He looks like absolute shit. Sorry, but it's the truth. He has the worst look in wrestling I've ever seen, and I've followed the guy since 2004 where his look just kept getting worse and worse. It's not as noticeable in the indies but in the WWE it is the BIGGEST thing and no matter who is in charge, be it Triple H or Kevin Dunn or Vince McMahon, he will always have a shitty look. I don't know what the end game was when they signed him. I feel like him being an accepted midcarder would be an absolute best case scenario for him with a 10% chance of it happening and people on the internet are talking about him main eventing.
He's not big enough, he's not tall enough, he's not unique looking. He doesn't look like a 'tough guy in a bar'. He looks like an unkempt comic book nerd. The shitty facial hair, the farmers tan, the clothes, the weird lazy gelled spike thing in his hair. I'm all for different looks, but they need to be strong at what they're doing. Doink the Clown is a good look and it's not a bodybuilder. Kevin Owens isn't a good look for anything in the WWE. He's not fat enough to be a believable fat guy wrestler, and he's not tall enough to be an all arounder. Cena gets by on having a massive upper body, but Owens wasn't ruined by losing to Cena. Owens was ruined by standing near Cesaro and Orton. Owens was ruined by standing next to Rusev who just basically looks like what they think he looks like and what they want you to think he looks like.