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Who will never get out of NXT?
Who will never get out of NXT?
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Who will never get out of NXT?
Just picked up a NWA Fight Nation show (https://vimeo.com/ondemand/warontheshore) to see what they're about. 3.50 w/ coupon FIGHTFIGHT. Can't go too badly with that lineup and an Ospreay/Scurll main event.
Tyler BreezeName names, friends:
Who will never get out of NXT?
Name names, friends:
Who will never get out of NXT?
Watched that a few weeks back, the main event's the best thing on the card by some margin, but it wasn't a bad show - was impressed by Tom Dawkins, he's got a unique style, definitely want to see more of him.
Name names, friends:
Who will never get out of NXT?
Name names, friends:
Who will never get out of NXT?
Tye DillingerName names, friends:
Who will never get out of NXT?
Name names, friends:
Who will never get out of NXT?
Name names, friends:
Who will never get out of NXT?
Heel continued to bring that into the next generation, too. Check the kick on ol' Sephzilla.
Speaking of NWA, did you sub to NWA Classics, and are you still subbing? And if so, have you been loving it, or...eh?
Name names, friends:
Who will never get out of NXT?
Name names, friends:
Who will never get out of NXT?
Name names, friends:
Who will never get out of NXT?
Hey Boots, you'll watch LDN on Demand so we can laugh and I don't have to, right? http://www.ldncapitaltv.com/
In other BritWres news, here's a full show. I haven't watched, so can't vouch for quality, but it has Rampage vs Damo and a Chris Hero match.
EDIT: Found a card:
Lewis Girvan vs Michael Chase
Kid Fite & Davey Blaze vs Wild Lions (Andy Wilde & Johnny Lions)
Lionheart vs BT Gunn vs Christopher Saynt vs Danny Boy Rodgers
Rampage Brown vs Damian OConnor
Grado vs Lou King Sharp
The Bae Club (Sammii Jayne & Debbie Sharpe) vs Viper
Chris Hero vs Joe Coffey
Man, my boy Tye Dillinger is a talented dude. If he works on this 'perfect 10' character and runs with it, I think we can finally see him on TV next year. He was in WWE ECW TV for a short while, got released, didn't come back to WWE for four years.
Breeze is also ready... but man is he going to get wrecked when he hits the main roster. So is Bull Dempsey and his lovely '#BullFit' gimmick.
Tanahashi vehemently not a hugger, apparently (re post match w/Nakamura)Also doesn't like handshakes in wrestling in general
Tanahashi 'A post match handshake often undoes all the work and drama you've done in the match, it comes to nothing
Tana relates an anecdote in ROH, match w/Redragon started with a handshake offered and he just kinda thought 'WTF is this
Tana ceaselessly puts over Styles, despite saying his hair makes him look like a 'student' and then 'one of the Beatles'
Tana 'anyone, anywhere in the world can look at AJ and say "he's the best". He is the best in the world. I want to take that title for me'
Tana puts over AJ's psychology over and above his move set, says he gives people a reason to invest even if there's no backstory to a match.
They switch to Elgin, and praise his work here. Tana 'his Japanese performances have been way better than in America'
Tana 'my (ROH) match with Elgin really wasn't that good, and I was wondering whether it was my fault or his'
Name names, friends.
Who will never make it out of WrassleGAF?
Name names, friends.
Who will never make it out of WrassleGAF?
Not me, I'm posting topics on gaming-side!
You'll be back in BaNxT in no time
I'll never get banned again. WrassleGAF is in pretty good form right now.
You don't (Usually) get banned for posting in here unless nudes of swole dudes happen.
Chris Charlton put up on his twitter a translations from a Tanahashi on a pocast. Its very interesting.
On Sportsmanship:
On AJ Styles:
I can't find the Sin Cara No Mercy gif. A shameful thing.
Wrong. You only get banned here if someone cries.
Omerta is real. Take care of it in-house.
Yes I'm still upset
let's test it : you know what I hate?
The Last of Us
Naughty Dogs
LTTP threads