Raw as three hours is locked in until at least 2018.
3 hour Raw needs to die in a fucking fire.
Godbless not living in the States, I cannot imagine the amount of mental turmoil is caused to ones psyche by watching Raw live, with ads, for 3 hours.
Raw as three hours is locked in until at least 2018.
3 hour Raw needs to die in a fucking fire.
I wish this were an indy poster.
I'm not seeing the explosive excitement over WWE Supercard season 2, friends.
You know, I have to say that while I didn't initially like Arrow, Amell's passion for the character has made me consider going back to it.
Do it.
Season 1 is good even though it's bogged down with some CW melodrama. Season 2 is #BigFightFeel. I haven't seen Season 3 but I've heard it's kind of meh compared to the previous season. But, he does crossover with The Flash.
Oh shit I LOVED this game. Can you play it offline? I can't remember. I can't use my data right now.I wish this were an indy poster.
I'm not seeing the explosive excitement over WWE Supercard season 2, friends.
Raw as three hours is locked in until at least 2018.
3 hour Raw needs to die in a fucking fire.
Smackdown moving there?If USA channel keeps paying decent money to WWE to stay at three hours...
But the landscape for wrestling and USA channel may change at 2018. Maybe USA channel says "we'll pay but just not for three hours" and both parties may be better off. But I'm not sure what they are thinking though because that channel is getting two more hours of wrestling starting next January...
Smackdown moving there?
Hopefully the next step is live. Can't believe it's not live in 2015.
If USA channel keeps paying decent money to WWE to stay at three hours...
But the landscape for wrestling and USA channel may change at 2018. Maybe USA channel says "we'll pay but just not for three hours" and both parties may be better off. But I'm not sure what they are thinking though because that channel is getting two more hours of wrestling starting next January...
Hopefully the next step is live. Can't believe it's not live in 2015.
Bowser, have you listened to this week's edition of the Cheap Heat Podcast starring Heel Rosenberg, Heel Shoemaker, and Greg the Virgin Valentine?
It's high comedy for the entire runtime. Cena as the WWE's drunk dad, challenging Seth Rollins to fight "you're such a big man huh kid, TAKE A SWING", is the best gimmick idea for Cena in years.
niceWrestling is back on the mainstream upswing friends.
I have not yet! Will do so on my subway ride home today.
Did you see Heel Rosenberg separated his shoulder in some charity softball game?!
What a mark.
USA shows are usually forgettable milquetoast garbage. They had Burn Notice, the lower mid card wrestler of TV shows along with ncis.
Nash/Punk/HHH was hilarious. People swore things were changing in the company with Punk's rise, and unlike every other time people have sworn things were changing in the company, they weren't proven wrong a year or two later, they were proven wrong immediately
Scared Miz might touch them.
one of the first results is this
not sure what to think
What's Christian up to?
He could be the Blue (Dot) Arrow.
Isn't Christian also on Haven? I believe they just got cancelled but are coming back to finish up the final season first?
They need to port Immortals to the console engine. That'd be dope.Speaking of WWE mobile games, Immortals keeps getting new characters and skins. Say hello to Bateaster.
They need to port Immortals to the console engine. That'd be dope.
Hey Boots, you'll watch LDN on Demand so we can laugh and I don't have to, right? http://www.ldncapitaltv.com/
In other BritWres news, here's a full show. I haven't watched, so can't vouch for quality, but it has Rampage vs Damo and a Chris Hero match.
You mean you don't want to watch J.P. Monroe face Yorghos?Fuck no! World of Sport style with none of the charm and excitement of the original. I think the style of wrestling can have its place in today's market, but LDN present it in the worst possible way.