Arkham City is good but it's not even the best Arkham game (Asylum is)
I can safely say that my Movie of the Year is easily Mad Max Fury Road, however. That movie is safely in the discussion for one of the all time great action movies
I can safely say that my Movie of the Year is easily Mad Max Fury Road, however. That movie is safely in the discussion for one of the all time great action movies
The more open world nature of City got a bit tedious and the entire last act of the story is an absolute fucking mess. It's like someone told Paul Dini "I bet you cant put X amount of pointless plot twists into the ending" and he responded with challenge accepted.
That's a surprising option. Regarding hearing and disability, I'm super psyched that AbleGamers have released a nice checklist for devs so they can make their games easier to access for people with any kind of issue. That shit is important and a lot of it is nearly effortless, people just forget because they may have no issues, but a little time can make a world of difference.
Jurassic World for me unless I see Straight Outta Compton soon :/.
Arkham Knight can suck it. TERRIBLE ending.
You guys need to see rogue nation.Cruise Missle with a strike
I have a hard time with subs for WWE in-ring action. Combo of it all coming too late, and being words I don't necessarily care about.
Gwent is a Kideo of the Year nominee, Witcher 3 isn't.
Witcher 3 was rad, epically when that game gets going. Gwent is amazing.
Need to return to Bloodborne at some point.
The more I let Jurassic World sink in the more I think I was actually disappointed by it. The first half of the movie was an interesting Jurassic Park sequel and then the second half is a pretty good monster movie but kind of a shitty Jurassic Park movie.
I do want to see Straight Outta Compton though, that looks good. Also, Ant-Man might be my #2 movie of the year. That shit was FnP as fuck.
Why does the Arkham franchise seem cursed to shitty endings?
¡HarlequinPanic!;175725054 said:think I'm over rocket league brehs:
Could I put Killer Instinct as my game of the year for the past three years?
Mad Max is the best film of the year in a terrible year for film. Increasingly I find myself looking to decades past for new films to watch, rather than going to see the latest over-hyped, CG-heavy, shallow and ultimately unsatisfying shitfest, but Mad Max was a genuine surprise -
Mad Max is the best film of the year in a terrible year for film. Increasingly I find myself looking to decades past for new films to watch, rather than going to see the latest over-hyped, CG-heavy, shallow and ultimately unsatisfying shitfest, but Mad Max was a genuine surprise - it's obviously very action packed, but I delighted in how bizarre and how unconcerned it was with answering questions about the world in which it was set. Super light on exposition, it was the definition of what an action film should be and, once it was over, I immediately wanted to watch it again. I haven't been able to say that about a new film in the longest time.
In order to earn GOTY status, a game has to surpass my previous GOTY in terms of quality.
I haven't had a GOTY since 2004's MGS3.
Mad Max is the best film of the year in a terrible year for film. Increasingly I find myself looking to decades past for new films to watch, rather than going to see the latest over-hyped, CG-heavy, shallow and ultimately unsatisfying shitfest, but Mad Max was a genuine surprise - it's obviously very action packed, but I delighted in how bizarre and how unconcerned it was with answering questions about the world in which it was set. Super light on exposition, it was the definition of what an action film should be and, once it was over, I immediately wanted to watch it again. I haven't been able to say that about a new film in the longest time.
Jenks > your faves
I'm part of the problem; the only two films I've seen at the cinema this year are Age of Ultron and Ant-Man. I was moving house and thus broke when Fury Road was out, so I intend on grabbing it on Blu-Ray and doing a Mad Max marathon over Christmas.
If they made a Gwent iOS/Android app, they could make some serious money.
"Witcher 3 wouldn't have been possible without the console market" is wrong.
Witcher 3 would have been possible with sweet F2P mobile money. Gwent packs...
I want to watch more Cyberpunk movies. Anime as well.
I've never been able to get into Blade Runner for some reason :/
I've never been able to get into Blade Runner for some reason :/
I want to watch more Cyberpunk movies. Anime as well.
I watched Hardware from 1990 the other night. I think you'd enjoy it on two levels. It's not a magnificent movie but it has some good things. Looks like an old Front Line Assembly music video which works in its favor.
I never do Movie of the Year stuff because I rarely catch new films, I prefer to just get to stuff whenever, so I'll just do a Fave Five.
5. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - in a way I liked Temple of Doom more as it was more pulpy, but Last Crusade is absolutely EVERYTHING I love about Indiana Jones in a long-ass movie. The best!
4. Groundhog Day - expertly written and performed, clever, everything
3. Predator - taut thriller that hits all the right notes
2. Conan the Barbarian - nearly perfect, music especially (Serpent Temple music that wasn't on the soundtrack is EXCEPTIONAL)
1. Magnolia - unbelievable
Jumbo Tsuruta vs Big Bossman from '88;
Surly Jumbo cooperates throughout, but is visibly annoyed at Bubba's shitness (he was only 3 years into his career at this point) and poor selling of the patented Jumbo high knee. The final straw comes when Bubba messes up the cobra twist, so Jumbo takes him to the mat and grapplefucks his ankle to pieces. Doesn't look like the planned finish, the ref's confused and Bubba seems to be in a ton of pain. This was Bubba's last night of the tour and they'd been building towards the match with a number of tags, but there Bubba's deficiencies had been effectively disguised by Snuka & Brody, whereas here he was on his own, inexperienced and wrestling a guy with little patience for his inability in a rather embarrassing semi-main event. Incidentally, the main event of this show was Brody's last ever match in All Japan, his death occurring just two months later.
Last Crusade is quite possibly the perfect adventure movie (I'd also say its a dark horse candidate for Steven Spielberg's best movie). I also think Temple of Doom gets way more hate than it deserves (it has way better pacing than Raiders did).