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August Wrasslin |OT| The Sunday of Summer

He has the easiest claim to it. Him and Vince are the best two characters of the Attitude Era and none of the other guys are even close.

The only real qualm with Stone Cold is he just gets lamer and lamer until the heel turn. He goes from Real Ass Stone Cold to Still Real But More Of A Face Stone Cold to CATCH PHRASES ALL THE TIME 3:16

Basically. Once Vince became a less prominent fixture as THE HEEL, Austin seemed kinda.. aimless? He was still great, but he was at his best with Vince. Then the Rock started getting bigger. Trips started nipping at their heels, Jericho etc; the roster got stacked and fast. Other people were just doing more interesting stuff than Austin.

Then towards the end, as Data said, it was just WHAT. BOTTOM LINE. STONE COLD SAID SO. 3:16. ARRIVE RAISE HELL LEAVE. etc; But he was Stone Cold Steve Austin, and we loved him so he got a pass.
I could see him immediately being plugged into the Makabe/Ishii eternal NEVER title scene. Especially after that match he just had with Ishii.

I think he is going to feud with Goto for a while to give the Intercontinental title some flavor, but he would be a good NEVER title contender, hes match with Ishii was great and he could have an awesome match whit Makabe, but it seems Ibushi is going to feud with him for a while.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
He has the easiest claim to it. Him and Vince are the best two characters of the Attitude Era and none of the other guys are even close.

The only real qualm with Stone Cold is he just gets lamer and lamer until the heel turn. He goes from Real Ass Stone Cold to Still Real But More Of A Face Stone Cold to CATCH PHRASES ALL THE TIME 3:16

He's an incredible catch phrase toting, beer swilling, vehicle riding, still being kinda evil stunning people at random face though.
Saw a guy with a Roman Reig ns T shirt today.

What a brave man.



WWE show was pretty good. Started with Eden announcing that due to injury, Cena wouldn't be there, and the boos immediately rained down, such that you could barely hear her say that refunds were available if desired. Lots of disappointed kids. He was supposed to face Owens, who came out and mocked Cena, and then talked about how shit Detroit was. This led into Jericho entering, and they had a match after a couple flat minutes of back and forth chat. Okay match, won by Jericho after countering the pop-up powerbomb with a half-botched codebreaker.

Six man tag with Sandow/Axel/Ryder against Matadors/Bo Dallas followed, won by Sandow and co. Parent behind me: What's he saying? Bo-lieve? Small kid: That's his name! Bo Lieve! Sheamus squashed Fandango in about 15 seconds, didn't even bother to take his shirt off. He then cut a promo shitting on Detroit as well, and his eventual cash in. Crowd got a "you look stupid" chant going, which he responded to by pointing out various audience members and saying they looked stupid. <shrugs>

Neville then beat Stardust in a meh match. Neville took forever to line up the Red Arrow. New Day vs PTP next, won by PTP. Pretty fun match. Big E was great as the guy on the outside.

After the break, divas tag match between Brie/Alicia Fox and Charlotte/Paige with Becky at ringside. Generally a decent match, won by Charlotte after getting Alicia in her Figure 4. Biggest pop of the match was the crowd yes-ing to Brie doing the Bryan kicks. Cesaro vs Rusev was next, and Rusev dominated most of the match, until Lana came out after Summer Rae distracted Cesaro from going for a pin. She ran Summer into a ringpost, and Cesaro got the surprise roll-up win while Rusev was distracted. Crowd popped big time for Lana. Cesaro then stole Rusev's flag and ran off to the back with it, with Rusev trundling after in pursuit. Not as good a match as I'd have hoped but okay.

People apparently had no idea Ambrose-Rollins match was last, as quite a few people began filing out, rushing back to their seats when Ambrose's music hit. Ambrose got maybe the biggest pop of the night. Seth attacked before the bell, and the match began. Pretty enjoyable 20-plus minutes, with the expected chair/kendo stick/table spots. WWE needs to buy better tables; Rollins pulled out two tables that had the leg fixtures falling off of them, even spending a good 10-15 seconds trying to get one to stay on. Crowd got a laugh out of that. Ambrose hit Shitty Deeds to go for the pin when Sheamus ran in to pull him off and act like he was cashing in. Ambrose knocked Sheamus out of the ring only to have Seth pedigree him for the win. Ambrose then attacked Sheamus before posing for a lot of selfies in the crowd as people left.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
He's an incredible catch phrase toting, beer swilling, vehicle riding, still being kinda evil stunning people at random face though.

Eh. I think Hogan's better if you just want a catch phrase spewing machine just because it's like 'well that's what the goofy good guy does.' where as the badass drunken redneck constantly catch phrasing and not really going anywhere with his promos other than 'i am going to beat your ass and give me a hell yeah' where it all just sounded like a soundboard, it makes it more noticeable.

And stunning people all the time just became 'oh that quirky Stone Cold!' Nothing like the evil redneck that stuck pictures of Monsoon and Jim Ross's face to a taxidermy animal and shot it with a fucking shotgun or who got thrown out of the building when he tried to take it over.

98 to 99 Stone Cold is soft.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Eh. I think Hogan's better if you just want a catch phrase spewing machine just because it's like 'well that's what the goofy good guy does.' where as the badass drunken redneck constantly catch phrasing and not really going anywhere with his promos other than 'i am going to beat your ass and give me a hell yeah' where it all just sounded like a soundboard, it makes it more noticeable.

And stunning people all the time just became 'oh that quirky Stone Cold!' Nothing like the evil redneck that stuck pictures of Monsoon and Jim Ross's face to a taxidermy animal and shot it with a fucking shotgun or who got thrown out of the building when he tried to take it over.

98 to 99 Stone Cold is soft.

