Stephanie is better at strong style than Nikki. That's not a dig, either. Steph's last match was amazing.
Steph versus modern day Nikki would be the best hoss fight ever.
Stephanie is better at strong style than Nikki. That's not a dig, either. Steph's last match was amazing.
Stephanie is better at strong style than Nikki. That's not a dig, either. Steph's last match was amazing.
I'm a era where Orton is a 12 time champand edge is 8. Triple H has 14.
WWE titles are like the economy over inflated. Cena having 16 makes sense due to this
I appreciate the in depth write up of the issues you have with the storyline, and I think that really gets to the crux of where our different schools of thought are. You're concerned about "in-universe" implications, themes, purpose, direction - and that's all fine, that's all very valid stuff. While I'm not very hot on the storyline for the same reasons you stated, with the bigger picture involved (that I'm really placing a LOT more of my enthusiasm on) has me excited for what the future will bring. Yeah, it's WWE, and yeah, they fuck it up, but there's some hope.
Things like "Why would you have Stephanie come introduce them like she's the star?" bothers a lot of people, but it doesn't bother me - because it's at least a chance. It shows that they're willing to put them front and center in important things with an important figure from the back office and on-screen.
Will WWE fuck up their story? I'm sure they will, whether it's on purpose, due to extenuating circumstances, or completely accidentally, I'm sure it's going to get a little worse. But I'm psyched and pleased that the bigger picture is opening up, and people, especially little girls, can have their role models be more than Kelly Kelly's old character. That's where I place the value, and due to that I can handwave all the in-universe shit that isn't necessarily logical. It's driving some real change forward, change I think we all can appreciate.
Now I wanna watch some GLOW...
I'm a era where Orton is a 12 time champand edge is 8. Triple H has 14.
WWE titles are like the economy over inflated. Cena having 16 makes sense due to this
Sign Amazing Kong and MMAksana back, team them with Nikki Bella and Stephanie McMahon, and you have the real Four Horsewomen.
TV ratings are no longer a valid measuring stick with so many people giving it up to watch on the internet or on youtube. I'm in my 30s and Cena's dope. Plenty of other people feel that way.Cena posting on the internet about how the internet hates him has to be some next level dumb shit.
Anyway, Cena with that promo just cemented himself, again, as the biggest heel in the company. The "underdog" that never loses, that half the people hate him yet he doesn't care.
Cena might be the face of the company but he is the face of a company that's stagnant with record-low ratings and it's viewed by the majority of the people as a joke. Is it that good to be a face of that?
Cena isn't cool for anyone over the age of 10. He isn't a Flair, a Macho Man, a Rock or Stone Cold. He is a cartoon that most grown up people see as a joke.
So yeah, he is the face of wrestling and we are all worse for it.
TV ratings are no longer a valid measuring stick with so many people giving it up to watch on the internet or on youtube. I'm in my 30s and Cena's dope. Plenty of other people feel that way.
It's great. He's great.
One thing I can say about Tana...despite his Cena like ways, at least dude is aware of his top position and rolls with the punches. Everytime Cena opens his mouth, it's like the guy just don't get it. He don't want to acknowledge the fact that he really is a dynasty and tries to play underdog for the last fucking decade. Why keep putting your top tier status under the rug because of the Internet and just admit you are the modern day Bruno. I can't stand when he does the whole "underachiever' shit.
Cena is the opposite of dope. His character that is.
He is a walking billboard and a superman type of character. He has no weaknesses and never loses. It's literally the opposite of a good character or an interesting one.
But yeah, you like Cena, ratings don't matter and WWE is doing great and is super popular with him at his helm.
Cena deserves it. One thing I always admire is how he can get every arena he is in involved in his promos. Whether the crowd hates him or is completely apathetic, by the time he's done everyone is into it. He said it best last night saying "half saying I suck half saying I don't, but non of them say a thing about you" has been true for years.
TV ratings are no longer a valid measuring stick with so many people giving it up to watch on the internet or on youtube. I'm in my 30s and Cena's dope. Plenty of other people feel that way.
