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August Wrasslin |OT| The Sunday of Summer


Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the pinnacle of WrassleGAF hatred


A CM Punk Minion. An entity so powerful he can cause WrassleGAF members to literally puke pure salt.


Jesus christ Sasha

Her favourite wrestler of all time was Eddie and also the first wrestler she remembers watching a match of. She wins tickets to a Raw in Minnesota, front row no less! Makes an "I love Eddie" sign. Goes to church that morning, all excited, didn't check to news.

It was the Raw that Eddie died beforehand :(((((

The interview with Jericho is really fantastic, much better than Paige although the level of passion and dedication for the business is the same, just minus the crazy carny family. Only makes it even more sad how directionless callup is as well as contending with the main roster women who might not be as invested into the whole wrestling thing as the 4 Horsewomen are.

The Dream :(

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Mercifully, this is the closest you're gonna get to a Morrissey minion.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Two things: I have been asking for, nay demanding that flag for months now, and I'm glad it happened.

The other? 1997 is probably the year in WWF I know the least about. Did not get back into wrestling until early 1998. Imagine my surprise when the results of RR 1997 have HBK as Champ and Stone Cold winning the Royal Rumble. Possibly the best RR event I've seen so far. The raw afterwards is a treat as well. It starts off with Bret cutting a promo on McMahon about being screwed and quitting, it's like the whole thing was planned.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Is DB really anti-vaxx or is it a joke?

Follow the money. His doctors say he's clear and should wrestle, but WWE's say no? Why would this be?

Bryan tried his own special doctors' ideas for rehabilitating his shoulder and arm, and it didn't work?

Bryan mentions in a Summerslam radio show that he's against GMOs and vaccinations and "things done in a lab"

Follow the money. Bryan could be making a fortune right now, coming back and selling WWE merchandise, but he isn't. Why would WWE not want to make money.

Because the end is nigh for Bryan. The real doctors see it.


Follow the money. His doctors say he's clear and should wrestle, but WWE's say no? Why would this be?

Bryan tried his own special doctors' ideas for rehabilitating his shoulder and arm, and it didn't work?

Bryan mentions in a Summerslam radio show that he's against GMOs and vaccinations and "things done in a lab"

Follow the money. Bryan could be making a fortune right now, coming back and selling WWE merchandise, but he isn't. Why would WWE not want to make money.

Because the end is nigh for Bryan. The real doctors see it.

Its not like there isn't a history of Vince not wanting to make money.

Look at the invasion angle for example.

They could have fucking had the Goldberg vs Austin rivalry that the world wanted to see.

Hell the could have fucking brought Macho in earlier.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Its not like there isn't a history of Vince not wanting to make money.

Look at the invasion angle for example.

They could have fucking had the Goldberg vs Austin rivalry that the world wanted to see.

Hell the could have fucking brought Macho in earlier.

How does this apply to Bryan's group of shamans?
If Vince actually wanted to make money he wouldn't let creative cut the legs off of half the roster anytime someone gets any kind of momentum (Ryder, Sandow, Bryan, Ziggler, Owens, Bray)

But think of all the lanterns they were able to sell when Bray wasn't a joke!

It's a short-term minded company based on the carny mindset of moving on to the next town so forget about building for the future. You can take the carny motherfucker out of the dirt and dress him in tailored suits, but you can't make him less of a carny motherfucker.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sandow was never a money maker. That's just crazy. Same with Ziggler.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
He'd make more money when he's over than when he's not over. Something is still way better than nothing.

"We can either make these Suplex City shirts, or a Sandow shirt"

That ain't a choice, BROTHER


Sasha Banks is on Y2J's show this week

Really good interview and kinda nuts how similar their experiences were in going to wrestle.

Also Sasha was a huge Eddie fan and was at the raw tribute show after he passed with a "I love Eddie" sign not knowing that he had passed away.
Barrett has 2 new t-shirts while they were making him job every week.

It still blows my mind that WWE doesn't make any polo shirts, golf gear, or office shit
Who would really wear that to be honest, I mean people are embarrassed enough to be seen in regular wrestling tees.


I think at best, Sandow would be in the position where Barrett and Stardust are in now. He wasn't really that great a wrestler, he was good in talking I'll give him that.

While he probably has the most interesting feud going into SummerSlam, Stardust is another guy who should be way better off at this point in his career. Cody Rhodes is another one of those people I would be 100% okay with winning the Royal Rumble
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