I can't disagree with his softness but he's still a captivating face. You really notice how...off the product feels when he takes that year off even if he was getting a bit rote.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I would say Austin only ever had 2 really great feuds too. Directly with Vince(not counting all the aimless corporation 'in-feuds' talking about Austin directly feuding with Vince) and Bret. I know people like to say my way of the highway wickity wickity wickity, but I feel like the only truly great things about those feuds were 'hey here's our biggest guy and here's our second biggest guy and they're wrestling'

Like I can't remember a single promo between the two. Where as I can remember 'I'm about to take out fifteen years of frustration and being pissed off out on your ass'
Maybe it's just me, but with both real ass stone cold and then his turn at wm 17, Steve just seemed to have so much more, I don't know, FUN being a heel. Most of his time as a big face it just seemed like he showed up, did his segment, and left. But when he was a heel there was just so much fire in his promos, his facial expressions, everything.

Bonus stone cold beating up Tazz


Welp, Vanessa Kraven was in the ring for about three seconds before chants of "Sit on my face" and "Trans-Vaness-tite". Thanks for ruining my night wrestling fans.

I would say Austin only ever had 2 really great feuds too. Directly with Vince(not counting all the aimless corporation 'in-feuds' talking about Austin directly feuding with Vince) and Bret. I know people like to say my way of the highway wickity wickity wickity, but I feel like the only truly great things about those feuds were 'hey here's our biggest guy and here's our second biggest guy and they're wrestling'

Like I can't remember a single promo between the two. Where as I can remember 'I'm about to take out fifteen years of frustration and being pissed off out on your ass'

Not a straight promo per-se, but this was really good.

Interview with JR before WM17
Maybe it's just me, but with both real ass stone cold and then his turn at wm 17, Steve just seemed to have so much more, I don't know, FUN being a heel. Most of his time as a big face it just seemed like he showed up, did his segment, and left. But when he was a heel there was just so much fire in his promos, his facial expressions, everything.

Bonus stone cold beating up Tazz

Every wrestler says they love being heel more than face. More freedom
Dolph Ziggler hasn't accomplished much, for all his bluster and bragging, but his MitB cash-in is, I think, the best. The crowd was hype, he was in GREAT shape at the time, he and del Rio managed to build drama and unpredictability into it, and AJ and Big E really sold the whole thing with their facial expressions and body language.

Incidentally, I think Big E has proven with New Day that he deserves a shot at being a top guy. His finisher sucks ass, but he's got so much charisma and finally figured out how to bring his goofy Instagram self to the screen without undercutting his credibility as an intimidating strong man. He could be a great complement to Reigns' more stoic, driven character, if they play their cards right.


Atlantis challenged La Sombra to a Mask vs Mask match

Stop. Stop it. You've already ruined enough cool masks you cunt

No one thinks this is actually happening in that form. It's gonna be a cage match that will include Atlantis, Sombra, Thunder, Ultimor Guerrero, Maximo, rey Bucanero and some other random people. It will boil down to Thunder vs Ultimo Guerrero. Trust me, CMLL actually likes building these out and 5 weeks is not enough time. They're not gonna AAA their big show
No one thinks this is actually happening in that form. It's gonna be a cage match that will include Atlantis, Sombra, Thunder, Ultimor Guerrero, Maximo, rey Bucanero and some other random people. It will boil down to Thunder vs Ultimo Guerrero. Trust me

I think Bryan mentioned it in that Bryan/Vinny Triplemania review I posted. It's not even an exaggeration, nobody buys that the match is happening, and everyone expects it to delve into a clusterfuck of grade-A proportions.


Yeah, i mean, you think WWE treats its audience like idiots? Watch CMLL try to convince people that feuds and matches will happen
I don't know why I'm watching Great American Bash '99 but Curt Hennig just opened it up by shitting on the entire No Limit posse to their faces like it was nothing.


First time watching wrestling in a good while. Doing it with the latest free ROH ep on their site. ACH vs. Watanabe was a fun opener. Really high impact, maybe too high impact given their size.
The Rollins/Ambrose match was ok. I just hated that damn swerve despite how cool it looked. Maybe I'm old school and expected Ambrose to murder Rollins throughout the cell.

That swerve ending made me so damn mad, I'm still a little pissy about it tbh. Ambrose deserved to get his vengeance!
The rollins / Ambrose feud was baffling in the sense that the booking was tailor made for Ambrose to have his vengeance and then it just fizzled out.
I think the idea was basically that Ambrose had beaten Rollins to a pulp by that point, so Bray fucking with the end didn't REALLY interfere with the vengeance aspect. Rollins was protected, and Dean had his next feud.

The problem, of course, is that WWE tries to have its cake and eat it, too, using wins and losses as a measure of how "protected" superstars are while simultaneously trying to keep them strong when they lose. Like Dean vs. Show recently, where Dean got his ass kicked but somehow was supposed to look "strong" because he walked away from the confrontation after Big Show speared himself through a barrier or some shit. WWE has reached some kind of fucked-up equilibrium where wins and losses are simultaneously VERY important, in the sense that it's only when someone wins a lot that you can give a shit about them, and extremely unimportant, in the sense that you know that almost any win is going to be counterbalanced with a loss later, which is incredible.

Edit: On an unrelated note, former Wrassle GAFfer strobogo has a 60-episode web series in which he just beats the shit out of Konnan on some WCW video game. I think we'll soon read of some Hoosier saving a young girl from an inner city prostitution ring, or something.
Ambrose was hot as fuck too. Putting aside any feelings about Ambrose as a performer, if he finally got his win the roof would've blown off the place. Y'know, the way they did in the last TWO false finishes.

Ironically, Ambrose winning would have been best for business.
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