Julia Kristeva came up with a fascinating and canonical treatise of the way women create, repel, and expel a terror that she calls the abject. Her point, in a nutshell, is that subjecthood is largely self contained, but within the margins, there are places that have been cast off. The example she uses is how a cadaver goes from subject to object. So say you see a dead body, and you simultaneously identify with (as a reaffirmation of your subjecthood) and reject the corpse because it represents a loss of that subjecthood.I'd give her a rim job after she ate taco bell and laxatives.
So bringing this back to you, you're clearly saying you want to consume Kaitlyn's feces. Which is very similar to the way the corpse operates in Kristeva's treatise right? Poop was once food, poop is gross, food is life, poop is death. So once you connect abjection to sexual pleasure it makes perfect sense, it's the purest expression of desire. In essence, "I want her so badly that i want to embrace that which i cast off, that which threatens my being."