopefully we can all check out peacefully.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
¡HarlequinPanic!;173935134 said:
we're 9 hours into it and haven't even had one measly lil' mention of it being #SandowAppreciationDay !?


Honestly, nobody cares about shitty ol Damien Sandow.

Also, LMAO @ gaming side painting Konami as this terrible company to work for. Let's run down some of the important things.

"and now a new report from Japan’s Nikkei dives headfirst into a corporate culture that seems almost too soul-crushing to be believed."
Too soul crushing to be believed? This sounds insane.

"Konami reportedly monitors the movements of employees with cameras placed everywhere, with particular interest given to how long they break for lunch using time cards. Those that take too long are publicly shamed within the company."
That's nothing special. Don't take too long on your lunch breaks. You're paid to work.

"The only Konami employees that have their own email addresses are from PR and sales. Everyone else has to make to do with randomized email addresses that change every few months."
ok? Big deal.

"Finally, Konami has no patience for employees they deem “useless,” shuffling their responsibilities around not only to other jobs within their division, but sometimes moving them out of game development entirely and into working at their pachi-slot factories, turning them into security guards, or even making them janitors at their fitness facilities."
That's actually pretty nice of them, instead of firing them for being useless employees, they re-assign them.

Oh wait that's it? Fuck, people complain a lot. It's a job. Work. "Too soul crushing to be believed" my fuckin ass. Do people upset about this have any idea how hard normal jobs are?


So not worth it
¡HarlequinPanic!;173935134 said:
we're 9 hours into it and haven't even had one measly lil' mention of it being #SandowAppreciationDay !?


Because it was postponed for Piper until next week afaik.


Oh wait that's it? Fuck, people complain a lot. It's a job. Work. "Too soul crushing to be believed" my fuckin ass. Do people upset about this have any idea how hard normal jobs are?

Given the discussions that pop up continuously about anything work-related and how the general consensus seems to have no concept of reality, I think the demographics of this place skew younger and lower down the employment ladder and thus shouldn't be taken seriously on these issues. Like, ever.


So not worth it
Honestly, nobody cares about shitty ol Damien Sandow.

Also, LMAO @ gaming side painting Konami as this terrible company to work for. Let's run down some of the important things.


"Finally, Konami has no patience for employees they deem “useless,” shuffling their responsibilities around not only to other jobs within their division, but sometimes moving them out of game development entirely and into working at their pachi-slot factories, turning them into security guards, or even making them janitors at their fitness facilities."
That's actually pretty nice of them, instead of firing them for being useless employees, they re-assign them.

Oh wait that's it? Fuck, people complain a lot. It's a job. Work. "Too soul crushing to be believed" my fuckin ass. Do people upset about this have any idea how hard normal jobs are?

To be fair, in my country, if your hired to be a programmer and are put on the construction line of a factory instead, you're employer is pretty much screwed. That shit don't fly over here.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
To be fair, in my country, if your hired to be a programmer and are put on the construction line of a factory instead, you're employer is pretty much screwed. That shit don't fly over here.

Oh, you think you're too good for that kind of work? Shameful.

But really, consider that you SUCK as a programmer. That's really what it boils down to - if you are of no use to them as a programmer, and they manage to keep you employed...that's pretty good.
If I kept the same benes and similar pay to do janitor work I'd take it in a heartbeat 8)

But if I didn't, well, what kind of yella-bellied fool sticks with that kind of crappy work instead of finding new digs?

Shouldn't have started a family, JACK.
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