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August Wrasslin |OT| The Sunday of Summer



lol at Hornswoggle getting a clean pin win in a dark match in his hometown 24 hours after Brock gets a main event dick kick from an old man in his hometown
I don't think Amanda understands how people who are voting for this show think. Calling Sara a ring rat and admitting to acting like a bitch is not a good strategy to win a popular vote.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Tell me I'm alone in this but did anyone listen to Cena's promo on Monday night and go, hmm, I kinda want Cena to fight HHH at Wrestlemania?
Tell me I'm alone in this but did anyone listen to Cena's promo on Monday night and go, hmm, I kinda want Cena to fight HHH at Wrestlemania?

Sadly I kinda have. A few others brought that up to. Cena Vs. HHH in Trips' attempt to keep Cena from surpassing Flair "If you win, you beat Flair! If I win, however... You can NEVER challenge for the world title for as long as you're in the WWE.".

Cena wins tho

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Boy, the WWE ran "Suplex City" into the ground faster than NeoGAF runs a new meme into the ground. Its like Lesnar's least impressive move anyways.


Triple H announced some more NXT matches for Saturday. I imagine most of these will be for the television taping afterwards, since I can't see them fitting all these matches into two hours.


Shit... Dillinger is gonna lose that one... man. Give me a 10 star match, Dillinger!!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I don't recall Lesnar always having a mandatory spot where he does 10 suplexes either because that is the dumbest shit ever. None of his moves are protected anyways since every recent Lesnar match is Lesnar on offense 90% of the time, so everyone has to kick out of the F5 and suplexes just to make the match take longer.

* SmackDown opens with pyro and a match - Ryback vs. Big Show. They fight to the floor and Ryback clotheslines Show through the barrier at the timekeeper's area. The match ends in a double count out.
* The New Day defeated Los Matadores and El Torito in a six-man match. The end came when Big E hit the running splash on Torito and Woods tagged in for the pin.
* Dolph Ziggler and Lana come to the ring for a promo. He talks about how he missed Lana and the first thing she said to him when he came back was to "crush those bastards." They start kissing in the middle of the ring but get interrupted by the Bulgarian flag with Rusev's face dropping down over the ring. Rusev comes out and says he's going to break Ziggler like a jig-saw puzzle at SummerSlam and crush him. Ziggler says he's going to kick Rusev's teeth in and "steal Rusev's girlfriend, the real one." Ziggler's music hits to end the promo.
* Neville defeated Bo Dallas with the Red Arrow.
* Alicia Fox cuts a promo with The Bella Twins about Nikki Bella's Divas Title reign. Brie Bella rips the Divas Revolution. Team BAD interrupts with Naomi and Sasha Banks cutting promos about how they will win at SummerSlam. Sasha says Brie has been riding Daniel Bryan's success. Becky Lynch comes out with Charlotte and interrupts Sasha, saying her team will win at SummerSlam. We've got a Triple Threat match next.
* Brie defeated Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch in a Triple Threat when she rolled up Becky.
* Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Cesaro cut promos backstage about their SummerSlam matches.
* Orton, Ambrose, Reigns and Cesaro defeated Sheamus, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper and Kevin Owens in the main event. The match started with Sheamus and Orton. The heels controlled most of the match with a lot of quick tags. Ambrose got a hot tag and hit Dirty Deeds on Harper for the pin. The babyfaces celebrated to end SmackDown.


I posted this in the aftermath of Undertaker's dickish behavior in ruining Lesnar's championship victory and then further dickish behavior by kicking Lesnar in the dick, but in watching Raw now, it's only reaffirmed...

Lesnar is going to be a massive face on Sunday. He'd have to murder Derek Jeter to get BK to boo.


I need more information about this Sara Lee ring rat business. If its Apollo Crews,push her to the moon (its not Apollo Crews).

Smyle is a great name for a jobber diva, though.


Doubt that shit was true. Bad move by amanda. Stupid move.

She's done regardless. Amanda may be better in every area but Lee is different and that's enough.

Our best hope is Sara/Josh as winner. Amanda will get a contract regardless. Sad thing is, you could at least have ZZ host Culture Shock. I can't think of a single thing Lee would be good at.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
"Well, I've been asked for a Legends contract," said Steiner. "Unfortunately, my lawyer explained to me that it's not worth the paper it's written on."
I do wonder how shitty the Legends deal paydays are. Especially now that we know how poorly they pay most their developmental. Legends contract probably comes with a 'you should be grateful you're still alive' right next to where they sign.
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