It's great. He's great.
One thing I can say about Tana...despite his Cena like ways, at least dude is aware of his top position and rolls with the punches. Everytime Cena opens his mouth, it's like the guy just don't get it. He don't want to acknowledge the fact that he really is a dynasty and tries to play underdog for the last fucking decade. Why keep putting your top tier status under the rug because of the Internet and just admit you are the modern day Bruno. I can't stand when he does the whole "underachiever' shit.
Other guy: "Vince, our ratings are down"
Other guy: "Vince, the Cena/Owens segment was the highest rated portion of the show"
You don't like Batista. Marinate on THAT!
And he ALWAYS has them eating out of his hand by the end. People get played like a fiddle. It's really fascinating to watch how he does it.
His promos are the text book definition of tone deaf. He doesn't understand why people don't like him and continues to do those awful underdog promos like they make any sense.
And then the heels sell them for some reason and I just can't take any segment with him seriously.
you really want to test a guys draw?
Hype up a big matchup for the title for 2 weeks on Raw for a smackdown match.
ITS A GAME OF DEATHThe New York Times ‏@nytimes
Jon Stewart to enjoy retirement by hosting WWE's SummerSlam tournament
Ah man SummerSlam is a tournament now? :/
His promos are the text book definition of tone deaf. He doesn't understand why people don't like him and continues to do those awful underdog promos like they make any sense.
And then the heels sell them for some reason and I just can't take any segment with him seriously.
I guess we should seriously have this discussion.
John Cena. 16 time world heavyweight champion. Deserving?
I say absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt he is what wrestling is today, and his influence is felt to a huge degree. Everyone looks to him and says "Well if you want to see what being the champion is about, look at Cena." Why? Charity. Hard work. His character. It's all there. He's seriously perfect for that.
Not a knock on anyone else, but he absolutely will be leaving behind a huge legacy and has made the wrestling world, and real world, better for it.
Not that I disagree with you, but do you rememberMaybe Cena himself, but as far as those 15 title reigns go, how many of them do you remember a single thing about?
Now you could say "how many of Flair's title reigns do you remember stuff about" but then again Flair's real number is somewhere over 20, across a lot of promotions.
Batista was dope despite the hatred towards him. I remember when dudes use to hate his guts during his ruthless aggression days. Once Tista became heel it was glorious.
Hell even his 2014 run was amazing. We need more powerhouses in wrestling that do it for the checks rather than playing the "good guy" all of the time.
Character wise Cena is the most boring version of the "WWE Superman" character yet, and it's not even close. Hogan, Hart, Austin, and Rock were way less static as characters in comparison to Cena. It's hard to compare Cena's character to Bruno's character though considering how vastly different wrestling was then.
Cena will save us from all of these low #RollinsEra ratings.
What if Cena wins and Sheamus cashes in MITB?
Maybe Cena himself, but as far as those 15 title reigns go, how many of them do you remember a single thing about?
Now you could say "how many of Flair's title reigns do you remember stuff about" but then again Flair's real number is somewhere over 20, across a lot of promotions.
I find it's the same for Orton. Apparently Orton is a 12 time champion. What does anyone remember about these many reigns?
I find it's the same for Orton. Apparently Orton is a 12 time champion. What does anyone remember about these many reigns?
his first reign was cool, with evolution and everything
after that it was cena-orton-cena-orton-cena-orton-edge-cena-orton
Boring or simple and clean? They intersect so much - you could say the Zayn/Owens feud was boring, and simple. But it wasn't. I dunno. Maybe Ithil has some thoughts later...
Long title reign need important feuds. A blood rival, if necessary. For instance, CM Punk had that super long reign, but what happened during it? None of his feuds were anything memorable. Unless you want to say getting pushed through a table by a Diva counts. They need to go back and forth with the strap. Not no Triple H-Orton-Cena type of shit they did on Raw years back, but it needs to move. It creates a buzz, especially if the story dictates it.